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‘The analysis, design, and implementation of uplink/downlink antennas for AMSAT AO-40 Wei Bo Sun A Thesis in ‘The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Master of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering at Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada June 2004 © Wei Bo Sun, 2004 ivi Library and Archives Canada Published Heritage Branch 395 Wellington Street ‘Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- exclusive license allowing the Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission Direction du Patrimoine de lédition Bibliotheque et Archives Canada 395, rue Wellington Ottewa ON K1A ONG Your fle Votre référence ISBN: 0-612-94710-6 Ourfle Notre référence ISBN: 0-612-94710-6 Lauteur a accordé une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliothéque et Archives Canada de reproduire, préter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette thése sous la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. Lrauteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur qui protége cette thase. Nila thése ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent étre imprimés ou aturement reproduits sans son autorisation. In compliance with the Canadian Privacy Act some supporting forms may have been removed from this thesis. While these forms may be included in the document page count, their removal does not represent any loss of content from the thesis. 1 Canada Conformément a la loi canadienne sur la protection de la vie privée, quelques formulaires secondaires ont été enlevés de cette these. Bien que ces formulaires aient inclus dans la pagination, il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant. Abstract ‘The analysis, design, and implementation of uplink/downlink antennas for AMSAT AO-40 Wei Bo Sun The antenna is an important component in a radio communication system. Two kinds of antennas, transmitting and receiving antennas, are designed for use in a radio amateur satellite communication system. This thesis introduces the basic theory about antennas, the numerical technique Method of Moments, and wire grid models. It gives the design process for the downlink and uplink antennas, which are used for the satellite communication system. It implements a 2.4 GHz reflector antenna with a helix feed to realize the downlink, and a 435 MHZ 13 turns helix antenna for uplink. It also gives the measured total performance, and provides the computer simulation model. Acknowledgements I would lil to thank my advisor, Dr. Robert Paknys, for all of his advice and motivation throughout the completion of this thesis. His technical knowledge was an invaluable asset, but maybe more importantly, he helped to keep me focused and pointed in the right direction. Also, I would like to thank Dr. Christopher W. Trueman, for providing useful software and advice for me. Table of Contents List of Figures List of Tables Chapter! Introduction Chapter 2 Theory of Antenna and Modeling 2.1 Basic Parameters of Antenna 2.2 Antenna Measurements 2.3 Helix Antenna 2.4 Parabolic Reflector Antenna... Chapter 3 Downlink Antenna Design and Testing 3.1 Downlink Reflector Antenna Feed 3.2 Downlink Reflector Antentia 3.3. Reception of Satellite Signal Chapter 4 Uplink Antenna Design and Testing 4.1 Uplink Helix Antenna Design vii ell 29 33 -33 46 59 61 4.2 435MHz Helix Assembly ceeeeeees 43 Measurement Results 4.4 Computer Model of UHF Uplink Antenna Chapter 5 Conclusion Reference Appendices A Reflector Antenna Geometry B__ Gain for Double Ridged Guide Antenna EMCO 3115 C NEC Input File for 2.4 GHz Helix D NEC Input File for 435 MHz Helix E Brief NEC2 Output File for 2.4 GHz Helix F Brief NEC2 Output File for 435 MHz Helix G Input le for REFFOR, to Calculate the Reflector Radiation Pattern H__ Brief Output Result for the Reflector Antenna Code 62 62 - 66 1 2B 7 80 81 83 85 88 93 List of Figures Figure 1.1 Downlink and uplink system of AO-40. Figure 2.1 Elevated range geometry. Figure 2.2 Measuring gain of the antenna. Figure 2.3 Helix antenna, Figure 2.4 Straight wire with current /(2') Figure 2.5 Measured E, of 8 GHz antenna), £, ona linear scale. Figure 2.6 Wire grid model of 8 GHz helix antenna, Figure 2.7 £, from NEC2 model and (2-15), £, ona linear scale. -- NEC2 model, = (2-15) result Figure 2.8 Structure of the matching section Figure 2.9 A tapered transmission line matching section (a) Continuous tapered transmission line section. (b) Model for an incremental step changes in impedance of the tapered line, o.oo eee ee eeeeeee Figure 2.10 Geometric structure of parabolic reflector. 2.2.2... Figure 2.11 Structure of offset antenna. Figure 3.1 Dimensions for ground plane and matching section'™"), Figure 3.2. Assembled 2.4GHz helix feed. 0.2... Figure 3.3 2.4 GHz helix RL measurement system, Figure 3.4 Sy, measured result for 2.4 GHz helix, 10 dB/div, 10 12 15 21 2B 225 27 28 30 35 = 36 37 38 Figure 3.5 Gain measurement using gain-comparison method. cece 39 Figure 3.6 Theoretical $i: of 2.4 GHz helix. * Sy with matching network, © Suwithout matching... fete eect eeeeeeenen AD Figure 3.7 Radiation pattern of 2.4 GHz helix, computed from NEC2 model, gain on a @Bscale. fetes cee Figure 3.8 Current distribution on 2.4 GHz helix and ground plane. ...........45 Figure 3.9 Installed reflector antenna with helix feed, atop of the Loyola AD building wes... ve 47 Figure 3.10 Sy of the feed with dish, 10 dB/div. oo... eee eee e cece 8 Figure 3.11 Receiver experiment, using signal from satellite. ceeeeeee es 50 Figure 3.12 Receiver calibration setup. 254 Figure 3.13 Theoretical and experimental radiation pattern of the reflector with helix feed, E,onalinear scale... cee connec 5B Figure 3.14 Telemetry audio signal and spectrum received from AO-40. ...........60 Figure 3.15 Decoded telemetry information from AO-40. 60 Figure 4.1 435 MHz helix antenna and 4350 MHz helix antenna, left: 435 MHz helix; right 4350 MHz helix. The boom length of the 435 MHz helix is 2 meter and it is 20 cm for the 4350 MHz helix. +63 Figure 4.2 Sy, of 4.35 GHz scale model helix antenna, 10 dBidiv. —.............64 Figure 4.3 435 MHz helix RL measurement system. ......... 04.05 65 Figure 4.4 $11 measured result for the full size 435 MHz helix. 66 Figure 4.5 Theoretical $1; of 435 MHz helix antenna. * RL with matching network, © RLwithout matching. -.67 Figure 4.6 Radiation patter of 435 MHz helix, using NEC2 model, Gain on dB scale. 2... ee... cece eee 69) Figure 4.7 Current distribution in 435 MHz helix, using NEC2 model. -70 Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3, ‘Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 Table 4.1 ‘Table 4.2 List of Tables Summary of Modeling Guidelines. NEC input file for 8 GHz helix antenna on finite ground plane. Comparison of results for 8 GHz helix. Geometric dimension of 2.4 GHz helix feed antenna!" Measurement data of G, for helix feed, at 2.4 GHz, Comparison of results for 2.4GHz helix. ......ccc. 0 Predict Result of AO-40 orbit Received data for the dish, using the 2401.323 MHz beacon, Received data of the dish with calibration, Gain of the reflector with helix feed. ‘Geometric dimension of 435 MHz uplink helix!””) ‘Comparison of results for the 435 MHz helix. 20 24 - 26 34 43 1 52 54 .37 61 69 Chapter 1 Introduction Anew period for communication began after the first satellite was launched by the USSR in 1957. The first amateur satellite which was developed by radio amateurs was launched by the USA in 1961. Since then, more and more radio amateurs have become interested in satellite communication. Before the 1980’s, these satellites were capable of simple transmit/receive(T/R) experiments. After that, the amateur satellite grogram grew rapidly. This brought more complex equipment like digital transponders and more transmitter power, so we could receive the signal from the satellite easily. The disadvantage of these satellites is that the flight orbit period is short, so one must hurry to operate it in each period ‘The largest, most complex and most powerful satellite for the amateur satellite service which is called AO-40 was launched in November, 2000. It has a highly stable elliptical orbit with low inclination. This means that it has very long periods of visibility, at substantial distances (up to 60,000 km). Thus half of the global radio amateurs can communicate with AO-40 at he same time when it is at its apogee. It has a 2.4 GHz and 24 GHz downlink, 70cm and 2m uplink, a digital camera and GPS equipment", The radio amateur satellite corporation (AMSAT) intends to launch another high earth orbit (HEO) P3E satellite in 12 months; it will likely attract more and more amateurs into satellite communication, The basic background for radio amateur satellite communication is available in [2]. Currently, the easiest operating mode for of AO-40 is the dow ink at 2.4 GHz. and uplink at 435 MHz (70cm). Figurel.1 shows the typical T/R system. 