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1. I should have kept an open mind about the Vsee, Weebly and Voicethread.

Once I worked with the Vsee and Weebly, I found I enjoyed these technologies. The Voicethread gave me fits but Tim helped me overcome my frustration. 2. I like charts. I like to see definitions in one column and examples in another. I like quick reference tools so I can take them with me back to my job. You should see my walls in my office I have sections of the revised school code tacked up; a chart of allowable uses of grants; quick reference guides for grants and other documents right at my fingertips. 3. The three things I learned were: a. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act. Since I have been in public education for over 19 years, I wasnt up on this act. Whenever you hear about plant closings or massive layoffs, I always equate these notices as being part of their collective bargaining agreements. The collective bargaining agreements in public education are tied to the Revised School Code and the Tenure Act. b. Constructive Discharge. I, unfortunately, have resigned from a couple of positions because of tenuous situations. I just did not know it had a name. Thank you, I thought it was me. c. Disparate Impact Screening Devices. In other human resource courses I have taken, I never thought that credit status as being a disparate claim. When you think about an employer checking your credit background, I think, that makes sense if my job is to be a steward of money (cash) in an organization. Someone fresh out of college entering a financial/banking position may not have any credit established. Does that mean they shouldnt have the opportunity to work for an employer? I see these items as opportunities for me to share with some other people I know who have been victims to Constructive Discharge. I also mentioned the credit status because my nephew graduated with a high GPA in finance and economics, but is struggling to get a job in his field. I commented on Tims and Carolyns journals directly. The three of us all had some issues with the format of the course. Tim went to the open meeting for guidance and Carolyn tried to work her issues out with the technical staff. 4. I scored well on both quizzes. I had to print the quizzes so I could reflect on the questions. I almost missed one question on the first quiz and the second quiz, I got distracted and it was a good thing I had printed the questions, or I would have missed several! Two things I learned from the quizzes that I did not pick up on in the readings were: a. Harry, the undocumented worker, was fired because he supported a union-organized campaign at another plant. b. EEOC claim. I guess I did not pick up that you have to file a EEOC claim before filing a legal claim at State or Federal courts.

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