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Council on Built Environment (CBE)

September 9, 2009
VOTING MEMBERS PRESENT: Joe Dillard, Bill Dugas, Steve Hodge, Konrad Johnson, Clint Magill, Doug Palmer, Dave Parrott, Chuck Sippial, Jeffery Seeman,
Max Summers and Deborah Wright.

VOTING MEMBERS ABSENT: Antonio Benito-Cepeda, Kevin Hurley, and David Woodcock.

Ex-Officio Members Attending: Lallah Howard, Shelly Janac, James Massey, Chris Meyer, Dick Williams and Polli Satterwhite.

1. Approval of August 26, 2009 minutes –Palmer. The minutes • Minutes approved and will be posted to
were approved as read. the CBE website

2. Chair’s Comments:
a. The needed modifications to the Project Approval Process • Shelly Janac
will be discussed at the next meeting.
b. Transportation Services will submit a proposal to the Vice
President for Facilities to place purchased FEMA trailers on the
west campus to provide needed space for employees until a
permanent location is available. The project will first be
reviewed by the Technical Sub-committee.

3. Information Items:
a. 1) Ron Sasse provided information on the current Phase
One University Apartments project provides 250 units/428
beds. It is scheduled for completion in August 2010. Phase
One will include a community/laundry facility in the middle of
the complex. It will be utilized by mostly international graduate
students and some undergraduate students. Students stay an
average of three years. Rent will be at or near market value for
newly constructed units. The construction is funded by
Residence Life.
2). Residence Life would like to get a concept approval to
continue with Phases Two and Three which would complete the
new unit construction. Phase Two would be complete by
August 2011 and Phase Three by August 2012. Infrastructure
would be funded by the University. It was indicated that the
University should indicate that TAMU truly will be a residential
campus. Parrott indicated that had already been done. After
more discussion, Dr. Seeman made the motion to give

approval to pursue further development of the concept for
Phases Two and Three, with the provision that the CBE is kept
informed during the process. Mr. Sippial seconded; the motion
3). Sasse next gave an update on the Residence Hall Master
Planning and Site Feasibility Study which actually looked at all
campus housing and presents options for total replacement of
all residence halls. The plan suggests that construction of new
halls begin on the northwest corner of the main campus. There
are three options: (1) build a new facility on parking lot 30 on
the northwest corner; (2) build a new facility on the southeast
corner of the main campus on parking lot 40; or (3) demolish
Crocker, Moore and McInnis Halls and construct a new facility
on that space. After discussion, Dr. Seeman made the motion
to approve option three for concept development. Dr. Dugas
seconded; the motion carried.
4). The final item by Mr. Sasse was a request for approval to
formally reserve space on the west campus for future campus
housing construction. The area that is specifically requested is
near the corner of Discovery Dr. and Kimbrough Blvd.
Agriculture has already claimed the space. Dr. Palmer said that
he is reticent about CBE responding to a request from a unit to
prioritize a future land space on the campus, so CBE will not
provide a recommendation at this time.

b. Classroom Panorama Website: James Massey and Brad

Hollas showed the group the new website that can be utilized
by the university staff and faculty to view the details of
classrooms. It will be available in conjunction with the new
class scheduling software. Also available will be some atriums
and rotundas. The link to the site
can be used by professors on their personal webpages.

3. Other Business:
There was no other business. The meeting was adjourned at
3:00 pm

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