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5.1 Introduction

Satellite communication plays a huge role in SLT international transmission section. When Common-Wealth Summit was held in Sri Lanka, there was no a reliable mechanism to do the international broadcast. Padukka satellite Earth station was started at this period. r.

!rthur C. Clarke re"eals a lot o# important #acts regarding satellite communication. $e disco"ered that a satellite orbited at a distance o# %&,''' km (i.e. #rom the Earth sur#ace) would be geostationary. *urther more he e+plains that it rotates in the same direction as the Earth and the Earth,s orbital "elocity is e-ual to the angular orbital "elocity o# the satellite. Thus i# it is placed in an e-uatorial orbit. the satellite will place stationary relati"e to the Earth. The period o# rotation T o# a satellite around the Earth was gi"en by/

0 + 1 + r%20 T 3 (gs + 4 )
0 520

Let T is the period o# rotation o# the satellite.(i.e. around the Earth)

Where , T 3 Period o# rotation 4 3 4adius o# Earth r 3 4adius o# orbit


gs 3 6ra"itational acceleration on Earth sur#ace( 7.85ms

-0 )

r. !rthur C. Clarke re"eals that three satellites can illuminate the whole globe. !ccording to that concept. three regions were identi#ied.

(i) 9:4 - 9ndian :cean 4egion (ii) P:4 - Paci#ic :cean 4egion (iii) !:4 - !tlantic :cean 4egion





Figure 5.1: Three satellites illuminate the whole globe The satellites are placed in geostationary orbits by balancing the centri#ugal #orce and the gra"itational #orce. *or more e+planation.


6+m+; 40

Where, m 3 ;ass o# the satellite ; 3 ;ass o# the Earth


4 3 Total radius 6 is a Constant

Since, Linear "elocity 3 4adius + !ngular =elocity >y sol"ing the abo"e e-uations, 4 3 ?0,''' km

Since the radius o# Earth is &%<8 km, The distance #rom the Earth sur#ace 3 %@,&00 km (!ppro+imately %&,'''km)

5.2 Satellite Architecture

Communication data passes through a satellite using a signal path known as a transponder. Typically satellites ha"e between 0 and <0 transponders. ! single transponder is capable o# handling up to 5@@ million bits o# in#ormation per second. 9ts capability "aries #rom simple "oice or data to the most comple+ and bandwidth intensi"e "ideo, and audio and 9nternet content.

5.3 Or it location

The location o# a geostationary satellite is re#erred to as its orbital location. 9nternational satellites, are normally measured in terms o# longitudinal degrees East( E )#rom the Prime ;eridian.


5.! "oot Print

The geographic area o# the Earth,s sur#ace o"er which a satellite can transmit to, or recei"e #rom, is called the satellite,s A#ootprintB. The #ootprint can be tailored to include beams with di##erent #re-uencies and power le"els.

5.5 Earth Station E#ui$%ent&



;odulator 9* combiner Cp con"erter 4* combiner $igh Power !mpli#iers !ntenna

emodulator 9* i"ider own con"erter 4* i"ider Low Doise !mpli#ier !ntenna



Satellite di !

Eart! Station *lo&% Dia'ram






RF Combiner UP Converter IF Combiner

RF Combiner UP Converter IF Combiner

RF Divider Down Conveter IF Divider

RF Divider Down Conveter IF Divider





Multi"le#er $ Demulti"le#er $ Terre trial Radio Lin% International Swit&!in' Center (ISC)

Figure 5.2: Earth Station Equipments

5.( Radio "re#uenc) *and&

Se"eral #re-uency bands are used in satellite communication. $owe"er C band and Eu band are used immensely #or the satellite communications

Table 5.6.1: Radio Frequenc !ands >and C$* L S C H Eu E Ea *re-uency2 (6$F) '.% G 5.' 5.' G 5.@ 5.@ G %.7 %.7 G 8.' 8.' G 50.@ 50.@ G 58.' 58.' G 0&.@ 0&.@ G '.'

5.+ Or it&


! satellite is placed in orbit, when it is launched. Se"eral types o# orbits e+ists. Those are (i) 6eostationary Earth orbit (6E:) (ii) ;edium Earth orbit (;E:) (ii) Low earth orbit (LE:)

Figure 5.": #i$$erent %rbits

5.+.1 ,eo&tationar) Earth or it -,EO.