30 > a 20dB } oct 2401-144MHz| o Reflector 444MHz Downlink Antenna Downconverter Receiver 2401MHy LHelix feed “= Uplink 13dB 435 MHz 10W A35MHz Helix | Amplifier |} transmitter Antenna Figure 1.1 Downlink and uplink system of AO-40, To realize the satellite communication system, we need to have a ground station. ‘Then we should know how to track the satellite position and find the availability time. This is done with orbit-predicting software that can be run on a PC. The antenna is an important part in the communication system. It receives the electromagnetic wave from the satellite or transmits the electromagnetic wave to the satellite. The performance of the antenna is a major factor in the system performance. So the major task in this thesis is to design the antennas for this satellite system. The popular types of antennas used by radio amateurs are the dipole, Yagi, helix, parabolic dish, horn, ic. An important characteristic of the antenna used for satellite communication is mostly circular polarization. Polarization is a term to describe direction of the electrical field vector and this will discuss in Chapter 2. All the antennas used on AQ-40 are right hand circular polarization (RHCP). For the 2.4 GHz downlink and the 435 MHz uplink, the recommended gain of each antenna is 20 dB and 13 dB respectively. For the UHF uplink, the Yagi antenna is a popular kind of antenna for radio amateur use, but the major disadvantage for this is that most satellites use circular polarization. Howard Long used a pair of orthogonal 8 element Yagis to obtain 12.6 dB gain, using a power splitter!. On the other hand, a helix antenna can realize RHCP easily. Long used a quad helix array for a 2.4 GHz downlink", This is also a good choice, but it needs an extra 4 port power splitter. A reflector antenna is a popular choice in the microwave band, because many radio amateurs can easily obtain an old TV satellite dish at low cost. In this thesis, an offset reflector with helix feed was designed and built, for the 2.4 GHz downlink, and a 13 turn helix antenna for the uplink. Chapter 2 discusses the necessary antenna theory and modeling techniques. We talk about the basic antenna parameters and antenna measurement methods. Chapter 3 discusses the specific design of the downlink antenna, gives the measurement results, and ‘compares experimental results with the computer simulation results, It also describes how {to realize the downlink communication with AO-40 and gives the decoded satellite telemetry. Chapter 4 describes the uplink helix anterma. It implements the full size antenna, measures the parameter and gives the computer simulation result. Chapter 5 contains the conclusions. The purpose of this thesis is to realize the communication with AO-40 at S band and UHF band, establish the earth station with reasonable cost, and to give an introduction to other amateurs who wish to realize this type of system. Chapter 2 Theory of Antenna and Modeling 2.1 Basic Parameters of Antenna We begin by describing the basic parameters used to characterize an antenna. They are used for assessing the communication system feasi ity and performance. Much of the necessary material for this chapter has been condensed from [5]-[6]. 2.1.1 Radiation Pattern The radiation pattern is a graphical representation of the far field radiation properties of an antenna. Usually, we use two orthogonal principal planes to plot the radiation pattern. These are the E-plane and H-plane. We also use a normalized field pattern amplitude function F(0,g) to indicate the pattern of antenna. If the field is @—polarized then Qt) In practice, we use the power pattern P(0,9) to describe the radiation pattern of the antenna. The power pattem gives the power density angular dependence and is found from the (@,g) variation of the component of the Poynting vector. Frequently, the power pattern contains many lobes. The lobe which contains the maximum radiation direction is main lobe. Others are called the minor lobes or side lobes. The power and amplitude patterns are related by PO.9)=\ FO)? - (2-2) HPBW is the half power beamwidth, which is the angular separation of the points where the main beam of the power pattern equals 1/2 of its maximum value. FNBW is the first null power beamwidth, which is the angular separation of the points where the main beam of the power equals 0. 2.1.2 Directivity D and Gain G Directivity is the ratio of the radiation of the maximum intensity U(@.),,, in a certain direction to the average radiation intensity Use pL OPnas 47 (OP) nx — i 23) Ge Prat [Fir @.) sinaiaig ‘We note that an isotropic radiator with F= constant gives D=1. Power gain is the ratio of the intensity in a given direction to the radiation intensity that would be obtained if the antenna power was radiated isotropically. We define the parameter e, radiation efficiency, e (O tan Figure 2.1 Elevated range geometry. 2.2.1 Gain Measurement ‘Two kinds of methods are used to measure gain: The first method requires two identical antennas. The second method, the gain-comparison method, requires having a standard reference antenna, with a known gain. Figure 2.2 shows the measurement system for the gain of an antennal”), ower monitor [Transmitter } -C R 1) Receiver _| Figure 2.2. Measuring gain of the antenna. In either case, we have the Friis formula: PGG2 P (ary @5) Riis the distance between the two antennas. The formula is valid when both antennas are matched, the polarizations are aligned, and far field conditions are respected for both antennas. It is assumed that only one direct ray carries power from the transmitter to the receiver, and that no other paths from reflection or diffraction are present, So if we have ‘wo identical antennas with the same characteristics, we can assume that G, = G, Then G-6, een) #10 2) ay ) (2-6) On the other hand, if we have a standard gain antenna, we can use the gain-comparison method. Using a fixed transmitter power P, for the source antenna, then firstly, we measure the received power P, at the standard gain receive antenna with 10. a known gain G, ; secondly, we measure the power P, received by the unknown gain antenna. Comparing the difference between P, and P,, we can measure the unknown gain G, (2-7) 2.2.2 Impedance Measurement We can measure the S parameter of the system by using a network analyzer conveniently. When all the ports are matched, S,, =I’. [° is the reflection coefficient. The phase of S,, can also be measured, so that we can obtain the complex value of the antenna input impedance Z,,,. Zj, and [are related by ir es) ir Usually, we use the term return loss (RL) to describe the power loss caused by the impedance mismatch. It is defined as RL =-20log|P|dB (2-9) so when the measured S parameter recorded in decibel, RZ =—| S,, | 2.3 Helix antenna A helix antenna is @ high gain circular polarization antenna. It was invented by John Kraus in 1946 and he found that the directivity and center frequency of the helix antenna can be adjusted by the antenna geometry!, Now, the helix antenna has become one of the most popular circularly polarized antennas used in industry. 2.3.1 Helix antenna theory ‘The geometrical description of the helix is in terms of N turns, diameter D, and spacing of each tum S. This is shown in Figure 2.3. Figure 2.3 Helix antenna. aoe It operates on a ground plane that can be circular or square. The feed point is connected to a coaxial cable. The center conductor of the cable is connected to the helix and the shield is connected to the ground plane. The parameters for the design are: Circumference C= Length of conductor in one turn L, = VC? +S? Pitch angle a= tan (&) . Usually, we select N>3, 3/42— (2-13) CyINS, , us First null beamwidth = ENB (2-14) Th For a Hansen-Woodyard end-fire radiation mode, the normalized far-field pattern is go SRL 207] eas sin(y/2) * x in De In (2-15), are v= k(Scoso— 2 Lyi a (2-16) S72, +(2N +1)/2N] P 2.3.2 Numerical Technique ‘Many mathematical methods have been developed to solve the electromagnetic problem. In this section, we will talk about one of the numerical techniques — moment method. Moment Method ‘The moment method (MM) for electromagnetic problems began rapid development in the 1960's. The technique was described by RF. Harrington “Field Computation by Moment Methods” in 1968"""!, We will use the MM to predict the radiation pattem and impedance of helical antenna designs. To understand the concept behind the MM, we will discuss its application to a straight wire, as shown in Figure 2.4. A more general development, permitting an arbitrary network of short straight wire segments, has been implemented in a general purpose computer code, known as the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC)'""!. This code is further discussed in Section Returning to the straight wire in Figure 2.4, one finds that the wire current is required to satisfy an integral equation of the form lek @2)de'=-E (2). (2-17) By applying the MM to (2-17) we can obtain a system of simultaneous linear algebraic equations in terms of the unknown current [(2"). K(z,2") is known as the kemel, and is related to a Green’s function for the electric field, By solving the linear ‘equations, the current is obtained. Once the current is known, it is easy to determine the radiation pattem and impedance. When analyzing wire antenna such as the dipole and helix, this method can offer excellent results. Assume the straight wire is of radius a, and located on the z axis from ~//2 to 1/2. In free space, the boundary condition on the tangential electric field is EL()=E.