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Little Bee is a prime example of a young African deprived of a voice.

After tragic and difcult experiences such as witnessing the murder of her village and the rape and death of her sister, Little Bee is trapped for over two years in a detention center in England. She also lives in constant fear that men will come and take her away to do her harm, as they did her sister. At the end of the novel, Little Bee tells Sarah that it is really important to continue her husband Andrew's work and to show the world the suffering and the devastation that African villages constantly endure, even today. The book, Little Bee, couldnt be more of an important book to share with you today. !

As the art group for Africa night, we decided to continue Andrew's work and reveal to the world the surplus of suffering, devastation, and corruption that overloads so many African countries even today. To do this we dismantled a Dell computer and used its parts to make a 3D representation of the scenes exemplifying the lack of communication that so many Nigerians, such as Little Bee, face in the novel. Our artwork includes a beach and a detention center, because of the important events that occurred in these settings in the novel. To recreate the environment of the detention center we used parts from the computer we had dismantled, including a piece that resembled a jail cell, to represent how the Africans in these detention centers were treated and viewed by others: as criminals and wrongdoers. The other setting that we attempted to recreate was the beach where many signicant scenes took place: it is the place where Sarah sacriced her nger to save Little Bee's life, where Little Bees sister was raped and murdered, and where the nal scene of the book takes place. We used bright colors and glitter when recreating the beach to highlight the irony between what a beach normally represents a place of warm relaxation and what it is in Little Bee, a place of horror and devastation. This novel and the artwork properly convey what is happening in many African societies today. There is so much corruption and suffering all because many Africans do not have a voice in our world. So today we portray to you the artwork we have made in order to give a voice to all those who are suffering in Africa, to all those who do not have a voice.!

As Little Bee says: Our problem is that you only have your story. One story makes you weak. But as soon as we have one hundred stories, you will be strong. If we can show what happened to your village happened to a hundred villages, then the power is on our side.

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