My Approach To Teaching

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My Approach to Teaching

As a teacher, it is very important to reflect upon and think about ones approach. Teachers should all have specific traits that they would like their students to embody. To allow students to embody specific qualities, teachers must carefully consider their approach to instruction. I believe that it is important for students to be independent, to discover themselves as leaders, to be collaborators, critical thinkers, to be self-evaluating and self reflective, to be inquirers, risk takers, creative, and finally, to be confident in their abilities.

Teacher should include multiple intelligences in instruction to appeal to different learners Give students choices/responsibili ties Allow for individual work Have centers Provide checklists Write steps of what to do on the board Share control with students

Allow for group work where everyone is given a different task/role Have students teach their classmates Provide team captains for group work

Allow for group work Allow students opportunities to be aware of others and their feelings Teach students how to work in groups Teach students how to provide constructive critisicm to be able to peer-assess

Critical Thinkers
Teacher should ask high-level thinking questions Class discussions Encourage questions Foster curiousity

SelfEvaluating/ Reflective
Teacher should provide feedback Allow for selfreflections, checklists, rubrics (self-assessments) Students evaluate themselves as well as their peers (peer editing)

Follow inquiries based on students' interest Ask open-ended questions

Risk Takers
Teacher must create a safe environment where it is okay to make mistakes Respect students' responses Value students' responses Encourage creativity Encourage critical thinking

Teacher must be flexible Allow for creative projects and assignments Give students choices when showing what they've learnt Encourage unique work

Teacher should get to know his/her students Differentiate content, process or outcome of lesson Clearly lay out the steps for students Give praise Model positivity Motivate/encourage students

In addition, I believe that students should embody being honest, organized, and that they should grow to become problem solvers. It is very important that the teacher model all of these traits. Furthermore, the teacher must create the appropriate environment conducive to allowing these traits to flourish. I believe that instruction also has to do with getting to know students and with continuously engaging in professional development to further improve ones practice and approach. In addition, I believe in the power of using technology and in making teaching and learning fun.

I believe that a balance between the typical and alternative style of teaching is also important, with more of an emphasis to the alternative style.

Significant Alternative Learning Style Traits to Consider:

Always try to have a hook to grab students attention. Let the students know what they will be learning about. Always ask students what they already know about a topic before diving in. As much as possible, allow students to work together and/or to teach one another. Ensure that groups are mixed with students of differing abilities to be able to help one another. Always apply content to real-world situations. If possible, have students think of how they can do this, and then have them explain/share with the class. Have as much hands-on learning as possible. Use the different multiple intelligences. Make lessons fun and engaging.

Pictures of students working Centers Lesson Plans

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