(r)+E,(r). At the surface of the perfectly conducting wire and also the interior to the wire, the sum of E? and £! must be zero, i.e. (2-18) From the Lorentz gauge condition, we have Fon a (2-19) © where @ is the scalar potential and 4, is the magnetic vector potential. From potential theory, the £ produced bythe current J, is E=—jwd-Vo So Ei =~jo, 2 (2-20) az Substituting equation (2-19) into (2-20), we obtain +64,). (221) Because itis a thin wire, we can neglect the radial current density J, and just consider axial current density J, . Hence, the vector potential 4, is given by tee im ; 4, wae LL pate. (2-22) Since I(2') = 27a, (2-23) (2-22) becomes 16. 1 De gos A= af ree F pe (2-24) If we define (2-25) then (2-24) becomes A= “frenewz "de". (2-26) in If one observes the E-field due to the surface current distribution at a point on the wire axis, we have that R= y(z— )’ +a? . From (2-18), (2-21) and (2-25), we get the integral equation for the unknown J(z') as mg [OWS + PG, 2 27 JOES 52 oz We may write (2-27) in the form F(g)=h. (2-28) F is an integrodifferential operator, f is a known excitation function, and g is the response function. Once F and hare specified, g can be determined. We assume that the unknown g can be expanded as at?’ Dag.) (2-29) The g, area suitable set of basis functions; a linear combination can represent _g. Each 4, is a complex expansion coefficient and each _g,(z') is a known function usually referred to as a basis or expansion function. Substituting (2-29) into (2-28), we get Sal) =he m12,0N, (2:30) 4h, =h(z,,) represents sample values of ft at points 2, . Hence, (2-28) is being enforced at the points z= z,,2),...,2,. This technique is called “point matching” or “collocation.” In matrix from, the equation can be written as a1 = Cnn Wn] @31) where Thus we get the unknown current distribution by solving the matrix equation UD = Zag l'Mud (2-32) NEC Code The Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) is an implementation of the MM") It is able to solve for the currents on arbitrarily shaped wires, and wire junctions, in any general combination. Besides allowing us to model dipoles and helix antennas, we can model solid metal surfaces by constructing a wire grid model. The ability to model wires and metal surfaces allows us to find out how metal structures radiate and scatter electromagnetic fields “18. Frequently we use a wire grid to simulate an actual continuous metal body. When the grid size becomes small relative to the wavelength, the grid supports a current distribution which approximates that on the corresponding continuous surface. The rule of thumb is that the surface of the wires parallel to one linear polarization is made equal to the surface of the solid surface being modeled. It is called “same surface area rule,” that is, for a square wire grid, suitable for any polarization, the total surface area of the wires is then twice the area of the solid surface. NBC is able to analyze an arbitrary structure of wires in free space or over a ground plane by using the moment method. It models the metal structure as small straight segments and then obtains the currents on the segments. When we make a wire grid, it should obey some basic rules. Generally, the segment length A should be in the range of 0.05 < A <0.2/, too long or too small a length will cause more error!"'!, When A /radius of wire is greater than 8 or less than 1%, it will cause errors. Table 2.1 the summary of “modeling guidelines” which is an excerpt from the paper “Verifying wire-grid model integrity with program ‘check’ ” "2! _ “19. Teble2.1 Summary of modeling guidelines : Warming, : Error individual Segment length O1< Ac 0.22 A>0.24 segments [Radius 30 5 | | Radius ratio F< Ayiy /Qyygy <10 One 1 ugg >10 Segment to radius ratio | 210 dB, At downlink operation frequency, i.e. 2401 MHz, RL>18 dB. ot Wed May 21 11:33:59 2003 © TTT rr Sx (48) T (te) Figure 3.4 Sj; measured result for 2.4 GHz helix, 10 dB/div. Gain Measurement ‘The gain-comparison method was used to measure the gain of the helical feed antenna. Figure 3.5 shows the gain measurement system. 38. EMCO31iS or unknown antenna S > Gt Gr Crystal HP 4151 Wavetek 20024 Signal generator with IKHz AM SWR Meter tuned to 1 KHE Det Figure 3.5 Gain measurement using gain-comparison method. In the experiment, an EMCO 3115 antenna, which is a wideband (1-18 GHz) ridged ‘waveguide antenna, was selected as the standard antenna, Because of limited lab space, it was not possible to set up our microwave absorber panels. The measurement was just done in free space, on the lab bench. The maximum dimension of the helix is about 18cm, - 2D’ so the minimum measurement distance is about R2——~ 52em. We used a distance between the two antennas as 2m, and a height of Im. By comparing with the gain of the EMCO 3115 antenna, the gain of the helix antenna was obtained. Table 3.2 gives the ‘measurement results. In absolute terms, the dB readings have no specific significance, It is the difference that gives us the gain. Table 3.2 Measurement data of G, for helix feed, at 2.4 GHz. Data from SWR meter G, by using EMCO 3115 43.6 4B G, by using unknown heli 44.1 4B ‘The performance of the EMCO 3115 double ridged guide antenna is shown in Appendix B. It has a gain of 94B at 2.4 GHz. After replacing the EMCO 3115 antenna by the helix, the gain decreases 0.5 dB; this means that the gain of the 2.4 GHz helix is 8.5 dB. In experiment, the measured error will be caused by many factors, such as polarization loss, power loss, multipath effect, etc. The VSWR of EMCO3115 is about 15:1 at 2.4GHz, ic., reflection coeflicient I'=0.2, so the power loss is about 4%, this will influence the measured result slightly and could be neglected. It is important to note that there is 3 dB polarization loss, so actual gain of helix is 11.5 dB, because the standard gain antenna is linearly polarized and the helical antenna is circularly polarized, 3.1.4 Computer Model of the Feed This section talks about the computer model for the reflection coefficient of the 2.4 GHz helix with the matching section, and gives the NEC model for the helix. Reflection coefficient with transformer We can consider the transformer as a microstrip line on dielectric with ¢,=1. The characteristic impedance of this line is") 60, 8d Ww Ww | In(—— —s1 Je Wa era Z= a er? G1) eal p +1.393+0.667InC7 +1.444)] +1 + I 2° 2 Vivid Here, a ar) 2 vied so Ww. <1 20. oe 1202 for wey (3-2) (£41393+0.667In EE +1,444)) d d With W-8mm, and d=2mm~Smm, the total length of the 1/4 tum are is about 36mm. ‘Substituting (3-2) into (2-35), we can get 4 som *(O.17*2 reat fom __ 1701 +2.111%(0.172 +d) Ww 2 W41.393(0.17* 2 +d,) +0.667* In(— +1444)" t COLT 2+ dy)+ “Oiteed, D (W+1.444(0.17*2 + d,))*(0.17*2 +d.) dz 63) by using MATLAB, we can evaluate the integral numerically. We can get the impedance of the helix without matching from (2-10), then we can also get the reflection coefficient from (2-8). Figure 3.6 shows the predicted return loss with the matching network and without it. We see that for this matching network, a return loss of better than 12 dB is predicted. Without the matching network, the 1600 helical antenna on a 500 line would give a return loss of about 6 dB. potorsit si) Figure 3.6 Theoretical $1; of 2.4 GHz helix. * Sir with matching network, © Sy without matching, 42. NEC Simulation Result We modeled the 2.4 GHz helix, without the matching section. A preliminary investigation revealed that modeling the matching network is difficult, probably because the large feed currents require a very accurate model of the geometry. For this reason, it was omitted. Figure 3.7 and Figure 3.8 give the radiation pattem and current distribution respectively, for the 2.4 GHz helix feed, Table 3.3 shows the comparison of the NEC2 model, experimental results and theoretical calculation using (2-11)—(2-14). We also provide the NEC2 input file and brief output file in Appendix C and Appendix E respectively, Table 3.3 Comparison of results for 2.4 GHz helix. HPBW(’) | Gain(dB) Impedance(2) Measured result ~ | ous _ NEC2 model 3 | na 137,562 (2-11)-2-14) calculation 38 144 16240 From Table 3.3, we find that the results are rather good. The computer model and a experiment obtain similar gain, and the NEC2 computer model and theoretical result get similar impedance. From Figure 3.7 of the current distribution, we find that the current decreases gradually along the helix and it almost constant to a point near the end, We also find that the currents on the wires of the ground plane just below the bottom tur of the helix are very large. Tot-gairi [4B] oz 2400, Mh 45, a8 helx2 400 out 14, BIC TA Phi 185 eg 188 Max aain The: 0 Figure 3.7 Radiation pattem of 2.4 GHz helix, computed from NEC2 model, gain on a dB scale. TE | TD MN Figure 3.8 |Current distribution on 2.4 GHz helix and ground plane 3.2. Downlink Reflector Antenna In practice, the whole process of manufacturing a single parabolic reflector can be very expensive, so a commercial Ku band satellite TV dish was used for the ground station, 3.2.1 Total Antenna Assembly The dimensions for the Ku band offset parabolic antenna are D=76cm, and f/D=0.59. The manufacturer provided a support arm to install the feed. The process of measuring the reflector geometry to get the focus position and illumination angle of the reflector is given in Appendix A. Actually, we needed to adjust the feed position carefully to obtain the maximum gain in practice. The reflector with helix feed is shown in Figure 39. Figure 3.9 Installed reflector antenna with helix feed, atop of the Loyola AD building. 