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PROMPT: Critic Roland Barthes has said, Literature is the question minus the answer.

Write an essay in which you analyze a central question Hamlet raises and the extent to which it offers answers.

Literature, in itself, is a form of art. Like all forms if visual art, literature is created through the abstractions and understandings of human creative skill and imagination, typically posing questions about human nature and the conflicts that plague people in spiritual, emotional, fictional, and authentic realms, and possess the ability to leave open the interpretations of those who read, listen, and watch. The tragedy of Hamlet is the drama of the young prince of Denmark, Hamlet, whom, under the persuasion of an apparition that appears to him, must determine whether to seek revenge upon his uncle and avenge his father's, late King of Denmark, death. Hamlet is both illustrious and praised for its ability to pose questions that are still relevant today; that continue to cause English literature scholars to questions the motives and themes that are presented within the play. Now, while the play may pose some insightful inquiries as to the idea of life and death and the mechanics behind one's morals concerning the topic, it is mainly left to the reader to interpret the extent to which the piece offers answers to Hamlet's infamous question of, "To be or not to be". The character that Hamlet portrays is one that has captured the attention of various audiences primarily due to fact that, amongst his most noticeable character traits, Hamlet is not only obsessively contemplative upon the actions he takes in the play but he is exceedingly indecisive. It is his indecisiveness however, that causes Hamlet to pose the questions that we, today, are able to contemplate.

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