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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region XII City School Division of Tacurong APOLINARIO S.

BERNARDO MEMORIAL NATIONAL SCHOOL Baras Tacurong City Action Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education S!" #$%&'#$%(
St ategie!"P og a#!"P o$ect! O%$ective! Ta!&! Pe !on Involved Ti#e ' a#e Ta get

)*ST+DE,T DE-E./P0E,T %*/rentation of the 1 to %# Curriculum #* Diagnostic 8)chievement Test

2ive importance of the 1 to %# Curriculum in the 3olistic development of students in the 4orld of 4or5* Improve the 9uality of education 4ith relevance to the curriculum

2iving information of the Curriculum

Principal 2uidance office T.E Teachers )dvisers Teachers in ( s5ills Students Teachers and Staff Students Parents Donors


%$$7 of the students 4ill be oriented of the 1 to %# Curriculum* :;7 of the students 4ill ta5e the test*

)dministering Pre'Test and Post'test*

6une to 0arch

&* S5ill Competetion Coo5ing Contest Poster 8 Slogan ,utri <ui= ,utri Dance

Develop a4areness and disseminate information pertaining to nutritional condition of students*

Celebration of ,utrition 0onth )ctivity


:;7 of the students actively participate the s5ill competition*

St ategie!"P og a#!"P o$ect! B* TE)C3ERS DE-E./P0E,T '+pgrading Teaching Competencies*

O%$ective! )ttend Trainings and Seminars conducted by the Division and assessment conducted by TESD)*

Ta!&! )ssessment for ,C )nd ,C#

Pe !on Involved Teachers

Ti#e ' a#e December

Ta get %$$7 of the Teachers 4ill attend trainings and ta5e assessment*

C* Instructional Development

To produce tools and e9uipment needed process*

Raise >und I 2P

Teachers Students Donors

!ear Round

?$7 of the students generate income through coo5ing and selling

Prepared by" DIONITA '. LAP(RA 0T'% School @ T.E Coordinator


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