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1) Correct these sentences. Explain the errors. a. *We all know that it is hard for us to find a best way to solve this problem. b. *However, almost six years ago the kingdom faced a major challenge with terrorist groups inside Saudi Arabia. It was the most scariest time for citizens as well as the government. It was the scariest time for citizens as well as the government. The scariest is the common noun, and definite. As well as the government means same as the government. c. *After decades the Japanese have become more strong and better than what they were. d. *Also, there is an impact on weather which will become more better with no dryness. Also, there is an impact on weather which will become better with no dryness. Better is proper. (Or common, indefinite and unspecific quantity) e. *His very dead body remained chilled for two days. Remain, because chilled is already the past tense, remain is not necessary become the past tense; also remain is the connection world. f. *The man in the bar is a policeman and drunk.1


Sentences are all sample student writing with the two exceptions of e and f. Mallett & Voigt (2011)

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