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First- brain storm- what does this word make you think of?

What different firsts are there? 2 mins with partner, discuss and jot down ideas of firsts (access vocab) Whole group feedback to talk about the firsts (consolidate vocab) In partners, choose a first from the list that you would be comfortable talking about- tell each other about it. Then write down 5 emotions that you had in relation to that first- were they happy/sad? (fluency, telling your real story- narrative)(vocab- emotions) Group feedback- what emotions did people come up with? (vocabulary expansion) We are going to look at a poem which deals with a first Wordle- what first do you think it was? (prediction) Watch video and check your prediction. Was it right? In your partners compare the difference between the experience you felt from the poem and your first experience that you mentioned earlier or your first day of school. (comparing and contrasting language) Watch again, this time with the words, following along. Write down a thought/question/idea that the poem sparks in you on a card (I give them the card) They Think, who is the narrator? Where do you think they are? What about the language tells you that hte narrator is who you think it is? Why do you think they are where you think they are? Why do you think they feel that way? What is the cause? Do you think all children feel that way? (critical thinking skills) Pronouns- identify the pronouns- in pairs- who/what are they relating to? Imagine that the student is at home- what would he/she write in his diary? Role play the conversation he would have when he gets home...

The poet is an adult, not a child. What is the implied meaning in the poem?

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