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Danh mc sch a) Anatomy

Clinical Research in Oral Health, 1Ed, 2010 Drug dictionary for dentistry Microbiology for Dental Students, 2006 Regenerati e Dentistry, Mona !"Marei 2010 Surgical #nato$y of the %ace, 2nd edition, 200& 'e(tboo) of Head and *ec) #nato$y, +th Edition, 200, b- Diagnostic imaging Cone .ea$ C' of the Head and *ec)/ #n #nato$ical #tlas, 1st ed, 2011 1" Essentials of Dental Radiogra0hy and Radiology, &rd edition, 200& 1" 1nter0retation of E$ergency Head C'/ # 2ractical Handboo), 2003 2" Oral Radiology/ 2rinci0les and 1nter0retation, 6th edtion, 2003 &" 2anora$ic Radiology/ Se$inars on Ma(illofacial 1$aging, 2004


Dental Material Cera$ic and 5lass Materials 2003 (NEW) Clinical #s0ects of Dental Materials, 2003 Corrosion of Cera$ic and Co$0osite Materials, 2 Edition Craig6s Restorati e Dental $aterials 1&th Edition 2011 Mono$ers, Oligo$ers, 2oly$ers, Co$0osites and *anoco$0osites, 2003 2oly$ers for Dental and Ortho0edic #00lications, 2006 Restorati e Dental Materials, 11th Edition

d- Endodontic # Clinical 5uide to Dental 'rau$atology 2006 1" #ntibiotics and the 'reat$ent of Endodontic 1nfections, 2006 2" Color #tlas of Endodontics 7 8illia$ 9ohnson &" Endodontic 1nstru$ents Modern Endodontic 2ractice 2ath:ays of the 0ul0 10th edition 1" 'e(tboo) of Endodontology, 2nd Edition, 2010

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