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SUBJECT: Grade 2 Math UNIT TOPIC: Calendar Activities



Main General Learning Outcome & Strand Shape & Space (Measurement) Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems Specific Learning Outcomes 1. Relate the number of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a problem-solving context. (Communications, Connections, Problem Solving, Reasoning) 1.1 I can read a date on a calendar. 1.2 I can name and order the days of the week. 1.3 I can identify the day of the week and the month of the year for an identified calendar date. 1.4 I can communicate that there are seven days in a week and twelve months in a year. 1.5 I can determine whether a given set of days is more or less than a week. 1.6 I can identify yesterdays and tomorrows date. 1.7 I can identify the month that comes before and the month that comes after a given month. 1.8 I can name and order the months of the year. 1.9 I can solve a given problem involving time that is limited to the number of days in a week and the number of months in a year. Related Strands & SLOs SP2: I can construct and interpret concrete graphs and pictographs to solve problems

Statistics & Probability (Data Analysis) I can collect, display and analyze data to solve problems. Number I can develop number sense.

N2: I can tell if a number to 75 is even or odd N4.3: I can represent numbers using tallies Cross Curricular Connections English Language Arts 2.1.11: I can attend to capital letters, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks to read accurately, fluently and with comprehension in oral and silent reading (ex. Capitalizing days of the week and months of the year) 4.1.8: I can identify new words by using word patterns, word combinations & parts of a word (ex. Sounding out the months of the year and days of the week) 2.4.3: I can write a simple story with a beginning, middle and an end (ex. Write a simple story using days of the week) 4.2.8: I can use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences (ex. Days of the week and months of the year) Focusing Questions What is a calendar? How many days are in a week? What is a date? How many days are in a given month? What is the difference between a day, week, How many months are in a year? month, and year?

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