3.2.2 Return Loss Measurement Results After installing the helix feed on the reflector, the return loss of the feed was measured again, Figure 3.10 shows the result. Comparing with Figure 3.3, the reflector “a7. has little effect on the antenna impedance. We see that the return loss is always better than 10 dB. Near the AO-40 beacon frequency of 2401.323 MHz, the return loss is about 15 dB, ‘Thu May 22 15:68:04 2003 o a ee 2) Figure 3.10 1; of the feed with dish, 10 dB/div. 3.2.3 Pattern Measurement of the Dish Using the same measurement system as was used for Figure 3.5, the gain of the parabolic reflector antenna is found to be approximately 18 dB by using the comparison method. The diameter of the dish is 76 cm, so the minimum distance to the far field is 48 about 10 meters, and this distance cannot be achieved in the lab. The largest possible istance between two antennas is only 6 meters and the height of the geometric center of the dish is 1.4 meters, for the experiment, Hence this measurement result is just regarded as approximate because of the uncertainty due to multipath effects. To get the accurate far field, it is required to bring the equipment outdoors. An even better option is to use the actual satellite as the transmitter source! By using prediction software, we know information about the satellite such as arrival of satellite time (AOS), loss of satellite time (LOS), azimuth, elevation, etc... Table 3.4 is the sample of the prediction result by using the software SatTrack™!. It gives the information about the satellite AO-40, such as azimuth, elevation, height, squint angle ,ctc... It also gives the Doppler shift frequency which should be adjusted on the receiver. According the result from the prediction software, we can select a suitable operating date and time to do the experiment. Then we were able to receive the signal from the satellite and measure the far field pattern for our antenna. Figure 3.11 shows the total receiving system of AO-40. 49. 40-40 | DEM 2400-144 14dNtz Receiver] Yoesu F 1817 Computer Sound Card Figure 3.11 Receiver experiment, using signal from satellite. The receiving system was set up as in Figure 3.11 and the elevation angle and azimuth of the dish was set according the prediction result. An azimuth angle of 0 degrees points North and 90° points East. An elevation angle of 0° points towards the horizon and 90° points towards the zenith. The antenna was set up in a wide-open space on the ground, near the HB building on the Loyola campus. The antenna was mounted on a pole in a tripod. A long screwdriver was put through a hole drilled in the pole, to serve as an azimuth angle pointer. Table 3.4 Prediction result of AO-40 orbit. ‘STATION_ID SatTrack V3.1 Orbit Prediction Satellite #26609: AO-40 (AMSAT-AO40) Data File 2 tlex.dat Element Set Number: 341 (Orbit 1230) Element Set Epoch : 04Ful03_ 22:54:47,313 UTC (39.8 days ago) Orbit Geometry: 1023.76 km x $8803.86 km at 9.146 deg Propagation Model : TLE Mean. Ground Station Montreal, PQ, Canada. FN3SFM Time Zone : EDT (-4.00 h) Downlink Frequency: 2401.3230 MHz Fri_15Aug03_—_ Orbit 1283 EDT — | Azimuth | Elev [Range [Sun | Doppler | Loss [Squ | Phs [Md |V [deg] [deg] | [km] | Ang | [kHz] | [dB] | Ang | a [deg] _ [deg] 10.09.03 | 2279 [34.7 [583347 | 998 [4436 [i954 | 59 [ier [us [D [io:t4:03 [229.0 | 342 [581682 [1001 [+453 [i954 | 62 [16 | us |D 10:19:03 | 230.0 | 33.7_[ 579953 | 1004 | 4.70 | 1953 1683 [us [D 10:24:03 [231.0 | 332 _| 578158 | 1006 | 488 | 195.3 164 [us [D 10:29:03 | 2320 | 327_| 576298 | 1009 | 45.05 | 1953 165 [vis |D 10:34:03 | 233.0 | 32.1 | 57437.1 [1011 [45.23 [1952 167 [us |D 10:39:03 | 2340 | 31.6 | 572377 [1014 [ssa [1952 16s [us |D 10:44:03 [2349 [31.1 | 570315 | 1017 | 45.60 | 195.2 169 [us |[D 10:49:03 [235.9 | 30.5 | sosisa | 1019 [45.78 | 195.1 170 [us [D- 10:54:03 | 2368 | 30.0_| 565983 | 1022 [+597 | 195.1 im [us [D 10:59:03 [237.7 [294 | soa7i.t [1025 |+6.16 | 195.1 im_|us [D | 11:04:03 [238.6 | 28.9 | 561368 | 1028 [+635 | 195.0 13 [us |p | 11:09:03 [2395 | 283 _| 5895.3 | 1031 | 46.55__| 195.0 | 175 [us [D [1r14.03 [240.4 [27.7 | ssoaes [1034 [+674 | 1950 | 10.1 | 176 [us |D 11:19:03 [2413 [272 [583900 [1036 [+694 [isa9 [ios [17 [us [D le We set the reference azimuth angle for maximum signal strength firstly, and then changed the azimuth clockwise and anticlockwise, to obtain the pattern of the antenna. ‘Table 3.5 shows the data for this experiment. The antenna pattem data was obtained by receiving the AO-40 telemetry beacon, which transmits at 2401.323 MHz. The power levels were recorded on the receiver signal strength meter (the S meter). Measurement was also attempted on the roof of the AD building, but it was decided there is no advantage to that location. Table 3.5 Received data for the dish, using the 2401.323 MHz beacon. Signal ‘Theoretical IF Azimuth() strength Signal power(4Bm) S8. -79 0 s7 85 55 86 91 12.6 ss 97 16 S4 -103 18 $3 -109 19.5 s2 “115 20.5 SL “121 22 st. 3.2.4 Measurement data processing We did some additional experiments to calibrate the receiver, and made some theoretical derivations to get the relationship between the directivity and the N-dB beamwidth we measured. Then we were able to obtain the gain and the pattern, from the measurement results, Calibration of the Receiver A Yaesu FT817 amateur radio transceiver was used as the receiver. It has an S-meter for displaying the received signal strength. In theory, a receiver $ meter is calibrated so that a reading of S9 corresponds to 50 uV across a 50 ohm load, or -73 dBm. A drop in one S-unit represents 6 dB, so $8=-79 dBm, and so on. In practice, the power readings taken with this might not be that accurate. The S-meter accuracy was checked against a precision RF generator, the HP E3348C, and correction factors were obtained. ‘The corrected values are also shown in Table 3.6. The step of the S meter of a receiver is 6 dB in theory. We found that the S-meter was very inaccurate, and had to correct the measured readings. To calibrate the receiver, we used an HP E4438C signal generator to generate power levels on the order of -120 dBm, similar to our received signal. The signal generator has a readout which gives the power in dBm. Figure 3.12 shows the calibration setup, and Table 3.6 shows the calibration results, 53. Pr Pee HP E4438C | J ESG Vector DEM YAESU ~ 2400MHz 144MHz Par ESG Vector YaESU Figure 3.12 Receiver calibration setup Table 3.6 Received data of the dish with calibration. Signal display | Pir (4Bm) P, (dBm) Normalization | Azimuth on FT817 on HP £4438C (4B) angle(?) S8 -104 -128 0 0 ST -106 -130 2 55 86 -107 -131 3 126 85 -108 -132 4 16 S4 -109 “133 5 18 $3 “110 “134 6 195 82 “U1 “135 7 208 SI “112 -136 8 22 The pattern data in Table 3.6 was collected in the following way. The antenna azimuth and elevation were adjusted for maximum, which was S8. By slightly rotating the antenna in azimuth by 5.5°, the meter dropped to S7. In theory, $8 to $7 is a 6 dB drop. In practice, because of the meters inaccuracy, it was a change from -128 dBm to -130 dBm, or a 2B drop. Continued rotation in azimuth, and taking of S meter readings allowed us to obtain the antenna pattern. By applying correction factors to the $ meter readings, we believe that the final result for the measured radiation pattern is accurate. Gain Obtained from Measurement Result In this section we will find the gain from the measured pattern data. We know that the pattern of the uniform distribution for circular apertures has the form of") 2d (ka sin 8) ck, fe kasin@ G4) We define the N-dB pattem point as the point on the radiation pattem where the level has dropped by N dB, relative to the main beam maximum. We get the N-dB pattern point from (3-4), thus we can obtain the value of sind. Since 6s) we have @ =aresin mDIA oo) For large apertures, we can approximate sin@ by O(rad). Therefore, we can get that the N-dB beamwidth is __2e aDIA NgBW (rad), so the directivity D and beamwidth BW are related by 2e A NgBW(rad) on the other hand, the directivity of a circular aperture is"! aD. =© DGG Hence, we have 2c co Ng BW (rad) DISC aren Dy G7) 68) G9) (3-10) ‘We can use the 3 dB, 10 dB as any value N dB of beamwidth to estimate the antenna directivity from (3-10). Using the data from Table 3.6, the gain of the dish is calculated in Table3.7. “36. Table 3.7 Gain of the reflector with helix feed. Nap | Tk, ) ; kasin@ =¢ NuBWC) | Directivity(aB) ~—3aB 0.707 1.62 12.6 23.4 4B | 0631 1.88 16 26 sas] 0.562 2.08 8 22.4 6aB 0.501 225 19.5 24 | 7B 0.447 235 20.5 224 [ sap 0.339 2.49 22 “23 From the measured beamwidth data, we can draw the conclusion that the gain of the dish is about 224B. From (2-39), we also have the theoretical result 2x76, 12.5 = 234B Dy: 9 555 ‘ol GY =0.55x( It is seen that these two results are in good agreement. 