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Name:___Student A________________________________________ Block: _1A_

Directions: Before creating your Wanted Poster, complete this worksheet as you research
your god or goddess.

The name of the god or goddess: ___Hera_______________________________________

The Roman name of your god or goddess: ___Juno__________________________________

Domain (what is he/she the god/goddess of): __Goddess of Marriage, Queen of the Gods, Goddess of
birth ____________________________________________________________________

Hangouts – where would this god or goddess be found? _May be found at Mt. Olympus or at Argos in
Peloponnesus _______________________________________________________________

Flaws/crimes/behaviors that cause trouble for this god or goddess – What is your god or
goddess wanted for: _jealous of Zeus’ lady friends, hated Heracles __________________________

Physical Description – list ways to recognize this god or goddess, for example does he/she carry
something with him/her, dress in a certain way, have physical characteristics that are different
from the other gods and goddesses? _Beautiful women wearing a crown and holding a royal, locus-tipped
staff, she is known for having large eyes _____________________________________________

Does this god have a weapon? __Hera does not have a weapon _________________________
What is the reward for your god or goddess? _one fat cow ___________________________

What other identifying characteristics or interesting facts have you discovered about your god
or goddess: __She remained faithful to Zeus even though he was not faithful to her ________________

Relatives? (parents, siblings, what god or goddesses did he or she marry?) __Daughter of Cronus
and Rhea, Wife and sister of Zeus, mother of Hephaestus, Hebe, and Ares ________________________

What are his/her "favorites"? ___peacocks, cows, crow and pomegranate ____________________

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