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Grilled Cheese Sandwiches by Claire Epting

4 pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches left. What am I having for l nch! Grilled cheese sandwiches! "han#s a b nch$ "hey are so m ch f n to m nch. I thin# I%ll have one. C&'(C)$ * pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches left. +id yo #now! "hey are my favorite food. It p ts me in a wonderf l mood. I%m finished with the piece I already chewed. I%ll ta#e another, I hope that isn%t r de$ - pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches left. I%m halfway finished with this delectable meal. I%m halfway f ll. too, that%s how I feel. It s re tastes a lot better than veal$ /or this food. I have real 0eal. 1 piece of grilled cheese sandwich left 2nly one more piece! 2h no$ 2h dear$ "his was really my biggest fear. "he end of my meal is now very near. 3 t I%ll have it again tomorrow, I won%t wait till ne4t year. 5 pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches left.

"he End

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