Ae 165 Answer Key, Farm Electrification, Answer Key

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AE 165

1ST EXAM, August 15, 2013 Name: I. Encircle the letter ! the "est ans#er. $ r %r "lems n s. 11&15, sh # ' ur s luti ns at the "ac( ! the ans#er sheets. )* 1 & *10, 2 % int each. *11 & *15, 5 % int each, 1 % int nl' i! n s luti n sh #n+. 1. 2. 3. 0. 5. 6. 7. 8. :. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 10 . The stan,ar, !re-uenc' ! A. electricit' in the /hili%%ines is a. ". 60 c'cles %er c. ,. sec n, The stati nar' %art ! the electric m t r a. stat r ". c. ,. The rec mmen,e, !use rating ! a 00&h% # un, r t r electric m t r at 220 1 lts is a. 150 A ". c. ,. 2hat am unt ! current #ill cause a 15&A !use in a 120&3 circuit t "l #4 a. ". c. current e5cee,ing ,. 15&A It is the rati ! the resistance t t tal im%e,ance a. % #er !act r ". c. ,. 2hen the resistance is 6er , the circuit is sai, t "e a. ". a sh rt circuit c. ,. T "tain the actual % #er, #hat sh ul, "e multi%lie, t 3A4 a. % #er !act r ". c. i ,. T re%lace a 2&h% engine, 999999 h% m t r sh ul, "e use,. a. ". c. ,. 1.33 The % #er ,issi%ate, #hen a ; am% current !l #s thr ugh a 5 hm resist r a. ". c. 1.25 #atts ,. Each 20&am% "ranch circuit sh ul, ha1e n m re than this num"er ! utlets a. ". $r m $igure 1, calculate I1 a. ". $r m $igure 1, calculate I2 c. 12 c. 5 mA ,. ,.

a. ". c. ,. &2 mA The resisti1it' ! a #ire is 1.6: 5 10&8 hm&m. i! it has a ,iameter ! 0.1 cm, #hat is its length i! the t tal resistance is 10 hms4 ". 065 m The % tential acr ss t# % ints in a c m%le5 circuit is 50 1 lts. Eight am%eres ! current are !l #ing. 2hat is the the1enin e-ui1alent circuit4

a.6.25 hms ". c. ,. 15 2hat # ul, "e the s%ee, ! a 1203 6&% le m t r n a 60 <6 s urce4 . 50 3 a. ". 1200 r%m c. ,. II. 1.. m%lete the ta"le )1 % int each+ Trade Name M isture an, heat resistant Therm %lastic M isture resistant therm %lastic Silic n As"est s Therm %lastic heat resistant 2. =etermine the l cati n ! l a, center )5 % ints+ / ultr' h use, 6 (2 Type code Application provisions (=r' r >an, #et)

30 m le!t a5is

/um% h use, 2 (2 00 m

00 m

? a, ,

10 m

?esi,ence, 12 (2 20 m 10 m $ence, l #er a5is

Figure 1

@ANBS: $in, the mesh currents sh #n "el # )10 % ints+

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