Rubric For Speaking During The Bargaining Activity: Score

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UCLA Language Materials Project

Rubric for speaking during the bargaining activity

NAME Assign"ent !argeted function%s&' vocabulary' gra""ar A!E !otal #core$



( ite"s discussed %price' color' appearance) Positive and negative co""ent included&

* ite"s discussed %price' color' appearance) Positive and negative co""ent included&

+,- ite"s discussed %price' color' appearance) Positive and negative co""ent "issing& #o"e.hat clear and co"prehensible to class"ates #o"e.hat accurate use of language related to clothing' color and price) #o"e use of the target language along .ith so"e use of English'

+ ite" discussed %price' color' appearance) Positive and negative co""ent "issing&


Co"pletely clear and co"prehensible to class"ates Co"pletely accurate use of language related to clothing' color and price) Co"pletely fluent target language production and no use of English

Mostly clear and co"prehensible to class"ates Mostly accurate use of language related to clothing' color and price) Mostly fluent target language production .ith a fe. .ords or phrases in English)

Mostly unclear and inco"prehensible to class"ates Mostly inaccurate use of language related to clothing' color and price) Mostly English and very little use of the target language



/0lo Martin' -112


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