Bibliografi: 5. Penang: Rhythm MP Sdn. BHD

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Abdul Fatah Karim.(1999) Panduan asas harmoni.Kuala Lumpur:Penerbit Universiti Malaya Butter !rth" A. (1999). Harmony in practice. L!nd!n: AB#$M %remmits" &.%. (1991). Workbook with more exercises on theory of music, grade 5. Penan': #hythm MP $dn. Bhd. Lee" F.K (199(). Guidelines on harmony. Penan': Penerbit Mu)i*al L!h" P.K (1991). A handbook of music theory. Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Mu)i*al. L!h" P. K (199+) A handbook of music theory.grede 6 !" Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit Mu)i*al ,ttman" #.-. (1999). Ad#anced harmony. .e /!r*: Prenti0e 1all.

$0h!nbrun" M. (2334). $he e#erything music theory book. Massa0husetts: Adams Media 5ayl!r" 6. (2333). %irst steps in music theory grades & to 5. L!nd!n: 5he Ass!0iated B!ard !7 the #!yal $0h!!ls !7 Musi0 5ayl!r" 6. (2333). 'usic theory in practice grade 5. L!nd!n: 5he Ass!0iated B!ard !7 the #!yal $0h!!ls !7 Musi0. -yatt" K 8 $0hr!eder" % (1999). Harmony ( theory. U$A: 1al Le!nard.


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