Post-Observation Information: Instructional Supervision Form 2

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Instructional Supervision Form 2 POST-OBSERVATION INFORMATION

Teacher: _________________ School: LA SUERTE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL District: PROSPERIDAD I Division: A USAN DEL SUR ra!e"Year # Section: ___ S$%&ect: ______________________ School Year: '())*'()' Se+ester: ___ Con,erence Date: _______________ Instr$ctional S$-ervisor: ________________________________________________________________________ Direction: ). This ,or+ shall %e ans/ere! %0 the Teacher a,ter the act$al class o%servation. '. The in,or+ation /ill serve as 1$i!e ,or the -ost*o%servation con,erence. O%server +a0 as2 a!!itional &o%*relevant in,or+ation to clari,0 or s$--ort o%servation. 3. The ,ille! $- ,or+ shall %e 1iven %ac2 to the Teacher to %e -lace! in ,ront o, the Teacher O%servation 4or+ 3A5 65 an! C /hich /ill %e $se! %0 the o%server. Post-Observation Information ). 7hat !i! 0o$r learners 1ain in 0o$r lesson in ter+s o, 8no/le!1e5 S2ills an! Attit$!es 98SAs:; Please en$+erate. a. 8no/le!1e

%. S2ills



'. Ho/ !i! 0o$ +a2e the learners 1ain the 8SAs /hich 0o$ liste! a%ove;

3. 7hat !i! 0o$r -$-ils"st$!ent !o in or!er to 1ain"learn the 8SAs;

Post Observation Information

Page )

<. 7ere 0o$ a%le to acco+-lish 0o$r lesson o%&ective; Yes_____ No_____ All_____ All_____ So+e_____ So+e_____

=. I, 0es5 ho/ !i! 0o$ !o it;

>. I, no5 /hat !i,,ic$lties !i! 0o$ enco$nter;

?. Di! 0o$ an! 0o$r class en&o0 the lesson; Yes____ No____ 7h0;

@. I, 0o$ are 1oin1 to teach the sa+e lesson a1ain5 can 0o$ thin2 o, /a0s to i+-rove it; Please /rite it !o/n.

A. Can 0o$ s$11est ,ro+ /ho+ 0o$ can as2 assistance an! s$--ort; Yes___ No____ 7h0;

)(. 7o$l! 0o$ /elco+e another visit or o%servation; Yes____ No____ 7h0;

Co++en!ation ,or the Teacher:

S$11este! s$--ort ,or the Teacher:

____________________________ ____________________________ Teacher Na+e # Si1nat$re Si1nat$re

School Hea! Na+e #

A1ree+ents o, the Teacher # O%server:

____________________________ ____________________________ TeacherBs Na+e C Si1nat$re # O%server DSi1nat$res in!icate that o%servations have %een clari,ie! %0 %oth -arties.

O%serverBs Si1nat$re

Post Observation Information

Page '

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