3.2.5 Computer Model of the Reflector Antenna C. J. Sletten’s software”! REF.FOR was used to calculate the gain and pattern of this parabolic antenna, It computes the far field of the offset parabola by the aperture field integration method. The software calculates the far field pattern of the reflector by using the geometry of the parabola and the pattern of the feed. Appendix G gives the input file for REF-FOR. The feed pattern was obtained from the result of the helix feed NEC code simulation output file. Appendix H shows the output data. The gain of the dish is 22.7 dB from the simulation result. This value equals the result from Section Figure 3.13 plots the theoretical and experimental pattern of the dish. The beamwidth data we got are insufficient because of the limited of the receiver S meter, but from Figure 3.13, we still can find that the error of beamwidth is less that 10%, pate to . - a heorticl oat | /\ ‘+ _expenment oat 07] os oa] 0a] 02| on ae “0 0~CSCSSC‘i SSCS Theta-cegree Figure 3.13 Theoretical and experimental radiation pattern of the reflector with helix feed, E, ona linear scale. 58. 3.3 Reception of Satellite Signal Using the system in Figure 3.11, and connecting the output of the receiver to the sound card of a computer, the beacon’s telemetry signal and the operating status of the satellite was obtained. The reflector feed is connected to a down converter, which changes the received 2.4 GHz signal into 144 MHz. The down converter is a DEMI 2400-144, manufactured by Down East Microwave, Inc., USA. The exact operating frequency during the test was 2401.323 MHz. The down converted signal is fed into the Yaesu FT-817 rei rer for the 2 meter band, tuned to 145.328 MHz. The received signal is Doppler shifted to 145.347 MHz because of the satellite motion. At the audio output, a BPSK signal is present. Feeding this into the soundcard input of a computer and using the software AO40RCV™*, we can decode the satellite telemetry. Typical results are shown in Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15. ‘The data contains information on the satellite orbit and other aspects. In summary, the experiment was success and we received and decoded the satellite signal ifthe atic Figure 3.14 Telemetry audio signal and spectrum received from AO-40. Figure 3.15 Decoded telemetry information from AO-40. Chapter 4 Uplink Antenna Design and Testing 4.1 Uplink Helix Antenna Design At UHF, we also can use a helix antenna for the uplink at 435MHz. Since this antenna must transmit the signal to the high orbit satellite, gain is the major factor we should consider. Using the same procedure as in the design of the 2.4 GHz helix, the dimensions of UHF antenna are given in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Geometric dimension of 435 MHz uplink helix!”!, Parameter Ratio vs. wavelength TumsN 13 | — - Wavelength d 69m 7 Diameter of each tum D 20.8 em | _ Space of each turn § 52cm 0.22 Circumference C 53cm 0.950 Ground plane side length G 70 em Pitch angle @ “61 42 435 MHz Helix Assembly Because of the big dimension of this helix, we had to use 3/4” wood poles to support the whole helix antenna. The following materials were needed: one 70 cm by 70 em aluminum sheet, 25 feet 1/4” copper pipe for the helix, and some copper foil to make a 1/4 turn matching section. To make the helix, these steps are followed: A) @) © () ® ® @ 43 Drill the ground plane, install the N connector. ‘Trim the copper foil, the width of the foil is about 4 em, Wind the copper pipe right hand circular polarized RHCP. Use a high power soldering iron to solder the matching turn, Fix the helix to the wood frame. Install the N connector on the ground plane. Solder the helix, being carefull with the distance between the last tum of the helix and the ground plane. Measurement Results ‘This section gives the retun loss measurement result for the 10:1 scale model helix of the UHF antenna and the result for the full size UHF helix. 62. 4.3.1 Scale Model Because of the large size of the antenna, it was hard to make adjustments and measurements in the lab. A 10:1 scale model was made to measure the performance of the antenna. Figure 4.1 shows the UHF antenna and the scale antenna, That means, everything was scaled by 1/10, and the operation frequency is 4.35 GHz. The measured retum loss of this scale model is shown in Figure 4.2. From Figure 4.2, the return loss of the 4.35 GHz antenna is seen to be extremely good. Using the comparison method and an ECO3115 hom, the gain of the 4.35 GHz antenna was found to be about 13 dB. That means the gain of the full size 435 MHz antenna should be also 13 dB. Figure 4.1 435 MHz helix antenna and 4350 MHz helix antenna, left: 435 MHz helix; right 4350 MHz helix. The boom length of the 435 MHz helix is 2 meter and it is 20 cm for the 4350 MHz helix. Mon Oct 6 13:32:03 2003 “ T—1—1—T Sx: (€2) WE a (anne) Figure 4.2 $1, of 4.35 GHz scale model helix antenna, 10 dB/div. 4.3.2 Return Loss of 435 MHz Antenna It was possible to measure the RL of the 435 MHz antenna, in a large space that was temporarily available in the former location of the Physics department, An HP 8505 network analyzer was used. It can measure impedance from 500 KHz to 1.3 GHz, and was able to cover our frequency range of interest. Figure 4.3 shows the measurement system to measure the VSWR of the 435 MHz antenna. Sil Sie HP 85054 Network analyzer GPIB Control Computer Figure 4.3 435 MHz helix Si, measurement system, Comparing Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.4, itis seen that the result of RL of 435 MHz is, not as good as the scale model, because it is hard to make a accurate scale structure to high precision. But the RL is still good enough, and it is better than 20 dB at 435 MHz. 65. 8 ot4asizrat oo ss1ee) ca 08 0 Figure 4.4 Sj measured result for the full size 435 MHz helix. 4.4 Computer Model of UHF Uplink Antenna This section describes the computer model for the reflection coefficient of the UHF. helix with the matching section, and gives the NEC model for the UHF helix antenna. 4.4.1 Reflection Coefficient with Transformer In Chapter 3, we were able to use an approximate model to calculate the reflection coefficient of a helical antenna’s matching network. We now follow the same procedures 66. again, except using new dimension for the 435 MHz design. Here W=40mm, and d=5mm~22mm™", the total length of the 1/4 turn are is about 163mm. Figure 4.5 shows the calculation result. It is assumed that the transformer is matching a 50Q line to a 130Q load (the antenna). A 9 dB return loss represents a slight improvement over the 7 4B that would be obtained with no matching network. However the approximate model did not predict results as good as for the 2.4 GHz helix feed in Chapter 3. Furthermore, the measured return loss is much better than the model’s prediction, indicating that this, model is inadequate. “4 —_—— oo eso rr) Figure 4.5 Theoretical $;, of 435 MHz helix antenna. * Su with matching network, © Sy, without matching, 6. 44.2 Radiation Pattern After modeling the 435 MHz helix with NEC2, we obtained the simulation results. Table 4.2 is the comparison results of the NEC model and the theoretical calculations Appendix D and Appendix F show the 435 MHZ helix antenna input file and output file for the NEC2 model respectively. Figure 4.6 is the patter of 435 MHz helix antenna. Figure 4.7 is the current distribution in this helix. Tn summary, the 435 MHz helix with matching network gave us a measured return loss of better than 20 dB. The scale model’s measured gain of 13 dB was in good agreement with the NEC model’s result of 12.4 dB. The matching network model, using a taped transmission line, was not very accurate. 1 1e directivity of 16 dB predicted by the helix design formula was less accurate, The currents are strongest in the immediate vicinity of the feed region. Table 4.2 Comparison of resultsfor the 435 MHz helix. HPBW() | Gain(dB) | Impedance(Q) | RL(B) Scale mode — 3 30 measurement ‘NEC2 model 40 12.4 90.4577 (2-11)-@-14) 32 16 13340 7 calculation Full size — — = 25 measurement Tot gain {a5 oz ‘Vertical plane 435 0Mhe NomeAl: 124 dBi Bcc 00 in The: 0 Figure 4.6 Radiation pattern of 435 MHz helix, using NEC2 model, Gain on dB scale. 