Love Has No Distance: Richard Pabon

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Richard Pabon

Copyright 2014, Richard Pabon All Rights Reserved.

Authors ote Act 1 !cene 1. "nside a apart#ent in e$ %or& City !cene 2. "n 'acobs (ob !cene ) "n *+a#as ,iner!cene 4. At 'acobs (ob !cene .. "n 'acobs apart#ent !cene /. 0ut !ide 'acobs building !cene 1. 2he bar !cene 3. Carlos is driving in his car !cene 4. Candys Roo# !cene 10. 0utside the bar !cene 11. 'ail !cene 12. "n the cab !cene 1). "nside 'acobs apt !cene 14. 5ac& at the 'ail

!cene 1.. 0utside !cene 1/. 6arly #orning in 'acobs Apt !cene 11. Carlos arrives at his apt !cene 13. 'acobs house !cene 14. "n Carlos apt !cene 20. 'acobs 7ouse !cene 21. At a !tore !cene 22. 'acobs apt !cene 2). Carlos apt !cene 24. 0utside 'acobs 5uilding

Authors Note
2he bac&ground o8 this play is all 8ictional. " have ta&en out so#e original 8or#ats that a play is suppose to 8ollo$. 9or e:a#ple, a page describing all o8 the characters. 2he reason 8or not 8ollo$ing the standard 8or#at $as so, you the *reader- $ouldnt have any idea about the characters be8orehand. 9ind #e ;9aceboo& *Richard Pabon-.

Act 1 Scene 1 Inside a a!art"ent in Ne# $or% City

<Phone Rings= &acob <2al&ing to hi#sel8= +an> ?ho is calling #e at this ti#e @ <loo&s over at the cloc& and pic&s up the phone= 7ello@ ?ho is this@ Car'os 7ey sorry to bother you bro, but did you &no$ there is this a$eso#e party going on @ &acob ?hat are you tal&ing about its 10 p# and " $as trying to sleepA Car'os ?ell $hy are you sleeping 8or@ <laughs= ,oes the little baby have a bed ti#e@ &acob Bery 8unny du#b assA Car'os

Rela: &id " a# (ust #essing $ith you. &acob "ve been sleeping early because " too& so#e 2ylenol to #a&e #e sleep a$ay the brea&Cup " had $ith +ichelle. Car'os A$> Are you serious bro@ ?hy are you crying over that chic&@ %ou did the right thing. !he never deserve you in the 8irst place and "# sure you $ill 8ind #uch better $hen the ti#e is right. &acob " guess youre right. "t (ust hurts inside to constantly thin& that so#eone you loved deeply and $as $ith 8or #any years $ould hurt you behind your bac&. Car'os " understand #y brotherA 5ut (ust give it ti#e and eventually you $ont give any t$o shits about her. !o> are you co#ing to this party or $hat@ &acob <thin&ing=7#> "# not going to this one because " $ould $ant to drin& and " have all this #edicine in #y syste#. Car'os

o proble#. &acob 5ut $hen you do have another party dont tell #e at the last #inute you stupid 8uc&erA <laughs= Car'os <laughs= Alright #an you got it. !ee yaA &acob <'acob hangs up the phone and begins tal&ing to hi#sel8= "# getting &ind o8 thirsty. "ll better get so#ething to drin&. <'acob grabs a bottle o8 $ater 8ro# the &itchen= +#> good ole bottle o8 $ater.<'acob $al&s to his roo# and lays on his bed. Dpon laying on his bed his eyes slo$ly closes and he begins to drea# o8 his e: girl8riend.= &acob +ichelleA ?hy did you cheat on a good #an such as #e@ " (ust dont understand $hy you $ould. (iche''e 'acob, 'acob.. " never $anted to be $ith you 8ro# the start. 2he only thing that &ept #e $ith you $as all the #oney you had. %ou $ere the only guy $ho had a lot o8 #oney but not the #odel loo&s " loo&ed 8or in a guy. Also, " (ust got tired o8 not really loving youA

&acob %ou bitchA 7o$ can you be so spite 8ullA (iche''e %ou &no$ $hat else 'acob@ &acob ?hat@ <heavy breathing= (iche''e " a# pregnant by your best 8riend Carlos..<evil laugh= &acob Are you seriousAA@ <Alar# cloc& rings= &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= 0h 8uc&A "t $as (ust a drea# but yet it 8elt so real. "ll better tell Carlos about this drea# later today.<'acob starts to get dress 8or $or&. As 'acob gets dress 8or $or& he turns on the television and sees a co##ercial about online dating.=7##> An online dating co##ercial <laughs= $ho $ould use one o8 those to 8ind true love.<stares into space and thin&s= ?ell da#n #aybe " should try to sign up a8ter $or&.<'acob leaves his house and heads to $or&.=

Scene ) In &acobs *ob

&acob +orning peopleA !orry "# late. " had a strange drea# and other stu88 that &ept #e late. &acobs +oss "ts o&ay 'acob (ust go to your cubicle and start so#e $or&. &acob !ure boss. <'acob $al&s his $ay to his cubicle and sits do$n.= Car'os ,ude, you loo& out o8 it $hat the hell happen to you@ &acob <$hispering voice= " had a drea# that +ichelle said you got her pregnant. Car'os <loo&s at 'acob $ith disbelie8= " ought o8 slap you over the head 8or thin&ing such nonsense. ?e have been 8riends since &ids . %ou are a brother to #e. &acob

%ea " &no$. Car'os ?ell loo& here #an . A8ter $or& youEre going to go ho#e and change. And then $e are o88 to 8ind so#e chic&s in a bar. &acob ?ell " a# not really a bar person but "ll go to it. Car'os <tal&ing $hile $or&ing on the co#puter= FoodA 5y the $ay you &no$ $hat 'acob@ &acob ?hat sup@ Car'os " thin& this baseball ga#e that our boss $ants us to #a&e is going to never reach the deadline. &acob ?hy $ould you say it $ont@ Car'os ,udeA 5ecause it is only us t$o $ho are #a&ing this baseball ga#e. ?e need #ore people or this co#pany needs to hire #ore people.

&acob <laughs= ,ont $orry about it. ?e $ill have it 8inished by the deadline. 6verything $ill be 8ine. Car'os " hope so. &acob " re#e#ber $hen this co#pany <*?o$ Fa#es-= had so #any people $hen " 8irst started. <loo&s around the o88ice= o$ loo& at it. "ts pretty #uch e#pty. Car'os " &no$ bro. "ts because o8 all these layo88s. And this shit econo#y isnt helping either. &acob <nods his head= ?ell " dont &no$ about you, but " Ga# getting hungry . Hets go to lunch. Car'os Hets goA <Carlos and 'acob begin $al&ing to the diner.=

Scene , In -(a"as Diner.

