The Hon Bill Shorten MP

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STATEMENT ELECTIONS IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA & TASMANIA On behalf of the Federal Labor Party, I congratulate Jay Weatherill and Lara Giddings for their hard fought campaigns in the South Australian and asmanian State elections! While many "rote off the chances of the Labor Party in South Australia months ago, Jay has pro#en them "rong "ith a remar$able campaign fought on %obs, health and education! While the final result in South Australia is not yet clear, the message is! South Australians don&t "ant to see e#en more %obs in their state sent o#erseas! South Australians don&t "ant a repeat of the Abbott Go#ernment&s cuts to health and education! Jay is a fine leader "ho fought this campaign "ith detailed policies and a clear #ision for his state! I "ish him and his team the best as the count continues o#er the ne't fe" days! After () years of go#ernment, it "as al"ays going to be a tough fight for Labor in asmania! I congratulate Will *odgman on his emphatic #ictory! asmanians ha#e put their trust in him + he mustn&t let them do"n! *e must stand up for the interests of asmanians and not be a rubber stamp for ony Abbott,s agenda! Lara Giddings and the Labor team in asmania ha#e much to be proud of! asmania is a stronger, fairer society for their contribution! I am confident Labor "ill rebuild and be a strong and united opposition + that is "hat asmanians need! In e#ery city and region, Labor "ill continue to do "hat "e,#e done for more than a century + "e,ll fight for good %obs and fair conditions, "e,ll protect health and education ser#ices, and "e,ll tac$le the big reforms that gro" our economy!


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