69. AUREL Figure 4.7 Current distribution in 435 MHz helix, using NEC2 model. Chapter 5 Conclusion In this thesis we designed, modeled, and tested the downlink and uplink antennas to the used in amateur radio satellite communication. In Chapter 2, we discussed the background theory of antennas, and also talked about the numerical technique Method of Moments and the NEC2 code, which is used to model the antenna, In Chapter 3, we gave the design and assembly process of the helix feed antenna in detail. A method was given to analyze the matching structure of the helix antenna and obtained the wire grid model simulation result of a helix antenna by NEC2. The NEC ‘model is quite good for computing radiation pattern of a helix antenna. One could also develop the helix model with matching network using NEC, in future research. We also gave the experimental results of the helix feed and whole downlink antenna. The downlink antenna achieves the performance of RL>15 dB, and Gain=22 dB, After assembling the total downlink system, we received and decoded the AO-40 satellite telemetry signal. In Chapter 4, a 435 MHz helix antenna was designed for the uplink. A 10:1 scale model was used to measure the gain, because adequate space was not available to test the full-size UHF antenna. The measured gain of the scale mode was in good agreement with one the NEC model. The UHF scale model achieves RL>20 dB and Gain=13 dB. The trial computer model of matching section for this UHF band is inadequate, and it should be supplemented and modified in further research. It is noted that there have been hardware problems with the satellite AO-40 after January 2004, and the uplink experiment could not be finished. This task should be continued if AO-40 gets repaired. Some people present a modified helical structure — tapered several tums of the helix at the open circuit end — to improve the axial ration performance of the helix antenna[29]-[31]. This also could be verified in a future experiment. The total cost of these antennas is less than CDN $150, so it is clear that amateur radio satellite communications are achievable at low cost. om References [1] AO-40 FAQ, Available: hup-// [online]. 2] M. Davidoff, The radio amateur's satellite handbook. ARRL, Newington C1 1998, [3] H. Long, “Entry Level AO-40 Capable Satellite Stations,” 16 AMSAT-UK Colloquium, Guildford, England, July 27-29 2001. [4] H. Long, “A Quadruple Helix for AO-40,” Available: http:/ [online]. [5] CA. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design. New York: Wiley, 1982, Chapter 2, Chapter 16. [6] C. W. Trueman, Unpublished class notes, Concordia University. [7] C.G. Montgomery, Technique of Microwave Measurements. Boston Technical Publishers, 1964. [8] J.D. Kraus, Antennas for All Applications. New York: MeGraw-Hill, 2002. [9] The Antenna Handbook. ARRL, Newington CT, 1997. [10] RF. Harrington, Field Computations by Moment Methods. New York: Macmillan, 1968 11] G. J. Burke and A. J. Poggio, “Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC) - Method of Moments,” Naval Ocean Syst. Center, San Diego, CA, NOSC Tech. Document 116, Jan, 1981. [12] CW. Trueman & S.J. Kubina, “Verifying wire-grid model integrity with program ‘check’ ,” ACES Journal, Vol.5, No.2, p.17-42, 1990. [13] W. L. Stutzman and G. A. Thiele, Antenna Theory and Design. New York: Wiley, 1981, p.268 [14] ibid, p. 265-267. [15] .D. Kraus, “A 50-Ohm input impedance for helical beam antennas,” IEEE Trans on AP, Vol. 25, No.6, p.913, June 1977. [16] D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering. New York: Wiley, 1998, Chapter 5. [17] A.W. Love, Reflector Antennas. New York: IEEE Press, 1978, [18] R. C. Johnson, Antenna Engineering Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993. [19] B. Zauhar, “Modified 80cm Offset Dish for 2.4GHz Reception,” Available: http:/; [online] [20] H. Long, “Modify an analogue sky TV offset fed dish for AO-40 S-band,” Available: hutp:// [online]. (21] D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineerin. New York: Wiley, 1998, p. 162. (22] M. Bester, “SatTrack V3.1," software available from ftp2/ [online]. [23] T.A. Milligan, Modern Antenna Design Design. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985, p. 159. [24] C.A. Balanis, Antenna Theory, Analysis and Design. New York: Wiley, 1982, pas, 8. [25] C. J. Sletten , Reflector and Lens Antenna Design. Artech House, 1988. [26] M. Wheatley, “AO4ORCV V1.4,” software available from hup:i/ [online]. [27] B. Zauhar, “435MHz 12-turn Helix Antenna,” Available: zauhar/ [online]. [28] 435MHz 9-tum Helix, Available: htip:// (29] U. R. Kraft, “Main Beam Polarization Properties of Modified Helical Antenns,” TEEE Trans on AP, Vol.38, No.5, pp.589-597, 1990. [30] C. Donn, “A New Helical Antenna Deign for Better On and Off Boresight Axial Ratio Performance,” TEEE Trans on AP, Vol.28, No.2, pp.264-267, 1980. [31] Michael Slater, “An Innovative Antenna Design Tool: The Antenna Design Software,” Concordia University Thesis (M.A.Sc.), 2001 Appendix A Reflector Antenna Geometry Figure A-1. 3D Geometry for the offset parabolic reflector aperture, Figure A-2, Front view and side view for the offset parabolic reflector. Figure A-1 and Figure A-2 show the geometry for the offset reflector. AB is the long axis 1 of the aperture ellipse; CD is the short axis of the aperture ellipse; C is the center of the aperture; D is the diameter of the projected aperture; YC is the offset of the center. ‘The manufacturer provides some parameters of the dish: effective aperture D = 76cm focal distance f =44.6cem fID=0359 long axis of the ellipse AB = 83cm. So 4, AB tilt angle a=sin el z Assume the coordinate of Ais (),2), then Bis (y+76,z+83c0s66.3"), Cis (y+ ,2+2c0s603°) Weknow, x? +)? =4f2, and atthe plane yoz, x=0 Hence 4x 44.6x2 (+76)? = 4x 44.6% (2 + 33.36) Solving this equation, we have 154em 0.0075cm » so the offset of the center. YC =39.154em ‘The coordinate of the focus F is (0,44.6) cm. Since D'E' is the projection of DE,and D'E'=DE,hence DE/| D'E" a8. DELAB “DELAB and = DE LAB hence DE 1 AA'BB', ie, DE is perpendicular to the plane _yoz so that DE FC “DC = CE =38em DC = tant BE = 38.3". ‘The illumination angle of the reflector is hence 2x38.3=77" 79. Appendix B Gain for Double Ridged Guide Antenna EMCO 3115 NETS Cain and Antenna Factors fr Double Ridged Gulde Antenna Manufactured by EMC Test Syetems, LP Model Numbor. 3415 1.0 motor calration Frequency ‘Antenna Gain Gain (uz) Factor (4B/m) Numeric Bi 1500 255 668 a2 2000 278 7.03, 85 2500 288 B74 oa 3000 307 807 94 3500 319 828 92 ‘4000 334 8.32 92 ‘4500 328 1112 105 5000 340 1041 102 5500 347 1072 103, 6000 350 11.88 107 6500 35.4 1375 114 7000 36.3 1204 108 7500 373 1109 10.4 8000 373 1241 109 3500 379 1223 108 ‘9000 38.1 13.09 112 9500 38.0 1487 417, +0000 385 1498 7 110500, 386 16.08 124 11000 386 17.88 125 11500, 395 1875 120 12000 393 1769 125 12500, 304 1884 128 113000 408 14.86 7 113500 413 14.16 15 114000 422 1229 108 - 14500 419 1419 5 15000 404 2168 Ba 15500 30.4 2887 146 18000 40.1 26.35 142 16500 au 21.94 134 17000 424 1744 124 47500 46.1 7.35 90 18000 479 553 74 ‘Specitication compliance testing factor (1.0 meer spacing) to be added to receiver meter reading in dBV ta convert to eld intensity in dBVimeter. Calibrated 12 Apr 02 (ODIMIVYYYY). Caliration per ARP 958, 80. Appendix C NEC Input File for 2.4 GHz Helix CM 2400MHt2 HELIX N=5.75 D=2. 30M S=3CM HEIGHT ON PLANE 1S Sum CM FC is 2400MI2 WL=12. Sem wire radius is 1. lam (OM USE 1 WAVELENGTH PLANE GRID BY 0.1L SO WR=WL/22PI=0. 181CM (GM LHS, 755-17. 26¢ CM sweep freq. from 2300MHz to 250002 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 cE SY F-2400 SY Ue. 1725 SY L+0.125 SY D0. 023 SY R=,001L SY WR-O, 00181 SY $0.03 003 criss 90 s ut > D D D uggs 0 0 0 0 0 0 H omol 100 4/2 2 0 we 4/2 0 omoz 1000-12 2/5 0 We abs 0 mos 100 4/23/10 0 W/2 -3L/10 0 cmos 100-25 0 2 -L/s o cmos 1004/24/10 0 we -L/0 0 cmos 10 4/2 0 0 we o o cmo7 10 2b 0 2 Le 0 wos 10 4/2 Ws 0 We is 0 cmos 100 -L/2aL/io 0 L2 ato 0 om10 100 “1/2 aL 0 L2 aL/s 0 omni +L” Le 0 wa “2 0 omiz 100 -L/2 4/2 0 2 we 0 Ws 10 -2L/S 4/2. 0-2/5 Le 0 cms 10 -3L/10-L/2. 0 -aL/10 we 0 ste WR wR We We wR WR WR WR WR WR WR ows omié omui7 omg omg in20 mai m22 om30 Gw930 Gw931 woz ono o GE EX 0 FRO RP oO EN 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 130 73 “Lis “0 1/0 7 aL/10 2/5 2 1 0 o 0 2 1001 50 “82. /n we a a La Wa We L/2 Lo Lo -L/to “1/10 90 cd S5e52588555 Appendix D NEC Input File for 435 MHz Helix (CM 435M HIFLIX N=13 D=10, 40M S=15. 2CM HEIGHT ON PLANE TS Sam (CM FC is 435Milz WL=68. 92cm wire radius is 3. 175am (CM USE 1 WAVELENGTH PLANE GRID BY 0. 1WL SO WR=WL/22PI=0. 997CM 976 sweep freq. from 400Mllz to 450Mitz 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 a om au cu tt ce SY sY st SY D0. SY R=,003175 sY SY SY GH WR=0. 00997 S=0. 152, H=0. 