&acob <opens the diners door= 5oy oh boyA Fotta love co#ing to +a#as diner. Car'os %ou got that rightA And "t al$ays s#ells 8rea&ing 8antastic up in here. <2he $aitress approaches 'acob and Carlos.= /aitress <s#iles= Right this $ay 8ellas. <Carlos and 'acob sit at their table= /aitress Can " get you guys anything to drin&@ Car'os D##> "ll get a Pepsi please. &acob A glass o8 orange (uice $ill be (ust 8ine. /aitress Alright, <s#ir&s= "ll be right bac& to ta&e your 8ull order. <?aitress $al&s a$ay.=

Car'os <shouts= ,id you see the siIe o8 those 2"2!AAA &acob 7o$ can " not@ <laughs= 2hey loo& li&e big ole +A F06!A Car'os <gets all serious= Alright #anA !top laughing so hard she is co#ing bac& this $ay. &acob 0&ay, o&ayA /aitress 7ere you go boys , one cup o8 Pepsi and one cup o8 orange (uice. &acob 2han&s. Car'os 2han& you babe. /aitress <stares at Carlos and 'acob= !o any$ays $hat can " get 8or you guys@

&acob "ll get the crispy chic&en sand$ich $ith curly 8ries. Car'os 7##> Het #e get the panca&es and egg special. &acob <spea&s in outburst= ,ude, its not brea&8ast ti#e. Car'os Rela:A <laughs= 5rea&8ast ti#e doesnt have a ti#e 8or #e. /aitress 0&ay $ell let #e place these orders . <?aitress $al&s a$ay= &acob !o lets get do$n to business $hat bar are $e going to tonight@ Car'os ?ell, " $as thin&ing about heading over to gothic sunset bar. &acob <spits out his soda= 2he gothic $hat barA@

Car'os <laughs= "ts a (o&e broA &acob <laughs= <?aitress approaches the table= /aitress 7ere are the panca&es and egg special and here is your crispy chic&en sand$ich $ith curly 8ries. 6n(oyA &acob 2his is so#e good 8oodA Car'os %up, li&e al$ays. &acob !o about the bar@ Car'os "# going to ta&e you to the Red Hight bar. &acob 7##> Red light bar@ ever heard o8 it Car'os

<snea&y laugh= %oull &no$ about it soonA &acob 0&ay>?ell, "# stu88ed ho$ about you@ Car'os <laughs= " thin& " (ust gain a 8e$ pounds. &acob <laughs= ?hat on eggs and panca&es@ Car'os %es !ir. <?aitress co#es over.= /aitress Are you guys done eating@ &acob %es $e are. <Carlos nods $hile staring at the $aitress huge #angos o8 boobs= /aitress 7ere is your receipt and you guys have a good rest o8 the day. <?aitress $al&s a$ay=. &acob

7ey #an Juit doIing o88 to space $hile loo&ing at her boobs. Car'os "# sorry bro " (ust couldnt help it. &acob Hets head bac& to $or&.

Scene 0 At &acobs *ob

<9e$ hours later in 'acobs (ob.= &acob "s it ti#e to go@ " $ant to get out o8 here. Car'os ?e have about 8ive #inutes till $e can cloc& out. <9ive #inutes later.= &acob <cheers= ti#e to go ho#e and get readyA Car'os %ou got that right. Call #e up $hen you are all set to go.

&acob " $ill. <'acob enters his car and begins to drive ho#e. 2hirty #inutes later he arrives at his apart#ent.=

Scene 1 In &acobs a!art"ent

&acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= Frr> ?here is this 2B re#ote@ 0h here it is.. <'acob 8lips through channels and stops at the dating co##ercial he sa$ earlier in the day. 2he dating co##ercial appears and begins tal&ing. 2he dating co##ercial begins to say are you tired o8 rando# girls@ Rando# guys@ 2hen co#e to youpic& 2hats rightA %ou pic& $ho you $ant to date and #atch it $ith your personality.= &acob <tal&s to hi#sel8= ?hat the hell did " (ust $atched@ 7##. Het #e chec& this dating site out right no$. < 'acob begins bro$sing on the dating $ebsite.= &acob <tal&ing in his head= +aybe " can 8ind #y one and true

love on this siteA <R" FA R" FA 'acobs phone starts to ring.= &acob 7ello@ Car'os %o #anA ,id you $ash your ass yet@ &acob <laughs= not yet #an " (ust got ho#e. Car'os ?ell hurry up and get ready so $e can get a 8e$ drin&s at the bar and go to this party that the $aitress is having. &acob ?aitress@ %ou #ean the one 8ro# today@ Car'os ,urA %es the one 8ro# today. &acob 7o$ did you get her nu#ber@ Car'os !he put her nu#ber on the receipt. &acob

0h nice. 7it #e up in a 8e$. Car'os 0&ay " $ill <hangs up phone=. &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= ?here are #y soc&s@ " thought " put the# near the bed. 0h ho$ du#b o8 #e they $ere in the bathroo#.< 'acob begins to get ready and )0 #inutes later his phone rings.= &acob %0A Car'os 7ey bro "# do$n stairs $aiting. &acob Alright, "ll be right there. <'acob loc&s his apt door and heads outside to #eet up $ith Carlos.=

Scene 2 Out Side &acobs bui'din3

Car'os ,ude, did you 8orget ho$ to dress or $hat@

&acob ?hat do you #ean@ Car'os <sha&ing his head= %our out8it, it loo&s li&e youEre $earing a grandpa s$eater $ith 8aded (eans. &acob " al$ays dressed li&e this and no$ you notice@ Car'os ?ell sorry bro.. " guess " never bother to pay attention since you $ere al$ays $ith your e: +ichelle all the 2"+6A &acob <nods= Car'os Any$ays lets go.<Carlos starts to drive $hile 'acob is in the passenger side.= &acob "s that the bar@ Car'os %es it isA

Scene 4 The bar

&acob ?o$A !o #any people in line to enter a bar@ Car'os 2his isnt (ust any bar. "ts the top bar in to$nA <Carlos par&s the car. 'acob and Carlos $al& their $ay to the bar and begin $aiting in line 8or their chance to enter the bar. 2$enty #inutes later.= +ouncer %ou guys have ",@ &acob %es, here it is. <'acob and Carlos sho$ their ", to the bouncer.= +ouncer 0&ay, you t$o are good. <'acob and Carlos enter the bar. 2he sounds o8 loud electronic #usic can be heard. 'acob loo&s around $ith happiness.=

