Configuring Oracle VM Manager in em 12c

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Staiting with EN 12c, 0iacle vN Nanagei can be seamlessly integiateu in the EN 12c
console. This uocument uesciibes the steps that neeu to be peifoimeu, assuming you
have an 0iacle vN Nanagei anu an 0iacle vN Seivei up anu iunning.

Fiom the EN Bome page select - Setup ! Auu Taiget ! Auu Taigets Nanually

!"" $%&'()* +%,-%../

Select "Auu Non-Bost Taigets by Specifying Taiget Nonitoiing Piopeities"

Select Taiget Type "0iacle vN Nanagei"

In this example we will us a "Remote Agent" as Nonitoiing Agent anu use

Name: In this example the name of the 0iacle vN Nanagei is
EN Agent 0RL: The Agent 0RL has been enteieu automatically
( in this example)

0&%1.( 2+ +%,%'(& 34&(
0iacle vN Nanagei 0RL: In this example we entei

As we want to synchionize both Enteipiise Nanagei anu 0iacle vN Nanagei with a
specific inteival, we check "Automatic Synchionization"

+4,5)4&5,' 3&("(,)5%.* 64& 0&%1.( 2+ +%,%'(&
0seiname: aumin
Passwoiu: <the aumin passwoiu>

0&%1.( 2+ +%,%'(& 34,*4.(
0iacle vN Nanagei Console 0RL: In this example we use

Next piess |Submitj

When piessing |}ob Betailsj we can keep tiack of the }ob that has been submitteu

Aftei the }obs has completeu successfully we navigate via Enteipiise Nenu !
Infiastiuctuie Clouu ! Bome

Next we see the 0iacle vN Nanagei Page showing a Taiget Navigation Pane incluuing
the Seivei Pool (in this example "NySeiveiPool") incluuing vN Seivei
"" anu a iunning vN uuest "Ny0vNuuest0LS.6" anu a
non iunning uuest "NySeivei1".

Next you can examine all newly auueu Taigets exactly the way you can foi any Taiget in
EN 12c.

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