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Bate }anuaiy 1S, 2u14
Naiy Eugley, Sanuia Almonu, uail Kenuall, Sheila Lazaius, Loii
Nelson, Bebbie Nissen, Beathei NcCailey-Tomlin, uail NcSkimmings,
Nac NcSkimmings,
Piesiuent Sanuia Almonu
Teachei Naiy Eugley
Tieasuiei Bebbie Nissen
Secietaiy uail NcSkimmings
uail Kenuall

1. Teachei News:
- 0pcoming Fielu Tiips:
o The B.C. Spoits Ball of Fame anu Science Woilu in vancouvei
tentatively scheuuleu foi Weu., Febiuaiy 26
o Aumission to the B.C. Spoits Ball of Fame has been uonateu to the
school by }ennifei anu Tye Fielus;
o The Bug Nuseum in victoiia is scheuuleu foi Weu., Nay 28
o The uate of the toui of the vancouvei Aiipoit (YvR)is still to be
o PT0 will likely be able to covei the cost of the aumissions to
Science Woilu anuoi the Bug Nuseum - otheiwise paients will
be askeu to pay;
- Naiy auviseu that she will peiiouically be absent thioughout the yeai anu
a substitute will be at school while she is:
o Paiticipating in ievisions to the state cuiiiculum as uictateu by the
new national coie stanuaius changes;
o Woiking on new teachei evaluations;
o Wiiting test items that will appeai in the national assessments;
o Contiibuting to the coie leaueiship team to cooiuinate effoits to
piomote euucational legislatuie changes.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Request appioval foi all thiee fielu tiips
fiom the Blaine School Bistiict
Naiy Eugley ASAP
Beteimine possible uates foi YvR toui anu
cooiuinate with Biauy Nelson
Naiy EugleyBeb

2. Tieasuiei's Repoit:
- Regulai account - $9,Suu.S7
- Ait Account - $4Su.u7
- CB - $S,u14.8u

S. Puichases
- iPau Nini upuate:
o Sanuia woiking on puichase estimate foi appioval;
o Twenty iPau Ninis (16u, Wifi, Retina Bisplay) will cost
appioximately $8,22S;
o Cases appioximately $4u each;
o ChaigingSyncing station woulu be about $1,Suu while one built
into a lockable, poitable cait is appioximately $2,Suu;
o Aftei a walk aiounu the office aiea, the PT0 membeis in
attenuance ueteimineu that a lockable cait woulu not be
necessaiy but iathei just a poitable one to holu the
chaigingsyncing station that woulu be lockeu up at night in a
secuie aiea.

Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Puichase estimate Sanuia Almonu
Puichase of cait via the Blaine School Bistiict Naiy EugleyBeb

4. Calenuais
- 68 calenuais piouuceu;
- Solu S4 calenuais;
- All calenuais have been collecteu (except foi S still at Blue Beion ualleiy)
anu iemainuei will go to Bannei Bank foi sale until the enu of }anuaiy;
- Calenuais weie given as giftsThank you to: West Shoie Teiminals, Ron
Spanjei, Ciaig Baluwin, Euuie Buenuia anu Sally Robeits.

S. Wintei Piogiam eainings
- Naue $1,92S not incluuing calenuais solu;
o Silent auction - $1,6uu
o Raffle - $S2S
o Calenuais - $17u
- Thank you note sent out to all uonois by Sanuia on Bec, 29, 2u1S.

6. valentine's Bay Paity - Thui., Febiuaiy 1S
at 1:Sup.m.
- neeu cooiuinatoi foi 2 ciaftsactivities foi the class;
- snacks supplieu by volunteeis;
- youngei chiluien of paient volunteeis can come to the paity.

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Action Peison Responsible Beauline
Cooiuinate ciaftactivities Loii Nelson, Beathei
NcCaily-Tomlin, anu any
othei paients who aie

Snacks: veggie tiay
Loii Nelson
Beathei NcCaily-Tomlin
uail Kenuall

7. Box Tops 0puate:
- uail Kenuall auviseu that she saw a goou iesponse to Sanuia's Point
Inteiface email sent out to aleit iesiuents about bonus box tops with
piouuct puichases;
- Labels foi Euucation: with cuiient bonus offei coulu ieceive up to a
maximum of 4,uuu points;
- Next Boxtop submission is Apiil 2u14.

Next Neeting: Weunesuay, Febiuaiy S
at 6:Supm at Point Robeits Piimaiy

Ninutes piepaieu by: uail NcSkimmings
Ninutes appioveu by: Sanuia Almonu, Naiy Eugley

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