&acob 7oly shit, is this even a bar@ "t loo&s li&e a 8uturistic slut club. Car'os 2his is heaven brother. " &ne$ you $ould love it. &acob <laughs and stares around again= 'ust loo& at all these girls. 2here are even nude girls in cages dancing around. <'acob and Carlos begin $al&ing to the bar area to get so#e drin&s.= 5e"a'e +artender ?hat can " get 8or you@ &acob "ll get a corona. Car'os A corona 'acob@ &acob %up $hy@ Car'os

<tal&ing to bartender= get this #an and " t$o long islands $ith three shots o8 (ager bo#bs. <5artender begins to #a&e their drin&s.= &acob Are you trying to &ill #e tonight@ Car'os Rela:. 2his is your nightA &acob <tal&s inside his head= 2his is #y 8irst ti#e in years that " $ill have a lot o8 liJuor. 7ope8ully " $ill be alright. +artender 7ere are your drin&sA 2hat $ill be 20 buc&s. Car'os <hands .0 buc&s to the bartender= 7ere you go se:yA +artender <8i:ing her breast in a seductive $ay= 7o$ s$eet o8 you hun. 2han&sA. <5artender $al&s a$ay.= Car'os <tal&s to 'acob= +an> " $ant to bang that bartender.

&acob %ou should try toA Car'os <laughs= oo> &acob ?hy not@ Car'os 5ecause " dont $ant #y balls s#elling li&e 8ish $hen " go see Cynthia a8ter the bar. &acob <laughs= %oure too 8unny #an " s$ear. ?hos Cynthia@ Car'os <tal&s in a (o&ing #atter= "ts the $aitress du#b assA &acob <laughs= Hets ta&e a toast $ith these shots 8or an a$eso#e nightA <'acob and Carlos ta&e their 1st shot.= &acob ,a#n these (aggier bo#bs are so#e good shit. Car'os

<laughs= 7ells yeah they are. Are you ready 8or shot nu#ber t$o@ &acob %upA <'acob and Carlos ta&e their second shot.= &acob <sJuints eyes= +an this second shot is strong. Car'os !uc& it up. ?e have one #ore le8t. &acob Alright. "# ready 8or shot three. <'acob and Carlos toast there last shot. ?hile 'acob is toasting to his last shot he 8eels the need to vo#it, but holds it inside.= &acob <laughs $ith (oy and shouts= ?ootA "# still alive. <s#iles= 5ut " thin& "# 8eeling nice no$. Car'os +#> " 8eel nice tooA o$ lets 8ind you so#e chic&s. <'acob and Carlos begin $al&ing to the dance 8loor. Houd techno #usic is no$ playing $hile there is

cigarette s#o&e hovering about.= &acob Hoo& over there. Car'os At $ho@ <'acob points to a 8e#ale dancing alone.= Car'os <shouts= ,ont point #anA %ou #ean at the Asian chic& in those leather pants@ &acob %ea shes so hot. Hoo& at her blac& long hair $ith that nice bubble buttA Car'os <laughs= "ll bring her over to you bro. <Carlos begins to dance his $ay to$ard the Asian 8e#ale $ith his corona in his hand. 2he Asian girl see Carlos co#ing near and s#iles 8ro# a8ar. Carlos begins to dance in 8ront o8 the Asian 8e#ale.= Car'os 7ey, $hats your na#e@ Asian 6ir'

<s#ir&s= "ts Candy. Car'os D#..<laughs= ?ell nice to #eet you Candy. Candy <nods=. And you are @ Car'os <(o&es around= +y na#e is big daddyA ..'ust (o&ing its Carlos> Candy <gasp= +# big daddy..<Candy grabs Carlos balls.= Car'os <tal&s in a sJuea&ing voice= Het go o8 #y balls please. <Candy lets go o8 Carlos balls.= Car'os <blushes= D# than& you. Any$ays, <points to 'acob= %ou see #y 8riend over there@ ?ell he $ants to tal& to you. Candy 7##> " dont &no$. " dont really li&e grandpa dressing dudes. " pre8er the big #eat heads li&e you. Car'os

?ell ho$ about this. 'udging o8 ho$ you grabbed #y balls so hard. 7o$ #uch $ould you charge to sho$ #y 8riend a good ti#e@ Candy <laughs= %ou &no$ #e $ell. 9or hi# itll be )00 dollars. <Carlos hands over the )00 dollars Juic&ly and snea&ily to Candy=. Candy 2han&s. o$ lets go #eet your 8riend. <Carlos and Candy $al& to$ard 'acob.7 Car'os 7ey #y #anA 2his is Candy and Candy this is 'acob. <'acob starts to 8eel tipsy 8ro# all the liJuor.= &acob +#.. Candy $hat 8lavor@ Candy <s#iles= !tra$berry i8 you &no$ $hat " #ean. &acob <laughs= Can " get you a drin& stra$berry@ 0ops " #ean Candy@ Candy

!ure, "ll go $ith you. <Candy and 'acob $al& to the bar. As they are $al&ing to the bar Carlos receives a te:t #essage 8ro# Cynthia.= Cynthia " decided to cancel the party and have alone ti#e $ith you. Car'os <tal&s in his head= 07 %6!A " #ight get so#e booty. <Carlos begins te:ting Cynthia=. Car'os ?ell thats greatA "ll start heading there no$. Cynthia 0&ay. Car'os <Carlos stops te:ting Cynthia and $al&s to$ard the bar area.= %o> 'acob "# out o8 here boyA &acob 2o the party@ Car'os ope it $as cancel. Cynthia (ust $ants alone ti#e $ith

#e $in&, $in&. &acob <laughs= o proble# #an. ,o your thing. Car'os "ll be calling you to chec& up on youA &acob Alright #an later. <Carlos leaves the bar and drives to Cynthias house.= &acob <'acob 8eels slightly drun&= Hets ta&e these shots baby. Candy %es daddyA <'acob and Candy ta&e the shots.= Candy +#> 2hat $as so good. &acob %es it $as. <Candy sits on 'acobs lap.= Candy

7o$ about $e go to #y special dungeon@ &acob Head the $ay.<At this point 'acob is al#ost 8ully drun&. Candy ta&es 'acob by the hand to a private bedroo# area on the 2nd 8loor o8 the bar.=

Scene 8 Car'os is dri9in3 in his car

<Carlos is driving to Cynthias house until the police pulls hi# over.= Po'ice <0n loud spea&er= 7ey you in the red !DB pull over to the side o8 the road. Car'os <Carlos pulls over and the o88icer $al&s to$ards Carlos car.= ?hats the proble# o88icer@ O::icer ?ell, you $ere s$erving a bit and have you been drin&ing@ Car'os <spea&s in a nervous tone= 'ust a 8e$ shots and beers.

