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1o lnsLall and acLlvaLe lAnAl8L, you wlll need Lo flrsL own konLakL or Lhe free konLakL layer (verslon 4.2.3 or

lf you do noL already own konLakL or Lhe free konLakL layer, you can download Lhe free konLakL layer aL:
hLLp:// - /en/producLs/producer/konLakL-player/

lf you own an older verslon of konLakL or konLakL layer, you wlll need Lo updaLe Lo Lhe laLesL verslon. 1hls updaLe
can be downloaded by logglng lnLo Servlce CenLer and accesslng Lhe updaLes Lab.

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now LhaL Lhe lanfare" folder has been downloaded, lnslde Lhe lanfare" folder locaLe and drag Lhe lanfare
Llbrary" folder Lo your deslred desLlnaLlon.
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1) Cpen konLakL or konLakL layer.
2) Co Lo Lhe ;)7,1,)$* Lab and cllck <-- ;)7,1,8".

3) lrom Lhe nexL screen, navlgaLe Lo Lhe !"#"!$% *>@<6<; A4:B/< on Lhe your hard drlve and cllck =(""*$>
and Lhen ?@" when prompLed.

!"#"!$% '()*+ ,-./- 012-.33.-)41 6

4) now cllck Lhe </#)A1#$ buLLon ln Lhe lAnAl8L Llbrary box. A new wlndow Lo launch Servlce CenLer wlll

3) Cllck B#1,# B$,A)/$ =$C#$,> and log ln. !" $%& '%()* +,-. ,( ,//%&(* /0.,*. %(. (%12
6) LnLer your serlal number LhaL came ln Lhe box and cllck Lhe </#)A1#$ buLLon ln Servlce CenLer.
7) LxlL Servlce CenLer.
8) CulL and re-launch konLakL or konLakL layer and you are done.

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lf you chose noL Lo acLlvaLe lAnAl8L durlng lnsLallaLlon, Lhe llbrary wlll operaLe ln a llmlLed demo mode. 1o
remove Lhe uemo Mode llmlLaLlon, you wlll need Lo acLlvaLe lAnAl8L uslng Servlce CenLer.

1o open Servlce CenLer and acLlvaLe, elLher cllck Lhe AcLlvaLe buLLon ln Lhe Llbrary 8ox or ln Lhe uemo 1lmeouL
screen. ln Lhe dlalog screen LhaL wlll appear, cllck Lhe buLLon labeled sLarL servlce cenLer Lo proceed. Conflrm LhaL
you wanL Lo acLlvaLe Lhe llbrary by cllcklng sLarL servlce cenLer. Servlce CenLer wlll open, asklng for your lAnAl8L
serlal number. Cnce Lhe llbrary ls acLlvaLed, resLarL kCn1Ak1. lf no AcLlvaLe buLLon ls presenL ln Lhe Llbrary 8ox
afLerwards, Lhe producL has been successfully.
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1o lnsLall lAnlA8L for use ln Slbellus and llnale, download Lhe Slbellus_llnale.zlp flle from your e-mall or Lhe
Sample Loglc supporL>downloads page and follow Lhe lnsLrucLlons from Lhe ul locaLed ln Lhe .zlp flle. lease
check our downloads page for Lhe laLesL updaLes, as we frequenLly updaLe lL.

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