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Bate Novembei 6, 2u1S
In Attenuance Naiy Eugley, Sanuia Almonu, uail NcSkimming, uail Kenuall, Nichael
Tomlin, Sheila Lazaius, Loii Nelson, Bebbie Nissen
Piesiuent Sanuia Almonu
Teachei Naiy Eugley
Tieasuiei Bebbie Nissen
Secietaiy uail NcSkimmings
uail Kenuall

1. Teachei News
- No new items.

2. Tieasuiei's Repoit
- Regulai account - $S,74u.17
- Ait Account - $4Su.u7
- CB - $S,u12.SS

S. BoxtopsLabels foi Euucation
- uail K. iepoits that she thankeu membeis of an online foium foi theii
auvice on how to maximize eainings on boxtops anu labels. A foium
membei fiom 0hio contacteu uail anu sent labels to auu to oui own S,uuu
labels. As a iesult uail was able to submit 1u,uuu (14,SSu points oi
appioximately $1Su).
- PR Piimaiy has $1uS.6u in boxtop eainings
- Sanuia ieminueu PT0 membeis that when using a Taiget cieuit oi uebit
caiu, 1% of youi puichase goes to oui school. (Bave to sign up online anu
iegistei foi PR Piimaiy).

4. Balloween Paity 2u14
- Ciafts anu small toys aie on sale anu we shoulu buy now to stock up foi
next yeai's paity.
Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Puichase ciafts anu toys at Nichael's Loii Nelson

S. Puichases
- iPau Ninis
o Biauy Nelson spoke with contact at West Shoie Teiminals.
o The company uoes not have uesignateu funus foi Point Robeits but
he believes they will be pioviuing a uonation.
o A foimal wiitten iequest will be sent.

6. Ciaft Afteinoon
- Last yeai the stuuents maue Chiistmas oinaments at the iequest of Auntie
Pam's as pait of hei giving tiee pioject.
- Naiy iepoits that Pam has not contacteu the school but coulu auu this
activity piefeiable aftei the wintei peifoimance on Becembei 11
- Note: Rose Nomsen will be leauing an afteischool ciaft activity this month
- making Chiistmas piesents.

7. Fielu Tiips
- Insect museum in victoiia to be aiiangeu foi Spiing 2u14
- Loii iepoits that Biauy has checkeu with the vancouvei Aiipoit anu a toui
can be aiiangeu
o PT0 agieeu that miu oi late }anuaiy is the best time.
Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Request aiipoit toui foi }anuaiy 2u14 Biauy Nelson

8. Calenuais
- Sanuia in piocess of scanning aitwoik.
- No calenuai cases neeu to be puichaseu - have 68 cases leftovei.
- Sanuia pioposeu buying ietail stanus at $S.99 each plus shipping
o PT0 appiove puichase
- Piinting costs appioximately $2.Su pei calenuai
- Piicing to iemain at $1u pei calenuai
- Retail stanus at Bannei Bank, Biewstei's, Blue Beion ualleiy, anu Steiling
- Sell calenuais at Ciaft Faii on Becembei 7
anu at Wintei Peifoimance on
Becembei 11
- Sanuia may neeu help to put calenuais togethei.

9. Wintei Peifoimance - Weunesuay, Becembei 11
at the Community Centie
- Naiy auvises that no set builuing oi costumes iequiieu this yeai.
- Signs to be put out the week befoie anu collecteu aftei the event.
o Stuuents coulu possible help make a big sign
- Setup tables anu chaiis in the Community Centie at Spm on Becembei
- Cooiuinate iefieshments
o Coffeetea
o Snacks fiom paients
o Bebbie anu Sanuia offeieu use of cooleiuispensei foi wateijuice
so that theie is no neeu to buy bottleu watei
o Neeu cups, utensils, plates, napkins, cieam, sugai cubes
- Clean up at enu of event, ueliveiy of unclaimeu auction items to Bannei
Bank the next uay.
- Calenuai sales as noteu above.
- Silent AuctionRaffle Baskets
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o Bebbie iepoiteu that the Inteinational Naiketplace uonateu a paii
of skiis maue by Noment which weie pioviueu by a wine company
as pait of an in-stoie piomotion.
o Skiis aie valueu at $Suu-Suu. PT0 may want to put them up on
Ebay oi Ciaigslist insteau of the silent auction.
o Whiubey Tel uonateu $2uu - coulu be useu to puichase items foi
iaffle baskets.
o Naiy auviseu that Natuie Path anu Lighthouse Foous will be
uonating baskets.
o Neeu uonations fiom local ietaileis
! Bebbie has an upuateu uonation iequest lettei that can be
sent out to PT0.
! Sanuia will be in touch with uiouse Nountain anu Bell
! Loii iepoits that }ennifei Fielus will be obtaining uonations
! uaiage sale items - guitai, aitwoik - will be put in auction
! uift ceitificates aie always goou - gas stations, iestauiants
- Sanuia may neeu help with biu sheets.
- Check with Beb Wilkowski about Santa visit.
- Weunesuay, Becembei 11
at the Community Centie
- Beauline foi Silent Auction uonations - Fiiuay, Becembei 6
. Eailiei is
Action Peison Responsible Beauline
0btain uonations foi silent auction All ASAP
Email uonation iequest lettei to all PT0
Bebbie Nissen ASAP

1u. 0pen Foium
- Negan Kelly (anu fiienu) pioviueu babysitting foi tonight's meeting. Bope
that she will continue foi futuie meetings.
o Loii Nelson to give giils a iiue home aftei tonight's meeting.

- uail K. ieseaicheu iubbei mats foi gym as a follow-up to Naiy's iequest at
the 0ctobei meeting.
Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Contact school uistiict Naiy Eugley

Next Neeting: Weunesuay, Becembei 4 ,

2u1S at 6:Supm at Point Robeits Piimaiy

Ninutes piepaieu by: uail NcSkimmings
Ninutes appioveu by: Sanuia Almonu, Naiy Eugley

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