O::icer 0h really@ !tep out o8 the car no$. Car'os %es o88icer. O::icer "# going to #a&e you ta&e this breathalyIer test to see $hats your alcohol level. <Carlos places breathalyIer in his #outh. !oon a8ter, the o88icer grabs the breathalyIer out o8 Carlos #outh.= O::icer !ir, you are border line drun&. "ll have to ta&e you to (ail 8or the night. Put your hands behind your bac&. <Carlos nods $ith sadness and listens to the o88icer co##and.= O::icer <opens bac& door o8 police car= ?atch your head no$. Car'os <nods= <2he 088icer begins to drive to$ard the (ail .?hile driving to (ail, Cynthia &eeps calling his cell.= Car'os

<tal&ing in his #ind= 2hat #ust be Cynthia $ondering $here "# at. ,a#n, $hat a #essed up night this has been.

Scene ; Candys Roo"

<Candy and 'acob $al& into the private roo#.= Candy <tal&s in a seductive $ay=?elco#e to #y dungeon. &acob <loo&s around= %ou have so#e creepy se: statues. Candy 0h yes " do. "# a $ild 8rea&y girl. &acob <tal&ing nervously= " do li&e 8rea&y. Candy <Candy grabs a chair and puts it in 8ront o8 'acob= !it right here. &acob <'acob sits on the chair=?hat are you going to do@

Candy ,ont tal& bac& (ust close your eyes be8ore " hit you $ith a belt. <'acob loo&s scared and closes his eye. Candy sits on 'acobs lap and begins #a&ing out $ith hi#.= &acob ,a#n youre a good &isser Candy ?hat did " say dont tal& bac&. Fet up no$A <'acob Juic&ly stands up. And Candy $hips 'acob one ti#e $ith the belt.= &acob <screa#s= Ah.. %oure a $ild one. Candy 2a&e o88 your pants and put this blind 8old on. <'acob nervously s#iles and does $hat Candy co##ands. Candy turns o88 the light and begins the co$ girl position.= &acob +#.. 9eels so good> ,ont go so Juic&A <Candy begins to go 8aster and starts screa#ing as i8 she

is having an e:orcis#.= &acob <shouts= ?7A2 276 9DCKA <re#oves blind 8old and notices a glo$ing 8ace.= Fet o88 #e you craIy bitchA %ou have a glo$ and the dar& screa# #as& on $hile having se: $ith #e@ <Candy stares= &acob %oure psycho. <'acob puts his pants on and Juic&ly leaves the private roo#.= Candy <tal&s to hersel8= ?ell hope " didnt scare hi#. <'acob $al&s out o8 the bar and $aves do$n a cab.=

Scene 1< Outside the bar

Cab Dri9er ?here you $ant to go@ &acob 2a&e #e to 14th !treet and Par&.

<Cab ,river drives to 'acobs ho#e.=

Scene 11 &ai'
<088icer ta&es out Carlos 8ro# the car chec&s hi# into his prison cell. ?hile chec&ing Carlos in the cell the o88icer re#oves all personal belongings.= O::icer %oull be out o8 here in 24hours (ust sit bac& and rela:. &acob <nods=. 088icer can " #a&e a Juic& phone call@ O::icer "n 8ive #inutes you can. <9ive #inutes go by. 2he o88icer opens up the (ail cell.= O::icer 9ollo$ #e. <Carlos 8ollo$s the police o88icer.= O::icer %ou have t$o #inutes .

<Carlos begins calling Cynthia.= Cynthia 7ello@ "s this Carlos@ Car'os 7eyA "ts #e Carlos. " a# in (ail till to#orro$ #orning. Cynthia ?hat did you do@ <2he o88icer in the bac&ground yells. 0ne #ore #inute you have.= Car'os " $as driving under the in8luence. Cynthia ?hatA Are you stupidA@ Car'os " cant tal& any#ore "ll call you to#orro$. <Carlos hangs up on Cynthia=.

Scene 1) In the cab

=Cab sto!s in :ront o: &acobs a!t bui'din37 Cab Dri9er 2hatll be 8ithteen buc&s. &acob <hands over 20 buc&s to the cab driver= Keep the change Cab dri9er 7ave a good night. <'acob leaves out o8 the cab and heads inside his apt. 'acob is stu#bling up the stairs in his apart#ent building.=

Scene 1, Inside &acobs a!t

&acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= " 8eel li&e shit and need to vo#it. And $asnt that the craIiest bitch " ever had se: $ith or $hat. <'acob begins pu&ing in the toilet=. <13 +inutes later.= &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= " 8eel better no$. 2i#e to hit the

sac&. <'acob cuddles up ne:t to the toilet and 8alls asleep.=

Scene 10 +ac% at the &ai'

O::icer ?a&e up. Car'os <$a&es up= is it #orning already@ O::icer %es son it is. ,o you $ant to stay another day@ Car'os o than&s o88icer. O::icer 2hats $hat " thoughtA belongings. Car'os 2han& you o88icer. <Carlos leaves outside and $aves a cab over.= o$ here are your personal

Scene 11 Outside
Car'os <tal&ing to cab driver= Can you ta&e #e to the corner o8 $est and )rd. Cab Dri9er !ure thing. Car'os <spea&ing to the cab driver= " le8t #y car last night on $est d to these cops pulling #e over. Cab dri9er Het #e guess@ %ou got loc&ed up 8or driving under the in8luence @ Car'os %es " did. Cab dri9er 2hats a stupid thing to do. %ou can get so#eone &illed. Car'os <stares o88= %oure right. ?hat " did $as du#b. Cab dri9er

Flad you thin& so. <cab driver stops near Carlos car.= Car'os 7o$ #uch @ Cab dri9er 2his one is on #e. Car'os " appreciate itA Cab dri9er o proble# and stay o88 the drin&sA <Carlos laughs and the cab drives o88. Carlos enters his car and drives ho#e.=

Scene 12 Ear'y "ornin3 in &acobs A!t

&acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= ?hat did " do last night@ " $ont ever do that again.

Scene 14 Car'os arri9es at his a!t

<Carlos 2e:ts Cynthia and $rites "# ho#e.= Cynthia Are you o& @ Car'os %es " a#. "# (ust a little tired still. Cynthia ?hy dont you ta&e a nap. Car'os 2hats $hat " $ill do. Call #e in a 8e$ hours. Cynthia " $ill.

