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A General Comprehension

1. This recording belongs to a series of audios entitled "First Sight, Second Thought"
because they explain the vision of modern Britain from the point of view of immigrants.
Why do you think this part is called "Coming to terms with English".

2. Explain in your own words what the podcast is about.

B Specific Comprehension

Speaker 1. MAYA.-Japan

1. How many times has Maya been in England? Has she come back? Why?
2. Did she find British English difficult? Why?
3. Did she enrol in any English course?
4. Why was Eastenders difficult for her?

Speaker 2- FRANK- Congo

1. Was Frank fluent in English when he arrived in London? What could he say?
2. How did he learn English?

Speaker 3 ANA- Mexico

1. Why didn't she need to learn English at the beginning? What happened to make
this situation change ?
2. Explain in your own words what Institutional Racism is.
3. Did she feel humilliated with her second child? Why?

Speaker 4 RENATE- East Prussia

1. Where did she move in Germnay?

2. Where does she live now in England?
3. What type of language wasn't included in Renate's English courses?

Speaker 5 RAJINDER- Punjab, India.

1. Did he take English seriously when he was back in India?

2. Who did he learn from and how?
3. Why didn't he learn much English at his first job? What about the second?
Presenter's conclusion

1. Name at least 2 out of the 5 techniques used by the speakers to learn English.
2. Do you use any of them? (personal opinion)
3. Which do you find most useful? (personal opinion)

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