6eostationar) Earth orbit is at height o# 00,080 miles abo"e the e-uator (%@, <8& Em) , the satellite tra"els in the same direction and at the same speed as the Earth,s rotation on its a+is, taking 0? hours to complete a #ull trip around the globe. Thus, as long as satellite is positioned o"er the e-uator in an assigned orbital location, it will appear to be Astationar)B with respect to a speci#ic location on the Earth.

5.+.2 /ediu% Earth or it& -/EO.


;edium Earth orbits are primarily reser"ed #or communication satellites that co"er the Dorth pole and the South pole. Cnlike the circular orbit o# the geostationary satellites, ;edium Earth orbits are placed in an elliptical (:"al- shaped) orbit.

5.+.3 Lo0 Earth or it& -LEO.

Low Earth orbits are much closer to the earth, re-uiring satellites to tra"el at a "ery high speed in order to a"oid being pulled out o# orbit b Earth,s gra"ity. !t Low Earth orbits, a satellite can circle the Earth in appro+imately one and a hal# hours.

5.1 Satellite Earth Station Padu22a

Padukka Satellite Earth Station is the only one satellite earth station in our country. 9t plays a big role in international transmission. 9t #acilitates #or "oice, data, internet etc "ia satellites. Earth station antennas are directed to 9DTELS!T satellites which are placed o"er the 9ndian :ceanic 4egion (9:4).Padukka Earth station has se"eral antennas and they C- band #or their operations. The uplink #re-uency is & 6$F and the downlink #re-uency is ? 6$F. !ntennas can adIust their !Fimuth and "ertical angles automatically to ha"e a direct line o# sight with the satellite by using beacon signals. !#ter recei"ing the uplink carriers, the transponders ampli#y them. Then it is con"erted in to the correct downlink #re-uency band. !#ter that it is used to transmit to the high powered ampli#iers which are stated on earth.


9T;C S9C :TS


S $ :ptical
P EK0! P EK5! P EK?>

Figure 5.&: 'adu((a Satellite Earth Station

5.1.1 Padu22a 1A Earth Station

This is the country,s #irst satellite Earth station established in 57<&. !t that time this was an analogue, but now it has been #ully con"erted into a digital earth station. P E G5! Earth station has the standard ! and is e-uipped with %' m in diameter dish antenna and communicates with 9DTELS!T &' degrees E 6eo G stationary satellite. This has 9 4 carriers. Ser"ices are "oice, data, T=. This is monitored remotely. Jear o# Commission !ntenna iameter 9DTELS!T Standard Working Satellite *re-uency o# :peration *eeder / 57<& / %' m / Standard G ! E2S / 9DTELS!T 9:4 &' East / C- >and / ? G Port


PolariFation used *eeder Type Tracking System Ser"ices a"ailable

/ Circular (! G Pole and > G Pole) / Cassegrain (>eam Wa"eguide *eed) / !utomatic (Step, Programmed, !uto) / igital T=, =oice, 9nternet, !;!, ata

5.1.2 Padu22a !* Earth Station

This antenna pre"iously located adIacent the SLT,s :TS building and now it is being reinstalled in the Padukka E2S. This is the second earth station established in Colombo in !pril 577% to meet the increasing demand o# o"erseas telecom tra##ic. The standard o# this earth station is standard > and is e-uipped with 55 m in diameter dish antenna. Communicate with DSS @< degrees satellite. Jear o# Commission !ntenna iameter 9DTELS!T Standard Working Satellite *re-uency o# :peration *eeder PolariFation used *eeder Type Tracking System Ser"ices a"ailable / 577% / 55 m / Standard G > E2S / 9DTELS!T DSS @< / C- >and / ? G Port / Circular / Cassegrain (>eam Wa"eguide *eed) / ;anual / 9nternet

5.1.3 Padu22a 2A Earth Station

This is installed in 577@. This earth station is 9DTELS!T standard ! and has an 58 m diameter antenna, % kW $P! and 5'' W solid state power ampli#ier. This is a


digital earth station. This has 9 4 carriers. Ser"ices are "oice, data, T=. Communicate with 9DTELS!T &? degrees E satellite. Jear o# Commission !ntenna iameter 9DTELS!T Standard Working Satellite *re-uency o# :peration *eeder PolariFation used *eeder Type Tracking System Ser"ices a"ailable / 577@ / 58 m / Standard G ! E2S / 9DTELS!T 9:4 &? East / C- >and / ? G Port / Circular (! G Pole and > G Pole) / Cassegrain (>eam Wa"eguide *eed) / !utomatic (Step) / igital T=, =oice, 9nternet, ata

5.1.! A3N Antenna

This is used #or digital T= transmission. iameter is ?.& m.