Scene 18 &acobs house

<'acob begins to ta&e a sho$er $hile having 8lash bac&s about the se: $ith Candy.= &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= " cant $ait to tell Carlos about last

night. <'acob gets out o8 the sho$er and changes.= &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= " dont thin& having se: $ith rando# people is the right thing to do. " $ish " can 8ind the per8ect girl 8or #e. 7##> " $onder ho$ #any #essages " have 8ro# the dating $ebsite.<'acobs begins chec&ing his inbo: and sees one #essage. 2he #essage reads greetings 8ro# !iberia. 'acob s#iles in con8usion $hile tal&ing to hi#sel8.= &acob !iberia as in Russia@ <'acob clic&s on her pro8ile and starts reading the Russian girls pro8ile.= &acob ?o$ her na#e is 5ianca. " should te:t her bac&. &acob <#essages 5ianca= 7ey nice na#e 5ianca . ?hat brings you on this site@ <5ianca Juic&ly replies bac&.= +ianca "# (ust tired o8 #eeting rando# guys $ith no purpose in their lives. &acob

0h.. " see. !o $hat are you loo&ing 8or on here@ +ianca "# loo&ing 8or so#eone that " can connect $ith. " dont really care about loo&s. ?ell, #aybe a little but not too #uch. &acob "nteresting. !o do you 8ind #y gee&iness attractive@ +ianca <sends a happy 8ace sy#bol= %es " do 8ind you attractive. 2o be honest " dont nor#ally go 8or guys li&e you, but " a# (ust attractive to you in a $eird $ay. " cant really e:plain. <'acob s#iles and 8eels happy o8 $hat 5ianca is telling hi# and the $ay she loo&s.= +ianca " dont nor#ally do this $ith strangers, but do you $ant to e:change nu#bers@ &acob !ure. +y nu#ber is ...C..1C/314. And yours@ +ianca

+ine is 444C)4.C/131. &acob ?ell than&s. 7it #e up anyti#e. +ianca " $ill. 5ye, bye handso#e. <'acob types the happy 8ace sy#bol to 5ianca and logs o88 the co#puter.=

Scene 1; In Car'os a!t

<Carlos $a&es up 8ro# his nap and calls Cynthia.= Cynthia 7ello@ Car'os 7ey " 8inally $o&e up. Cynthia FoodA 7o$d did you sleep@ Car'os " slept good. ,o you $ant to co#e over tonight@

Cynthia !ure. Car'os 5y the $ay bring a 8riend 8or #y buddy. Cynthia 7##> "# not sure i8 " have any 8riends that $ill li&e hi#. Car'os ?hat are you trying to say about #y boy@ Cynthia ?hat " a# trying to say is your 8riend is not that attractive. Car'os <ta&es a deep breath= ,o you thin& he needs a #a&eover@ Cynthia 0h yes he does. Car'os ?ell "ll tal& to you later about that.

Scene )< &acobs House <Phone rings.= &acob 7ello@ Car'os 7o$ $as your night@ &acob "t $as $ild and biIarre. Het #e tell you $hat she did, she.<Carlos interrupts 'acob.= Car'os 7old that thought. " $ill get ready and go over so you can tell #e the story in person. &acob Alright #an. <'acob suddenly receives a te:t 8ro# 5ianca.= +ianca 7eyA &acob 7ey bac&A " $asnt e:pecting you to hit #e up so 8ast. +ianca

<laughs= " hope " didnt bother you. &acob ot at all. Can " call you 8or a second@ +ianca !ure. <'acob starts calling 5ianca.= +ianca 7ey, heyA &acob <5iancas Russian accent can be heard= Cute accent you have. +ianca 2han& you. And $o$ this 8eels a$&$ard. &acob A$&$ard ho$@ +ianca A$&$ard as in " never spo&e on the phone to any guy so 8ast that $as 8ro# the co#puter $orld. &acob <laughs= 0h " see.

+ianca 5ut dont $orry because " 8eel 8ine tal&ing to you. &acob <s#iles and laugh= " #ust be a luc&y guy huh@ +ianca +aybe, $ell have to 8ind out. &acob !ounds good to #e. +ianca !o tell #e about yoursel8@ ?hat do you do@ And are you really 2. years old@ &acob ?ell " a# 2. years old. And <5ianca interrupts.= +ianca ?hat a coincidence $e are the sa#e age. &acob 0h yea it is cool that $e are 2.. !o to ans$er your Juestions 8ro# be8ore. " a# 2. years old and " $or& 8or a co#pany that #a&es sport video ga#es. +ianca

2hat sounds li&e a lot o8 8un . &acob %eah at ti#es it can be. 7o$ about you@ ?hat is it that you do@ +ianca " a# a stripperA &acob o $ayA Really@ +ianca <laughs= 'ust &idding. " $ould never do that. &acob <laughs= %ou scared #e there. +ianca "# sorry, but seriously " a# a &indergarten teacher. &acob ?0?A A se:y s#art $o#an. ?hat #ore can a guy as& 8or. +ianca <laughs= 2han& you. <All o8 a sudden 'acobs door bell rings.=

&acob <tal&ing to 5ianca= Het #e call you bac& since #y best 8riend is &noc&ing on the door. +ianca 0&ay s$eetie. <'acob hangs up and opens the door.= Car'os 'eeII #an are you dea8@ &acob o #an "# not. Car'os !o tell #e $hat happen that night at the bar. 5y the $ay $asnt that Asian chic& hot@ &acob Het #e tell you , yes she $as hot but she $as also nutsA Car'os uts ho$@ &acob !he too& #e in this bedroo# that she called her dungeon. And she $hipped #y le8t ass chee& a 8e$

ti#es. <Carlos laughs hysterically.= &acob +an she al#ost brought a tear 8ro# #y eye. " have a 8e$ bruises on #y $hite ass. Car'os <laughing= 2hats hilarious. &acob ot only did she $hopped #y ass, but $hen she $as on top o8 #e in bed she #ade so#e $eird sounds. Car'os ?hat type o8 $eird sounds@ !ho$ #e. <'acob begins to do #onster sounds that Candy did in bed.= Car'os <laughing very loud= $o$ " didnt &no$ she $ould be so $eird li&e that. &acob 2o top it all o88 " opened #y eyes to see a glo$ and the dar& screa# #as& on her 8ace. Car'os

<laughing= ?hat the hell #an. "# sorry she $as a nut, but chec& this out. &acob ?hats that@ Car'os " got Cynthia to bring a 8riend 8or you tonight. &acob <con8used= 9riend@ 2onight@ Car'os %es tonight. ?e all are going to hang at #y place and play so#e pool. &acob 7##> "# not sure. Car'os Ah.. Co#e on bro. %oure single. &acob %oure right, but " (ust dont &no$. Car'os %oure still co#ing. !o any$ay $here are your :bo: ga#es at@

