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St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church Name.

Bible Questions for Great Lent Week 4
Sunday 3/16 Luke Chapter 15:11-32 (Acceptance of Repentance) Which son asked his father the portion of money and goods? a- The older son b- The younger son c- Both sons Who was the son feeding every day? a- Swine b- Horses c- Ducks

Monday 3/17 Luke Chapter 16:1-18 (Spirit of the Gospel) What is the reference of this verse No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon?

Tuesday 3/18 Luke Chapter 9:57-62 (Spreading the Gospel) Fill in the right words No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the Wednesday 3/19 Mark Chapter 4:35-41 (Peace of the Gospel) Where was Jesus when the storm arose? a- Jesus was in a different boat b- Jesus was sleeping

c- Jesus was not there

Thursday 3/20 Luke Chapter 18:35-43 (Light of the Gospel) The man from Jericho, who was begging, was... a- Leper b- Paralyzed c- Blind When the people warned that man that he should be quiet, he stopped crying out to Jesus. True/False

"Then Jesus said to him, "Receive your sight, your.............................................has made you well."

Friday 3/21 Matthew Chapter 15:21-31 (Faith in the Gospel) The woman of Canaan cried out to Jesus to....... a-Heal her. b-Heal her son c-Heal her daughter. "O woman, great is your.............!Let it be as you desire" a- Faith b- Hope c-Love

Saturday 3/22 Matthew Chapter 21:33-46 (Works and Fruits of the Gospel) "The stone which the builders rejected, Has become the chief cornerstone"(Matthew 21:42) Who is the chief cornerstone?! a- John the Baptist b-The Lord Jesus c- Chief priests and Pharisees. To whom will the kingdom of God be given?

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