005, 88 200 s Dd Dd D > cuss 0 0 0 0 0 H cel io -L/2 0 we -L/2 0 chez 10 -L/2 0 L2 -2L/5 0 oee3 10 -L/2 0 L/2 -aL/10 0 ches 10 1/2 0 2 -L/s 0 ws 10 44/2 0 2 -L/10 0 hGé 10 44/2 0 wv 0 0 che7 100 4/2 0 v2 L/0 0 8 10 -L/2 0 2 5 0 100-12 0 1/2 SL/10 0 10-12 0 w2 abs 0 10-12 0 1/2 L/2 0 1-1/2 0 42 Lie 0 100 -2L/5 0 -aL/s 2. 0 10 -3L/10 0 -3L/10 1/2 0 100 -L/5 0 45 Le 0 10 -L/10 0-0 L2 0 10 0 0 0 L/2 0 10 L/10 0 1/0 La 0 10 1/5 0 Ws La 0 10 aL/10 0 aL/10 2 0 10 L/S oats: 2 0 10 1/2 0 2 a 0 1 D 0 LAO wo 0 oar 1 D 0 L/s 1/10 0 “83. WR ® We WR mR, WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR We me WR WR WR WR cw 32 cw 33 ow 40 GE 0 EX 0 FR 0 RP oO EN Appendix E Brief NEC2 Output File for 2.4 GHz Helix -FREQUENCY- FREQUENCY=2.4000E403 MHZ WAVELENGTH= 1.249260] METERS APPROXIMATE INTEGRATION EMPLOYED FOR SEGMENTS MORETHAN 1,000 WAVELENGTHS APART ~+ STRUCTURE IMPEDANCE LOADING. ‘THISSTRUCTUREISNOTLOADED ---ANTENNAENVIRONMENT--- FREESPACE -MATRIXTIMING- FILL= OS41SEC, FACTOR= 0150SEC. --- ANTENNA INPUT PARAMETERS --~ TAG SEG VOLTAGE(VOLTS) CURRENT(AMPS) IMPEDANCE (OHMS)ADMITTANCE(MHOS) POWER. NO. NO. REAL IMAG REAL IMAG REAL = IMAG REAL_-—sIMAG_— (WATTS) 130 311 1.000001:+000.00000E+00 60351503 272820E-48 1:37581E+02-6219395+01 603S15E-03 2.72820E-18 3017S8E-43 ---POWER BUDGET--- INPUTPOWER =30176803 WATTS RADIATED POWER=30176603 WATTS STRUCTURE LOSS~0.00008+00 WATTS NETWORK LOSS =0.00005+00 WAITS EFFICIENCY = 10000PERCENT ---RADIATIONPATTERNS--- ~-ANGLES-- -POWERGAINS- _ ---POLARIZATION--- 85. THETA PHI VERTHOR TOTAL AXIAL DEGREES DEGREES DB DB 000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 450 000 $500 00 650 “7000 7500 8000 85.00 0.00 9500 10000 10500 11000 11500 12000 12500 13000 13500 14000 14500 15000 13500 16000 16500 100 17500 18000 18500 19000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 925 916 8B 791 664 4m 231 126 10 688 sa 4a 263 024 286 651 44 1002 on -to12 10865 1098 1090 1138 1126 1030 996 1193 1426 “1231 901 658 58 42 401 43 70534 e734 078037 o7mss o7s3 78 066376 052051 022494 040083 028430 oom 031496 sams 083597 065081 033533 1460 000780 013854 032081 49076 04252 023650 oo7s2 003716 on1ses ours27 020379 027750 000567 039847 038446 032195 o2se71 027016 028615 031008 assis mI 056 RIGHT 101 RIGHT 265 RIGHT 571 RIGHT 1060 RIGHT 1765 RIGHT 2644 RIGHT 3567 RIGHT 4434 RIGHT 2m LEFT 5130 LEFT 4076 RIGHT 487 RIGHT 2953 RIGHT 3166 RIGHT 2992 RIGHT $192 RIGHT “7250 RIGHT 6130 RIGHT $658 LEFT 4679 LEFT 2811 LEFT 348 LEFT 735 LEFT 1031 LEFT 1054 RIGHT 1010 RIGHT 1035 RIGHT 1318 RIGHT B73 RIGHT 386 LEFT 2612 LEFT 947 LEFT 442. LEFT 302 LEFT 301 LEFT 388 LEFT 567 LEFT 896 LEFT 86 1248E:00 121488400 161595100 1054400 913902E01 122T2EO1 SSSITSBO1 3.68646E01 202129801 929638502 LI284E01 1S96S7EOL LITO L64@RB01 120089E-01 87RME S@IQED 581859502 8813-02 LORss0B01 12194901 LAA6E-O1 1634E01 LSMS2E01 19770601 207546801 2013368-01 178881E01 14451801 95e02E02 643305802 876136802 139152801 189340801 228320201 251587E01 257020801 244683201 2.16108E.01 SENSE MAGNITUDE PHASE DB TIO DEG VOLISM DEGREES S771 15833 “16055 16439 1095 Tas 1ms1 15890 1667 268 on 2654 4676 276 1491 “P19 @2 223 BSL 2535 2970 wai 2910 4513 5255 6121 70 193 9568 11768 16527 14034 11698 10554 wo1z7 9898 se 1014s. 10694 MAGNITUDE PHASE VOLTSM- DEGREES 9SU0SIEDI 11255 9618BEOL 1215 9.07K6SE-01 11077 8208968.01 10857 ‘7OT6\7E-O1 10581 STE] 10301 4372QB01 10118 306158E01 10246 201118601 11131 LA39B01 13211 13@4IEOL 15393 138000B01 16474 13737E 01 10994 121800601 17658 120119801 17405 LBMBIEO! 1026 154546801 17395, 16750201 17435 1GMR9EOL 15763 152159601 13757 128184801 11467 OSTINEO 8853 TomesnO 5740 491219802 1802 3S 2938 397658202 7290 AZIOREAD -10500 ASTHAOED 12829 ATIMGTERD 14500 AOSTESEAD 15686 S1MOED 16400 SAH 1050 SS0017EO2 17282 626659102. -17553 672269802 17818 71S32E02 1716 7SS0E-M2. 17681 796329802 175.48, S38418E02 17621 3sn00 300 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 00 000 000 000 000 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 399 925 TAL 76 61 10@ 1116 1138 042044 osaa7s 026517 00436 01952 oom nos ope 049672 osami7 033072 010912 005351 aan 1440 oo1s72 025795 ‘003704 028013 026873 019640 004561 013126 12088 046224 06506 o77m39 081595 og81 081539 79534 1568 LEFT 297 LEFT 2G) LEFT 4125 LEFT 3451 RIGHT 2070 LEFT 2678 LEFT 408 LEFT 1946 LEFT 825 LEFT 1523 LEFT 3252 LEFT 3915 LEFT 4108 RIGHT 3991 RIGHT 2608 RIGHT 3284 LEFT $026 LEFT 29 RIGHT $945 RIGHT “2258 RIGHT 4561 RIGHT 3828 RIGHT 814 RIGHT $0 LET 2367 RIGHT 3231 RIGHT 3175 RIGHT 25@ RIGHT 1650 RIGHT 8@ RIGHT 378 RIGHT 135 RIGHT 056 RIGHT “87. L7SS2SE01 131578B01 103159801 LB7QBOL 151@0E01 191410891 219606801 23117E01 226827801 200615E-01 18853901 L812B01 LaBOLEO1 1548701 146614601 129922801 10089101 6S871EQ, 638189802 LASS70E01 I@19BO1 2243846.01, 246567E-01 241951EO1 228845E-01 254301B.01 351868601 SOL7S1BO1 67167201 843200801 9950326-01, LITHO LIST43400 123488100 74 13629 17133 14644 “11733 9821 $828 5842 4808 3943 213 S81 804 Bo 12 2235 1670 291 20 ass 10336 13838 16133 17637 1333 16621 1647 15871 asin S8811S3E02 -17985 921612802 171.73 SS91@EN2 -15888 997852 -14131 10B0EO1 -11973 LO4SEO1 9517 LIBOSSEO1 -6840 LIMBO 2927 LIM46E0 682 LoRseoBO1 2990 LOTEO. @N 1.200546.01 10834 1SI6SEOL 14216 1347R0B.01 19038 1928801 -16725 99M 15384 6S2EMQ 18.25 ‘TOSISTED 16295 13041B01 15735 1SS8601 16674 2m0MBOI 17986 2285S6E01 -16661 196181E-01 15430 1298398.01. 14596 363130602 17493 LIS@HEOL 8462 2oASTEEOL 8592 421N8B01 91.90 STEED 9788 TAMBEOL 10303, 826108E01 10713, S116BEO1 11008 S6ANISEOI 11188 98UBIEOL 11255 Appendix F Brief NEC2 Output File for 435 MHz Helix FREQUENCY - FREQUENCY: WAVELENGTH: 3500B+02 MHZ. 8920E-01 METERS APPROXIMATE INTEGRATION EMPLOYED FOR SEGMENTS MORE THAN 1.000 WAVELENGTHS APART - +» STRUCTURE IMPEDANCE LOADING - - - ‘THIS STRUCTURE IS NOT LOADED ++» ANTENNA ENVIRONMENT - -- FREE SPACE - ++ MATRIX TIMING FILI 0771 SEC, FACTOR= 0.441 SEC. --- ANTENNA INPUT PARAMETERS -- - ‘TAG SEG VOLTAGE(VOLTS) CURRENT(AMPS) IMPEDANCE(OHMS) ADMITTANCE(MHOS) POWER NO.NO.REAL IMAG REAL IMAG REAL IMAG REAL IMAG (WATTS) 40 425 1000005+0000000061 00639912503 5 46312F-03 9.0360115101-771689E101 639912E43 546312B403 3.199565, ---POWER BUDGET--- INPUT POWER — = 3.1996E-03 WATTS RADIATED POWER= 3.1996E-03 WATTS STRUCTURE LOSS 0,0000E+00 WATTS NETWORK LOSS = 0,0000E+00 WATTS EFFICIENCY = 100.00 PERCENT --- RADIATION PATTERNS - - - -- ANGLES - - - POWER GAINS - - - - POLARIZATION - - --- E(THETA)--- ---E(PHI) THETA PHI VERT HORTOTAL AXIAL TIT SENSE MAGNITUDE PHASE MAGNITUDE PHASE DEGREESDEGREES DB DB DB RATIO DEG VOLISM DEGREES VOLTSM DEGREES 000 000927 944 1237 O95 5654 RIGHT 12785100 9456 299 722 500 000 912935 1225 093872 STO RIGHT 12527EHO 81 12891510) Toco 000855 896 1177 O9RII6 e248 RIGHT —LITIOEMD 835 120RISEWD 321, 1500 000748 BIB 1086 08962 @IT_RIGHT —LOXOIEVOD SAI 1123855100 143 2000 00 S77 686 936 086757 7584 RIGHT RSMIVEO 7857 96473EBOI 756 2500 0) 325 468 703 OSMOL S321 RIGHT GUSOIEOL 7338 7S057SEOL 1433, 3000 00) 023 109 349 085155 8518 RIGHT 426656R01 7270 496RABOL 1878 3500 00) 389 4M 12 O91 5 RIGHT 27957801 G75 2STRIEOL 718 4000 00) 528 598 261 054565 4073 RIGHT 2385901 1OSS IB 4332 4500 00) 554 199 04) 040327 6124 RIGHT 23157SEO B33 34NRROL 5455 5000 000-737 067 O17 033474 7210 RIGHT 18755901 9558 405501 4339 550) 000 1L@ 201 155 02077 8103 RIGHT LUWREOL 9272 347710601 2859 0 00) 1540 GI S@ OMMB $927 RIGHT TABISEM 11561 2I6TIEOL 2373 6500 00) 1485 889 791 046165 7844 RIGHT 791I0EM 1258 1S7TIBOL S433, 7000 00) TAS S73 $43 020129 79) RIGHT GOSIATEM 11395 226K301 Gal 7500 00) 2612 489 485 QUR6I6 $938 RIGHT 216S7SEM 12954 240M0IEOL 4665 8000 00) 2162 -709 694 OORASS -7953 RIGHT 30351302 16139 193540801 2926 8500 000-1845 085 -1015 ODSI73. 6786 RIGHT S276 112 125HEO WRB 000 00) 1688-991 911 OIOW 665) RIGHT 6274TEM «15,13 LAUDIOBOI 4591 950) 00) 1333-822 705 OSH 6098 LEFT —94SQOREMD -14710 16964E01 2041 10000 000 1088 887 675 OIDHD S211 LEFT — 12S1S0R-O1 15428 1STRSEOL 290 10500 000 945-1137 729 03582 3679 LEFT 14764001 S817 L18271B01 -1880 11000 000-749 -1339 44 0313S 2194 LEFT LASDIEOI 15995 937RIEM 2515 1150 000 546-1226 4G 020MG -IO4I LEFT 23367191 16792 106RSBOL 3372 12000 000-443 1077 392 038077 1673 LEFT 2@013BO1 17963 126756E01 5787 12500 000 445 1045 349 04888 753 LEFT 2@2I41B01 17044 131352801 $796 13000 000 498 -I14I 409 04591753 LEFT — 24686601 16463 LATIGIBOL -11796 13500 000552 1342 487 030761 1465 LEFT 230055801 16017 933745E02 -14559 14000 000-434 1601 590 ORME 1525 LEFT 210888B01 15055 6926702 -17050 14500000813 1800 771 OLSL 1631 LEFT LTITHEOL 13945 5512802 16611 1000090 CIM 2324 LEFT LIROSEO1 11664 SARS R68 15500000 050197 3577 LEFT — 82090e2 7OI2 GTRBORO2 12487 1000 000 3 ORES AIS LEFT LOSIZTBOL 1965 885TISEOD 11.12 1500 000-896 1189-718 065595 1765 LEFT 1SGMEOI 22 113MBO1 10177 17000 000-670 1047 S18 058612 -1658 LEFT 2053201 1097 1311@EO] 9606 17500 000536 963 39% O5SI 1SI8 LEFT 2364RBOL 1383 LMGIOROL 9358 18000 000-470 929 340 053810 -1420 LEFT — 255HEOL 1325 1SUDRBEOL 9418 18500000 458 940 334 0526 1380 LEFT 25941701 990 148832801 9786 89. 