&acob <points to the side o8 the television= Right over there. Car'os Frab your controller, "# going to beat your ass in 8ootball. &acob ?ill see about that. <'acob and Carlos start playing a 8ootball ga#e.= Car'os ?ould you loo& at that. "# al#ost close to getting a touchdo$n. &acob ?ill see about that. Car'os "n your 8aceA " (ust scored a touchdo$n on youA &acob <laughing= Cal# do$n its (ust a ga#e. <Carlos laughs.= &acob ,o you $ant to see this girl "# tal&ing to@

Car'os !ure, but $hat girl are you re8erring to@ &acob Co#e $ith #e to the co#puter roo#. Car'os 0&ay. &acob Re#e#ber the dating site " told you about be8ore@ Car'os %es " re#e#ber. &acob ?ill this $o#an 8ro# Russia had sent #e a #essage 8ro# the dating site. <'acob sho$s 5ianca pro8ile to 'acob.= Car'os ,a#n shes cute but she doesnt see# li&e a hot type o8 slut. !he see#s #ore li&e a hot s#art $o#an. And " love her curly blac& hair $ith her haIel eyes. &acob !hes really cute huh@

Car'os %ou got that right, but co#e on shes all the $ay in Russia. &acob " &no$, but " thin& " li&e her a little. Car'os ?hat@ <'acob stares at Carlos.= Car'os %ou cant ta&e a 8e#ale seriously 8ro# another country. Hong distance relationships never $or&. " thought you $ould &no$ that since that is one o8 the codes o8 being a guy. &acob +aybe youre right, but $ere (ust tal&ing. Car'os <laughs= ,ude youre are (ust going to $aste your ti#e. "# (ust giving you #y opinion as a 8riend. &acob " &no$. 2hat is $hy youre #y best 8riend because $e can tal& about anything.

Car'os <laughs= %upA %ou &no$ it. !o $hat are you going to $ear 8or Cynthias 8riend@ <'acob points to a out8it that is hanging 8ro# the closet.= Car'os 2hat out8it is not bad, but you should shave that +ario loo&ing #ustache. &acob <laughs in a (o&ing #atter= 2his +ario loo&ing #ustache gets #e all the ladies. Car'os <spea&s in a serious tone= Hets be real 8or a #inute. 2he only hot girl you ever had $as your e: girl8riend. &acob Co#e onA ?hy are you trying to diss #e 8or@ Car'os "# not trying to diss you. ?ell, $hat "# really trying to say is you should get a #a&eover so you can get so#e hot girls. &acob <thin&s o8 5ianca= ?hat do you thin& " should change@

Car'os ,ont change ho$ you are. 'ust get rid o8 all that long hair and tri# that #ustache. +aybe a clean cut hair style #ight be the right 8it 8or you. &acob 7##... " had this long hair since high school. Car'os "8 you go through $ith the #a&eover then " pro#ise youll be getting the girls that " al$ays get. &acob 0&ay 8ineA "ll do the #a&eover. Car'os FoodA &acob 7ey didnt your pops teach you ho$ to cut hair be8ore@ Car'os %es he did. &acob ?ant to cut #ine@ Car'os

!ure, but do you have clippers around@ &acob opeA Car'os "ll run to the store Juic& and buy a pair. &acob 2han&sA <Carlos leaves 'acob apt and heads to the store. 'acob beings te:ting 5ianca.= &acob " a# about to get a #a&eover. +ianca ?hatA@ ?hy@ &acob " thin& its ti#e 8or a change. +ianca 7##> Are you not happy $ith your loo&s@ &acob <lies= %es " love #y loo&, but #y hair has been bothering #e lately.

+ianca 0h o&ay, $ell " cant $ait to see the a8ter photo o8 the #a&eover. &acob <laughs=" $ill ta&e a photo later on to sho$ you. ,ont #ean to cut you o88, but " $ill hit you bac& up once "# done $ith this #a&eover. +ianca <laughs= 0&ay no proble#A

Scene )1 At a Store
Car'os <tal&ing to store cler&= ,o you have any clippers@ Store C'er% 2hey are on aisle 4. Car'os 2han& you sir. <Carlos heads to aisle 4. Carlos sees the hair clippers and begins tal&ing to hi#sel8.= 24.44 8or so#e na#e brand clippersA ?hat a dealA

<Carlos proceeds to pay 8or the clippers.= Store C'er% Cash or credit@ Car'os <hands over the cash= "# paying $ith cash. " hate credit cards. Store c'er% <laughs= ,o you need a bag@ Car'os o its 8ine. Store C'er% 2han& you and co#e againA <Carlos leaves the store and #a&es his $ay bac& to 'acobs apt.=

Scene )) &acobs a!t

<Houd &noc&ing= &acob

=a!!roaches his a!t door7 ?ho is it@ Car'os <(o&ing around= "ts #e the president o8 the Dnited !tates du#b assA &acob <laughs and opens the door= !o did you get it@ Car'os %es " did loo&. &acob iceA Hoo&s li&e its heavy duty. Car'os "ts the sa#e brand o8 clippers #y pops used bac& in the days. &acob Alright cool. " have set up a chair in the living roo#. Car'os 0&ay (ust sit in the chair $hile " 8ind the right clipper siIe. &acob "ll &eep #y eyes close till you are done.

Car'os %ea you should because all this hair $ill get in your eyes. <Carlos begins to cut pieces o8 'acobs long hair= !ay good bye to all that horse hair. &acob <laughs= 2hat hair has been gro$ing #y $hole li8e. Car'os %ou $ill be glad its gone no$. <Carlos cuts the rest o8 'acobs pony tail o88 and begins a se#i lo$ cut on the top o8 his head=. &acob <laughs and (o&es= +y head 8eels lighter no$. " thin& " lost a 8e$ pounds o8 hair. Car'os %ea it probably is lighter no$. " a# going to start blending the side o8 your hair no$. &acob Alright do $hat you have to do. <1/ #inutes later.= Car'os 0&ay. ?e are all doneA o$ its ti#e to shave o88 that

#ustache . <Carlos shaves 'acobs #ustache.= Car'os Are you ready to see the 8inal result@ &acob 7ell yea " a#. Car'os ?aitA " 8orgot one #ore thing. &acob And that is@ Car'os <laughs= " 8orgot the gel. <Carlos applies gel on 'acobs hair. 7e begins to 8or# it in a spi&y $ay, but going 8or$ard.= Car'os o$ you can open your eyes. &acob <'acob open his eyes is in shoc&= ?o$A " loo& so di88erent and better than everA Car'os

