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How to play Bejewelled 2

Basics (part 1)

= = = =
If you switch a hyper cube (the circle with three colors) with a gem, it will clear all the gems of that color.

hat you should do to score more poi!ts (part 1)

"o score more poi!ts, you should try to do these# $irst, you should try to clear as ma!y gems as possible from the board to score poi!ts. ("he score is %ept i! a cor!er of the game a!d i! the progress bar that is u!der the board. he! the progress bar is completed, you ad&a!ce to the !e't le&el.) (ou ca! do this by usi!g the method i! the images below.

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)%ills (part 1)
)ometimes, i! a game, there is o!ly o!e mo&e. $i!d the mo&e o! the folowi!g board#

)trategies# tra&eli!g gems (part 1)

"his strategy ca! sometimes be helpfull, li%e i! the image below. If you loo% at the picture, you will %!ow why I had !amed it so.

Basics (part 2)

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hat you should do to score more poi!ts (part 2)

(ou could try, too, to destroy more tha! o! power gem (gem with a four poi!t star). By loo%i!g at this image, you will %!ow about what I am tal%i!g about.

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)%ills (part 2)
)ometimes, you could try to ma%e a crowd of gems. "o ma%e a crowd of gems, you just wait to see o! the board a %i!d of gem that has ma!y gems o! the board. "he!, you just clear the gems betwee! a!d u!der them. (ou could the! to ma%e se&eral power gems or e&e! a hyper cube.

)trategies# ma%i!g a!d destroyi!g power gems(part 2)

"his is a!other strategy. he! you use this strategy, you create a lot of power gems a!d the! you destroy them all. "his helps you to score a lot of poi!ts.

.i!ds of gems

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