19000 19500 2000 2050 21000 21500 2000 7500 SEERREBEEEEEE 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 S88888 00 000 000 616 al 791 Fe) ont oat 318 16 5 80 1046 1155 ns p37 osis 052089 on OSH 043652 049835 048506 312s o1se0 oes 08012 oss 025396 05 14610 ose o@u7 029555 0260s 043657 652 087937 59178 oman oxais 039500 093964 95573 ‘095082 1395 LEFT “437 LEFT 1394 LEFT 751 LEFT 1643. LEFT 281 LEFT 3133 LEFT 7739 LEFT 1699 LEFT 399 LEFT 595 LEFT 2316 LEFT 1897 LEFT 26 LRT 3955 LEFT S178 RIGHT S104 RIGHT 4988. RIGHT $5@ RIGHT 06 RIGHT 27142. RIGHT $868. RIGHT 244 RIGHT 27136 RIGHT $466 RIGHT $245. RIGHT 1950 RIGHT 3716 RIGHT 6408 RIGHT -IA78 RIGHT S108 RIGHT $137 RIGHT 35 RIGHT (6604 RIGHT 5654 RIGHT 24NOTEOL 2236601 192066801 L@oRBO 14STOBDL 149505801 Lesnaeo1 LS247E0L 2089801 225729801 22489601, 20067701 LT473E0L LRBIEOL 16MOrEOL 136171801 L16MB01 135050801 138059801 10683801 LINEAL LSTIsE01 167137601 L3eor01 190035601 2462706.01, 25S681B01 230641E01 314145601 52379601 "76380601, SrMSTTEDL 64 10 898 10074 m2 1374 15004 16431 Ips 670% 107 15635 14640 “3847 “457 S016 14200 asa 7168 -n94 1687 17697 15153 14816 MB 12846 oa 8661 50 sa7 L3S35800 93.00 123SHE0 94599 LaR86E40) 9456 1AS2E01 10467 130Q0BO1 11448 LOSE 12668 LBITREOL 3968 LIGTIEOL 15215 LISRBOL 16408 1ZBTEOL 17136 12923801 -16546 1119622601 14282 99414802 -11306 TIMER <4 S966T6ED 2174 625308BO2 139 S7O3E@ 1185 13S14B01 2660 LINBO! 4639 LIBEL 6149 ISOOED Sk 200228801 4987 28%HE01 S884 268231601 7301 201112801 7310 20805301 4506 377@mBO1 4022 40RBO1 $219 3605501 6450 23uQIBOL 6177 L9TR2TEO 519 426818601 1608, 6996REO1 1281 91@o1EOL 632 1ogssIE0 042 120861E400 3.94 1273760 650 120898100 722 Appendix G Input File for REFFOR, to Calculate the Reflector Radiation Pattern CM: *** 060C.DAT #** CE: OFFSET CIRCULAR 30" REFLECTOR AT C-BAND RG: 1076 0.446 1 001 oot TL: TILT ANGLE AND OFFSET 663 0392 sPSIT.YC FG: 1 24 FP: T TT 1 9 dope 2 0. 90. B 0.00 1138 056 0.00 11.38 89.44 5.00 1126 1.01 500 1115-8781 10.00 10.80 2.65 10.00 1058 86.20 1500996 S71 15.00 9.64 84.68 20.00 © 8.68 10.60 20.00 8.25 -83.13 2500 688 17.65 25.00 628-8136 3000 441 26.44 30.00 349 -79.10 35.00 1.04 35.00 059-7592 40.00 3.47 4000-7105 72.48 45.00 7.91 45.00 112 STAT 30.00 -7.75 50.00 550 70.63 5500-609 40.76 5500-242 83.64 60.00 5.66 -34.87 60.00 -106 -88.80 65.00 635 29.53 6500 0.73 -82.79 70.00 -7.61 31.66 70.00 112-7642 75.00 8.46 89.92 75.00 2.10 -68.19 80.00 825 81.92 80.00 -359 56.15 85.00 7.60 72.50 85.00 554 -39.50 90.00 7.21 64.30 90.00 -770 -2390 9500-728 36.58 9500 937 17.19 100.00 762 -46.79 100.00 966 22.63, 10500-7887 -28.11 105.00 891 29.29 1000-766 “3.48 110.00 8.12 -28.26 11500-7005 7.38 115.00 7.73 23.26 120.00 640 10.31 120.00 785-1 125.00 -6.08 10.54 125.00 770 130.00 630 10.10 130.00 418 13500 -725 10.35 135.00 21.76 140.00 909 13.18 140.00 -1137 44.61 145.00 1193 23.73 145.00 1099 65.53 150.00 -1426 38.63 150.00 -968 79.43, oe 155.00 1231 26.12 155.00 8.11 160.00 9.01 9.47 160.00 -6.68 165.00 658 4.42 165.00 -5.54 170.00 5.04 3.02 170.00 -4.72 17500 422301 175.00 -4.21 180.00 -4.01 3.88 180.00 -401 185.00 -437 5.67 185.00 4.11 190.00 5278.96 190.00 -4.48. 195.00 6.71 15.68 195.00 -5.13 20000 8.46 © 29.72, 200.00 -6.10 205.00 9.60 42.60 205.00, 210.00 8.98 41.25 210.00 9.10 21500 727 3451 215.00 -10.83, 220.00 5.71 29.70 22000-1149 225.00 4.72 26.78 225.00 1034 23000 435 24.08, 230.00 23500 4.54 19.46, 235.00 -724 240.00 S11 «8.25 240,00 -6.62 245.00 5.78 15.23 245.00 -6.77 250.00 6.18 32.52 250.00 -7.77 255.00 6.25 -39.15 255.00 -9.83, 260.00 6.34 41.08 260.00 13.16 265.00 692 39.91 265.00 -15.22 270.00 8.41 -36.08 270.00 -11.07 27500-1098 -32.84 275.00 -6.76 280.00 -12.49 -50.26 280.00 3.75 285.00 9.33 -63.99 285.00 -1.77 290.00 5.78 59.45 290.00 0.63, 29500 351-5258 295.00 031 30000 2.46 45.61 300.00 092 305.00 257 38.28 305.00 -2.77 310.00 3.80 -28.14 310.00 6.45 315.00 5.28 -5.10 315.00 -898 32000 365 23.67 320.00 -3.21 325.00 030-3231 325.00 1.65 33000 3:75 31.75 330.00 4.95 335.00 636 -25.62 335.00 728 340.00 828 16.50 340.00 894 34500 9.66 8.62 345.00 10.11 350.00 10.60 3.78 350.00 1087 35500 116135 355.00 11.29 360.00 1138 0.56 36000 11.38 CO: LAIWT, LGTD=F T T F © FOO: 0 0, oP: 1 0. “180 180 I oF F PD: PLOT DATA GENERATED T PLOT XQ n- 36.60 89.51 89.53 88.96 87.93 86.12 83.56 80.63 -78.03 -16.19 78.62 -86.60 75.69 S159 23.46 147 9.75 “16.35 21.27 25:10 26.16 “19.14 2117 63.55 “16.37 8335 -88.92 8631 82.07 78.07 73.60 64.92 “18.16 “37.98 “6843 84.12 89.68 88.14 87.56 8797 89.06 89.44 Appendix H Brief Output Result for the Reflector Antenna Code ++" OUTPUT LISTING FROM REFFOR VERSION 1.0. ***** * CO: LAI*T, LGTD-F . + LAleT LFEED=T — LGTD=F * THETAX=0.00 . + LOORNR= LSLOPE=F * * — THEXF= 0.00 THEXR= 0.00 . = oP: + * USING THE PRESENT GEOMETRY,THERE WILLBE 1 PATTERN CUTS COMPUTED * THE FOLLOWING CUTS WILL BE COMPUTED: . «00, * —_ AP31=-180.00 _AP3F = 180.00 * FOR EACH CUT THE PATTERN WILL BE COMPUTED EACH 1.00 DEGREES IN THETA * — NTEST= 0 LSTEP? . * PD: PLOT DATA GENERATED . * DATA WILL BE OUTPUT TO OUTS.DAT FOR PLOTTING. . * xo + . FREQUENCY = 2.400 GHZ . . WAVELENGTH = 0.125000 METERS . * THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION UNITS ARE IN WAVELENGTHS * * * _ * ANGLES & PHASE ARE IN DEGREES * . . APERTURE RADII:RRW= 3.0400 . . FOCALDISTANCE= 3.57 . . GRIDX= 0.08 — GRIDY= 0.08 . . DISTANCE FROM VERTEX TO APERTURE PLANE: ZOP= 2.673 . * DISTANCE FROM FOCUS TO RIM:RO= 6.241 . * CIRCULARLY POLARIZED FEED * . FEED POWER: PRAD = 0.630E+01 . . FAR FIELD GAIN REF 049 . . NUMBER OF PRINCIPAL GRID LINES: MMAX=77_ NMAX=78 . . APERTURE CENTERAT( 0,000, 3.136, 2.673,) . . SHADOW BOUNDARY ANGLES: TH1= 18000" TH2= 180.00 . . THEB (DEG)= 90.000 * . ‘NUMBER OF ROTATED GRID LINES: IMAX= 75 IMAX=76 . 93. ate eeene 22eeeeeeedeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeee* tae AV/GTD SWITCHOVER PARAMETERS: THETAX= 0.00 NT ‘THETA -140.00 -138.00 =361 PRINCIPAL POL MAG DB PHASE 0.241E-05 -120.51 -114.8 03245401 0.564E+00 -13.14 -114.0 0.319B+01 O10SE+O1 7.76 -116.1 03145401 0.134801 “121.1 0308E+01 0.142E+01 -130.3 0303E+01 0.134801 “145.7 0,298+01 0.125E+01 -168.4 0,292E+01 0.129801 167.0 0.287E+01 0.140E+01 1478 0.281E+01 0.146E+01 1348 0.276E+01 0.138E+01 1259 0.270E+01 0.118E401 119.3 0.2648+01 O919E+00 8.90 114.1 0.259E+01 0.665E#00 11.72 110.7 0.253E+01 O480E+00 -14.54 110.8 0.247E401 03995+00 16.14 116.2 0.241E+01 0425E+00 -15.59 123.1 0.236E+01 0.523E+00 13.80 126.3 0.2298+01 06428400 12.01 126.2 0.2238+01 0.743E+00 -10.75. 124.7 0.217401 0.797E+00 -10.14 122.7 0.211401 0.795E+00 -10.16 120.5 0.20SE+01 0.7448+00 10.73 1182 0.19401 0.661E+00 -11.76 115.9. 0.1948+01 05658400 13.12 113.7 0.188E+01 O477E+00 -14.60 111.9 0.1835+01 0409E+00 -15.93 111.0 0.179E+01 0370E#00 -1681 111.5. 0.175E+01 0360B+00 17.04 113.3 O.171E+01 0377E#00 -16.64 115.6 0.168E+01 O414E+00 -15.83 117.6 0.165E+01 04638400 -1485 119.0 0.162E+01 0.516E+00 -13.91 119.8 0,159B+01 O.568E+00 -13.07 120.1 O.1SBE+OL 0.615E100 -12.39 120.1 0.156E+01 0.653500 -11.86 119.9 0.155E+01 06848400 1147 119.5. 0.154E+01 0.706E#00 11.18 119.1. 0.153E+01 07235100 1098 118.7 0.153E+01 0735E100 1085 118.3 0.153E+01 07438400 10.75 117.9. 0.153E+01 0.750510 -10.66 117.6 0.153E+01 CROSS POL MAG DB 205 465 191 46.7 176472 161 482 146 49.6 131 SIS Lis 33.7 098 563 og 593 06s 627 046 664 028 705 009 75.0 010 79.8 030 849 051 903 072 95.8 096 99.8 “120 103.8, “144 107.7 “168 MLS “193 ISL 218 186 243 121.9 268 125.0 293 128.1 313 1362 331 144.5 153.0 161.7 “382 1706 397 179.7 -41L-17L0 422-1613 430 -1SLS 437-1415 4a 1314 446-1213 4460 -ILL 446 -100.9 448 90.8 449 -80.7 44444444 eeeeqeeeeeee% Zeddeecce S4¢4eeeee 2444662 4eeeeegeeeeeee se eeeeseeeeeedeseesesedsesseeeses -96.00 94.00 92.00 -90.00 -88.00 -86.00 -84.00 82.00 80.00 -78.00 -76.00 -74.00 -72.00 -70.00 -68.00 -66.00 64.00 -62.00 ~60.00 -58.00 -36.00 -54.00 -52.00 -50.00 -48.00 -46.00 44.00 42.00 40.00 -38.00 -36.00 -34.00 -32.00 -30.00 28.00 -26.00 -24.00 -2.00 -20.00 -18.00 -16.00 -14.00 -12.00 -10.00 8.00 6.00 -4.00 -2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 0.7578+00 0.765E+00 0.775E+00 0.788E+00 0.803E+00 0.8216+00 08416400 08635100 08865100 0.9076+00 09256100 09385100 09416400 0.9335+00 0.9118+00 0.875E+00 0.827E+00 0.71E+00 0.717400 0.6808+00 0.6778+00 0.725E+00 08398400 0.1028+01 0.1278+01 0.156E+01 0.184401 02078401 0.219801 0.216801 0.198401 0.171801 0.14801 0.149E+01 0.1926+01 0.288E+01 (0.432E+01 0.608E+01 07848401 0.921B401 0.999501 0.10SE102 0.1195+02 0.153E+02 0.203E+02 0.2578+02 0,300E+02. 0:323E+02 0:320B+02 0.2918+02 0.2448+02 0.190E+02 0.143E+02 0.114E+02 -10.58 “10.49 10,38 -10.24 -10.08 9.88, 9.67 9.45 9.22 9.01 “8.84 8.73 8.69 8.77 897 932 9.82 10.43 -11.06 “1182 “1155 -10.95 9.69 197 -6.09 432 2.86 “1.84 “136 “149 “225 “351 4.74 4.70 248, 1.02, 455 731 97 maa 11.83 1227 1336 1552 1798 20.002 21.38 22.02 21.94 21.12 19.59 1740 1493 13.00 1173 0.153E+01 LITA 0.154+01 170 0.154E+01 117.0. 0.156E+01 117.0 0.155E+01 HTL O.54E+01 1173. 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