!o do you li&e it@ &acob 7ell yea " doA " loo& li&e a #illion buc&s. Car'os "# happy 8or you. o$ you $ill pic& up any girl. o$ go get ready so $e can head bac& to #y place and call Cynthia so she can co#e $ith her 8riend. &acob Alright. <'acob starts to get ready. )0 #inutes go by.= Car'os Are you ready@ &acob %eah " a# lets go in both our cars. Car'os 0&ay. <'acob drives behind Carlos to his apt. 9e$ #inutes later they arrive at the apt.=

Scene ), Car'os a!t

&acob !o are you going to call the# no$@ Car'os Right no$ " $ill. <Carlos calls Cynthia=. Cynthia 7ello@ Car'os 7ey #e and 'acob are ready.%ou can co#e over $ith your 8riend. Cynthia 0&ay thats cool. " should be there in 20 #inutes. Car'os 0&ay se:y <hangs up phone=. &acob !o ho$ long till they arrive@ Car'os !he said 20 #inutes or so. &acob

0&ay. !o ho$ does her 8riend loo& li&e@ Car'os <laughs= " have no idea. &acob 0h #anA %ou dont even have a hint ho$ she loo&s@ Car'os <laughs= ope not at all. &acob <nods= ?hatever its o&ay. <2$enty 8ive #inutes later Cynthia and her 8riend &noc& on Carlos apt door. ,oor bell rings and Carlos opens up the door.= Cynthia <gives Carlos a hug= 7ey Carlos and 'acob this is #y sister 6rica. &acob and Car'os ice to #eet you. Erica <s#iles= !a#e here. Car'os

?ell co#e inside. <6rica and Cynthia enter the apt and sit inside the living roo#.= Car'os Can " get you ladies so#ething to drin&@ Erica !ure, "ll have a beer Cynthia <laughs= 'ust give #e a shot o8 patron. "# not in the #ood 8or beer. <'acob and Carlos laughs= &acob !o#eone $ants to get $asted@ Cynthia ?hat@ &acob <laughs= "# playing Cynthia !illyA Car'os

"ll go get the drin&s. <9ive #inutes later Carlos brings the drin&s to the ladies.= Car'os 7ere you go pretty ladies. Erica and Cynthia 2han&sA &acob !o do you girls play pool@ Cynthia %es $e do. Car'os 7o$ about $e all play@ Erica ?ell h##> " can play later because " (ust $ant to sit and s#o&e . &acob !#o&e $hat@ Erica "# going to s#o&e so#e $eed.

&acob 0h... Car'os ?ell thats 8ine. "ll (ust play pool $ith Cynthia till you guys are ready. <Carlos and Cynthia go to the pool roo#.= Cynthia %our 8riend 'acob is a cutie no$. Car'os " gave hi# the coolest hair cut didnt "@ Cynthia %es you did. Food 'obA Car'os 2han& you. ,o you thin& your sister $ould li&e hi#@ Cynthia 7#.. +aybe, but the Juestion is $ill 'acob li&e 6rica. Car'os ?hat do you #ean by that@ " dont see anything $rong $ith besides the 8act she see#s goth li&e. Cynthia

" say li&e because she #ight be too #uch to handle 8or hi#. Car'os 0h> o$ " understand. Cynthia !o are you ready to start the ga#e@ Car'os <laughs= "# al$ays ready. =Carlos and Cynthia begin playing pool. As they are playing pool 'acob and 6rica are having a conversation.= &acob !o ho$ long have you been s#o&ing $eed@ Erica !ince " $as eight years old. &acob <gasp and laughs= ,a#n thats really young. Erica %eah " $as really young. 2hats $hat happens $hen you have parents that s#o&e around you at that age. %ou pic& up bad habits. &acob

" can understand that, and agree 8ully $ith you. Erica !o do you $ant a pu88@ &acob ot really. Erica A$.. Co#e on, stop being such a $uss. %ou &no$ $eed cures cancer and is good 8or the body. <6rica #oves closer to 'acob.= &acob " dont care $hat it does. "t (ust taste really bad to #e. Erica A# " #a&ing you 8eel unco#8ortable@ <'acob receives a te:t 8ro# 5ianca.= +ianca 7ey (ust $anted to say " &ind o8 #iss your %C accent. <'acob s#iles at the te:t #essage= Erica ?hat are you s#iling 8or@ 0h $ait, #aybe its the second hand s#o&e that is getting to you.

&acob ot at all. "# s#iling o8 $hat #y 8riend $rote. Erica <nods= Put the phone a$ay and 8ocus on #e. <'acob replies bac& to 5ianca telling her he #isses her Russia accent as $ell. 5ianca te:ts bac& a s#iley 8ace=. &acob <putting his cell a$ay= "# sorry 6rica, but that s#ell o8 $eed really stin&s. Erica !o $hat are you trying to say@ 2hat " stin&@ &acob o thats not $hat " a# trying to say. <6rica #oves a$ay 8ro# 'acob and heads to the pool roo#.= Erica <tal&ing to Cynthia and Carlos= Can you believe your 8riend said " stin& because o8 the $eed. Car'os <s#ir&s= ot at all.

Erica <tal&ing to Cynthia= Firl "# leaving. Are you co#ing or staying@ Cynthia "# sorry Carlos. "# going $ith 6rica. !he is #y sister and she 8eels disrespected. " hope you can understand that. Car'os <disappointed 8ace= "ts o&ay. "ll tal& to 'acob about your situation $hen you guys leave. Co#e, "ll $al& you ladies to the door. <Carlos and the girls pass by the living roo# and head to the apt door.= &acob %ou girls leaving already@ Erica <rude tone= %es and bye. Cynthia 5ye guys. <Cynthia and 6rica leave out o8 Carlos apt and heads ho#e.= Car'os

%o #anA ?hy did you say that to 6rica@ &acob +an it (ust ca#e out the $rong $ay. Car'os <nods= 2here goes our night. &acob " thin& you should stop hoo&ing #e up $ith all these stupid girls. Car'os <laughs= ?hat $as the proble# $ith her@ 0h $ait " &no$, it $as <'acob interrupts.= &acob 2he proble# $ith her is " 8elt a bad vibe 8ro# her. Also, the 8act that she s#o&es is a turn o88. Car'os <sha&es his head=. 5ad vibe@ ,o you $ant a church girl no$@ &acob o> " thin& " $ill (ust 8ocus on #ysel8. Car'os

%ou sure #an@ %ou &no$ "# the pi#p daddy and can 8ind any girl you need. &acob " a# sure. Car'os Alright #an. ,rive ho#e sa8e. <'acob leaves Carlos apt and heads ho#e. 1. #inutes later 'acob arrives at his apt and instantly calls 5ianca.= <Ring, Ring= +ianca 7ey, 7ey &acob +iss #e@ +ianca 7##> +aybeA <laughing= !o ho$ did your night go $ith your 8riend@ &acob 6h.. it $as o&ay. <tells a lie=" had to cut the night short because #y 8riend started s#o&ing $eed. +ianca 0h thats no good. "# glad you dont s#o&e $eed.

