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Reading Club Order Due Date : March 28

Shop Online: One-Time Class Activation Code: M2Z2R Dear Families, Good news! This month s !cholastic Reading Club "l#ers are read# "or #ou to e$%lore with #our child& Children read more when the# choose their own boo's, so ( encourage #ou to loo' at the "l#ers together& )ach "l#er is "illed with grade*s%eci"ic, a""ordable titles and !toria+ e,oo's& -lace #our order online at scholastic&com.readingclub or return the order "orm and %a#ment to me& Ordering online is the easiest wa# to ensure ( get #our order on time& /lso, there are more boo's to choose "rom as well as teacher recommendations& Remember, "or e0er# boo' #ou order, our class earns FR)) ,oo's and su%%lies&&&and we ha0e our e#e on some new additions& Than' #ou "or #our su%%ort! -!: ,oo's ma'e wonder"ul gi"ts! -lease let me 'now i" #our order includes a gi"t, and ( will contact #ou when it arri0es& Ordering online is fast and easy: V S T !"T!# the one*time Class /cti0ation Code 1to% o" this letter2 S$O% "rom a care"ull# curated selection o" the best boo's, 0alue %ac's, and !toria e,oo's S&'( T #our order and earn FR)) ,oo's "or our classroom /ll boo' orders will be shi%%ed to our classroom so we can celebrate the 3o# o" reading together!

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