Jack Eaton Memorandum To City Council Re: Resolution Designating An Urban Park Location On The Library Lot Site

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Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Mayor and City Council Council Member Jack Eaton March 11,

2014 Resolution Designating an Urban Park Location on the Library Lot Site

ttached i! the re"i!ed Re!olution De!i#natin# an $rban %ark &ocation on the &ibrary &ot 'ite and t(o !ite )lan!* The +ollo(in# i! a li!t o+ the !ub!tanti"e chan#e!* 1. Square Footage and Boundaries The +ir!t re!ol"ed clau!e i! modi+ied to re+lect the in+ormation (e recei"ed +rom City !ta++ re#ardin# the dimen!ion! o+ the area* A site plan from staff showed the accurate square footage of the area to be designated as urban park as approximately 12,000 square feet. . !ncouragement o" #reati$e Public Programming The !econd re!ol"ed clau!e te,t i! no( clearer that the "ariou! City #o"ernment o++ice! and the DD are bein# a!ked to #i"e thou#ht to ho( they can encourage other groups to reserve the space on the ibrary ane structure and put on creative public events* %. &ntegration o" Park Design 'ith (d)acent De$elo*ment The third re!ol"ed clau!e i! an ackno(led#ement that the two spaces should be designed to complement each other and that the !ity will play a leadership role in making that integration occur* +. (cti$ation o" the Public Park through &ntegration 'ith the Block The +ourth re!ol"ed clau!e ackno(led#e! the nece!!ity +or the City to (ork (ith all the nei#hborin# )ro)erty o(ner! on the &ibrary -lock in order to achie"e the )ede!trian connecti"ity that (ill re!ult in "ital, attracti"e )ublic !)ace!* The te,t ha! been modi+ied to clari+y that reorientation need not entail ma"or redevelopment* ,. Process "or #reation o" the Public Park and De$elo*ment o" the Remaining Library Lane Site The re!ol"ed clau!e! that !)elled out !)eci+ic ne,t !te)! ha"e been remo"ed +rom the re!olution* #he assumption now is that these respective !ity government bodies will move forward autonomously to accomplish these tasks. &ike(i!e, the matter of the remaining build$able portion of the ibrary ane %arking &tructure surface will be addressed separately throu#h con!ideration o+ Council Member .un!elman/! re!olution*

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