5.1.5 SLT "L4 5/o ile Earth Station6

iameter is 0.? m. This is used #or li"e telecast cricket matches, SD6 to o"erseas countries. This is good #or digital transmission. This is a mobile earth station. 9n this system the Cp link #re-uency is always greater than the down downlink #re-uency. This is because the attenuation is high in higher #re-uencies and it re-uires more power to transmit the signal. 9# the high #re-uency is used to transmit the signal, satellite will re-uire more power and hence greater in siFe. So high #re-uency signal will generate #rom the satellite base station and low #re-uency signal will generate #rom the satellite. Jear o# Commission !ntenna iameter / 5777 / 0.? m ?@

9DTELS!T Standard Working Satellite *re-uency o# :peration *eeder PolariFation used *eeder Type Tracking System Ser"ices a"ailable

/ Standard G $% E2S / !ny / C- >and / 0 G Port / Liner or Circular / :##set / ;anual / igital T=

5.7 Earth Station *loc2 8ia9ra%


Local End

;ain Link

9nternational Link

0; Link SC !T! Dode TH 4oom SLT 4emote Site Local End L!D Customer ! SC Satellite Link !T! Dode 9T;C TH 4oom !T! Dode SE!-;E-WE



SLT $ead :##ice

4outer SLT $ead :##ice

L!D Customer >






4* Combiner CP Con"erter 9* Combiner

4* Combiner CP Con"erter 9* Combiner

4* i"ider :WD Con"erter 9* i"ider

4* i"ider :WD Con"erter 9* i"ider





;ultiple+er, emultiple+er, Terrestrial 4adio Link 9nternational Switching Centre (9SC)

Figure 5.5: Earth station bloc( diagram


5.7 International Tele$hone Call Connection

& 6$F Transmit Path ? 6$F 4ecei"e Path Sri )an(a 9T;C

& 6$F Transmit Path

*apan 9T;C








++,-1,-".2.1&1& -".2.1&1&


Figure 5.6: /ow an 0nternational 1all 0s 0nitiated When a person is trying to get a call to another country two portions o# the number should be directed to the telephone e+change. 9nitially international entrance number (i.e. '').Then the country code and the telephone number should be entered. *or an e+ample let the call was taken to ''-75-50%?@&<87.Since it consists a Fero at the beginning the telephone e+change directs the call to the Dational E+change at Colombo. Then the Dational E+change directs the call to the 9nternational E+change since the second number also Fero. De+t the 9nternational E+change classi#ies the international calls according to the country code ($ere the country is 75 and it,s the country code o# 9ndia).Then it is directed to the 9nternational Transmission and ;aintenance Center (9T;C). Then it is directed to the cable centers or to the satellite Earth Station.


5.7 "eature& o: the co%%unication 'ia &atellite

5.7.1 Ad'anta9e&
Wide-area broadcasting ;ulti-destination deli"ery istance-independent cost 4obustness against natural disaster Easy setup at any point on the ground Small #luctuation o# delay-time.

5.1.2 8i&ad'anta9e&
Physically signi#icant delay-time E##ects due to rain#all and airplanes

5.1; Trainin9 E<$erience

Padukka Satellite Earth Station is a place which 9 learned lot o# important things.


the training period 9 was able to get the ma+imum #rom it. 9 got an o"erall knowledge about how to do a satellite communication. 9n the "ery #irst day we were participated #or #ew lectures. *rom that we identi#ied the importance o# satellite communication. and how it contributes to enhance the demand o# ?7

SLT. Then we went to see the di##erent antennas mounted on the land. We obser"ed P E 5! and P E 0! antennas. !nd with the help o# the technical sta## we got the theoretical background #or that. !nd also we went to the e-uipment room and obser"e the modems, 9* L 4* combiners, up2down con"erters and power ampli#iers. When we #ind the newest "ersions o# con"erters power ampli#iers. we studied the additional #eatures o# them with compare to the older ones. We analyFe the #re-uency spectrum and study the beha"ior o# the signal. Study the reasons #or selecting c band #or the transmission. !nd also we got to know how to direct an antenna to a proper direction. We got the opportunity to go to the top o# the antenna. We obser"e the structure o# the antenna. !nd also we study about the automatic cracking system o# that. The other important thing is that we got to know about the South !sian news sharing system. Sri Lanka also pro"ides local news #or that. We study about that process and practically in"ol"ed in uploading our carrier signal at the proper time. !nd also we discussed about the legal background o# this process. Considering all aspects. 9 can say that the training period at Satellite Earth Station gi"e me a huge knowledge in satellite communication.



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