Billy Budds Twitter Account Project

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William Budd @Billy_Budd_

I just got impressed to be a crew member on @The_Bellipotent, Im so excited #Sarcasm Im packing all my things now.

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

That awkward moment when your standing in a row boat, trying to have a sentimental good bye, then @Lt.Ratcliffe yells at you!#AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Im planning on not making mistakes while on @The_Bellipotent, because I saw a man being punished and it didnt look very fun.#NoMistakes

William Budd @Billy_Budd_ @The_Dansker_ why would you think @J_Claggart would ever have a strong disliking towards me?! #OldPeopleTheseDays! #ConvosWithDansker

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

That awkward moment when youre sarcastically complimented after spilling soup. Thanks for calling me handsome?@J_Claggart #AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Its a warm night on the sea tonight; Im going to stare at the stars for a while, then Im hitting the hay! #NightTwitter #WatchingStars

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

That awkward moment when youre asked if you would participate in a mutiny, if one was to take place. @_Guardsman #AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Does anyone know how someone could have gotten possession of guineas at sea? Im really #confused right now. I had a long night! #SailorLife

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

That awkward moment when @_Guardsman greets you as if nothing happened a few nights ago, surprised by this, you cant reply.#AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Today again, @The_Dansker said that Claggart is out to get me! I wanted an explanation, instead he decided to stop talking #AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Everything is going well, however Claggart has been acting quite strange. Are you okay? @J_Claggart #Strange #Wondering

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Good morning everyone! Its such a great feeling waking up to the shining sun, salty breeze, and the open blue waters. #SailorLife

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

@The_Bellipotent just encountered an enemy frigate, the cowards fled and eventually got away after a little pursuit#NewExperience#SailorLife

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

@Albert_HB just told me I am wanted somewhere and I shouldnt speak to anyone at the current moment, does tweeting this count? Lol #Weird

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

That awkward moment when @J_Claggart tells @CaptainVere youre the prime suspect of conspiring in a mutiny. #AwkwardMoments

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Umm well I might have just gotten really angry and knocked @J_Claggart over his forehead, and now hes unconcious! #Whoops

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

@The_Dansker Im so sorry I didnt listen to you! I was completely wrong about @J_Claggart! Please forgive me for being so stubborn! #Sorry

Dansker @The_Dansker #IToldYouSo #YouShouldveListenedToTheOldGuy


William Budd @Billy_Budd_

@Captain_Vere sent me to the nearby #stateroom. I hope @J_Claggart is okay. I heard the Captain summoned the ships surgeon. #Worried

William Budd @Billy_Budd_ I Just heard that the ships surgeon, has pronounced @J_Claggart is dead! #WhatHaveIDone #OMG

William Budd @Billy_Budd_

Today hasnt been a very good day at all! I was accused of conspiring in a mutiny then I killed a man! #OMG #WhatADay #NotAFunExperience

Created By: Elizabeth Rohr Red Magnet Class

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