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Choluteca, Honduras My village is located at southern Honduras it is a very dry zone in this region, the yearly average temperatures

range from 23C to 38C Eighty percent of the community does not have enough tree canopies. The geography of the community is flat surrounded by mountains which are very often used as farm lands. There are several species of birds as well as deer and mountain cats, armadillo, ant eaters, and Iguanas. There is a main river called Agua Caliente River, which with the years has decreased its flow, and the fish habitat. The twenty percent of the region is cover by volcanic soils with presence of hot and boiling water, this fact is very interesting because there is a grass that actually grows into the hot water and keeps itself green as normal, it is possible this specie has to have adapted to the scarcity of water and weather conditions. The raining season is getting short every year while the dry season is staying longer than ever. Close to my Village is located the Fonsecas golf. At Fonsecas golf we have a beautiful ecosystem which is mangroves. The forest of mangroves in this area is among of the best places for birding in Honduras, there a lot of fish species, crabs, curiles, lobsters, shrimp and several species of mangrove between them are black, white, and red mangroves which
Figure 1

grow at edge of the water and their roots, that are used to hold the tree also provide these fish with a very wide habitat attracting food for all species that use them as a refuge.

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