&acob 2han&s, its (ust not #y thing. And the s#o&e o8 $eed #a&es #e get pi#ples. +ianca <laughs= Pi#ples@ 2hats the 8irst ti#e " hear that oneA &acob <laughs= yupA +ianca FoodA. &acob !o are you tal&ing to anyone@ +ianca 2al&ing as in dating@ &acob %es as in dating. +ianca o " a# not tal&ing to anyone. &acob !o have you ever had a long distance relationship@

+ianca o " havent, but " $ould have one. &acob <s#iles= 2hat is good to &no$. +ianca <laughs= " $onder $hy@ !o> ,o you $ant to $eb ca#@ &acob %es " $ould love toA 'ust give #e one #inute to ad(ust the ca#. <1 #inute goes by.= &acob " a# ready. 7o$ about you@ +ianca %es "# all set. 7urry it up alreadyA <'acob and 5ianca both turn on the $eb ca#s.= +ianca A$> %ou loo& so s$eet and innocent on $ebca#. &acob <blushes $ith nervousness and s#iles= %ou loo& a#aIingA ?here have you been all o8 #y li8e@

+ianca <giggles and laughs= 0h stop it silly. "ve been here in RussiaA &acob <laughs= ?ell glad " 8ound you no$. !o " have a Juestion 8or you. +ianca ?hats the Juestion@ &acob ?hen $as the last ti#e you $ere single@ +ianca "ve been single 8or t$o years. And although " have been single 8or those years " $as dating a 8e$ ti#es, but gave up because there $asnt any good guys that " 8ound interesting to &eep on dating. &acob ,a#n that $as a long ti#e. And " can understand $here you are co#ing 8ro# $hen dating uninteresting people. !o#eti#es a person (ust needs to &eep dating or ta&e a brea& 8ro# it because #aybe the interesting person #ight 8ind you instead o8 you loo&ing 8or hi#. 7ope that #a&es sense to you.

+ianca "t #a&es per8ect sense. &acob Flad it does. !o $hat happened $ith you and your e: i8 you dont #ind #e as&ing@ +ianca +y e: boy8riend didnt $ant to settle do$n. 7e (ust $anted to be $ith #ultiple people $hile still being $ith #e. !o " had to cut hi# o88 $hich #eans ending the relationship. &acob !uch a sha#e ho$ so#e guys $ho have a good $o#an ends up treating the $o#an as trash. +ianca %es it is a sha#e, but " dont let one #ans #ista&e put a negative i#age in #y head about all guys being shady in the $ay #y e: $as. &acob " li&e the $ay your #indset is. <8lirting= !o are $e going to start so#e history together@ +ianca <laughs= ?hat are you trying to say@

&acob ?hat "# trying to say is " $ant to 8ocus on you. +ianca <shoc&ed e:pression over the phone= 9ocus on #e@ ?hat e:actly do you #ean@ &acob " $ill tell ho$ it is. 5ianca " &no$ $e barely even &no$ each other, but " have a good vibe about you. +ianca <s#iles= 0h is that so@ ?hat &ind o8 vibe do you 8eel@ &acob 2he vibe " 8eel is a vibe that tells #e youre not li&e #ost $o#an out there. +ost $o#an such as the gold diggers, sluts and party girls. Also, " a# tired o8 #eeting all these girls in #y li8e. " $ant to go $ith #y gut 8eeling. And #y gut 8eeling is telling #e to put #y all in you. +ianca <in shoc&ed and s#iles= ?o$A " $ouldnt have no clue or thought about you telling #e all o8 this. &acob 7o$ do you 8eel about $hat "ve told you@ A# " scaring you a$ay@

+ianca o not at all. " love $hat " a# hearing. " $ill put #y all in &no$ing you too. Also, there is one Juestion. &acob And that is@ +ianca Prove to #e that youre not li&e #ost #en in the $orld. Prove to #e that you li&e #e 8or #e and not 8or a piece o8 ass. &acob " $ill prove it to you and pro#ise you that "# not li&e those other guys in the $orld. +ianca <s#iles= 2han& youA " loo& 8or$ard to &no$ing you better 8ro# no$ on. <6ight #onths later and $ithin those #onths, 'acob and 5ianca got very close and built a good relationship 8ro# phone calls every day to $eb ca# chats each night. 'acob and 5ianca $ould tal& on the phone till the sun rises and $ould send each other videos describing ho$ there day $ent and ho$ #uch they #iss one another. 2he bond they have developed during those #onths $as a bond that #ost people $ould consider $eird in todays


Scene )0 Outside &acobs bui'din3

<Phone rings= &acob 7ello@ Car'os 2odays your day #anA Are you e:cited@ &acob " a# so e:citedA " have not 8elt li&e this in a long ti#e. Car'os Food #anA " a# happy 8or you. !o $hat ti#e are you going to catch the plane@ &acob ?ell, " have 4. #inutes till #y plane arrives. Car'os ?here are you no$@ &acob

"# outside $aiting 8or a ta:i. <9ive #inutes later ta:i co#es.= &acob +y cab is here no$. Car'os 7ave a sa8e trip. &acob " $ill bro . <'acob hangs up the phone and heads inside the ta:i.= Cab dri9er ?here to@ &acob 2o the airport. Cab dri9er %ou got itA <9i8teen #inutes later 'acob arrives at the airport. Dpon arriving at the airport he chec&s his bags and chec&s in at the gate. 9e$ #inutes later, 'acob enters the plane. 2he pilot 8ro# the plane begins tal&ing 8ro# the interco#.= Pi'ot ?elco#e aboard lady and gentle#en. Please buc&le up

your seat belts. ?e $ill be parting shortly. <9ive #inutes later the planes ta&es o88 and heads straight to #other Russia. +any hours later the plane arrives at its destination.= &acob <tal&ing to hi#sel8= 0h #y FodA " cant believe "# here. <'acob $al&s out o8 the plane and begins loo&ing around 8or 5ianca. +o#ents later 5ianca te:ts 'acob.= +ianca ?here are you@ &acob "# here. <'acob turns around and sees 5ianca 8ro# si: 8eet a$ay. 7e slo$ly $al&s behind her and $raps his ar#s around her $aist.= +ianca <turns around= 0h babeA " thought this day $ould never co#eA &acob ?ell its here no$ and al$ays re#e#ber love has no distance especially $hen youre deeply in love.

2he 6nd

7ey guys i8 you li&e #y short story 8eel 8ree to leave #e your revie$ on A#aIon and #y 9aceboo& page. 2han& youA

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