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Keusnke kingdom Orientation There was a boy from England his name was Michael.

His dad lost his job. Michael likes to play football he played in a team called the mud lacks. Whit his best friend eddy his dad brought a boat they travelled around the world. I think this book is a good story and fun to read but doesnt make senses. Details Michael was a boy that lived in England. His dad lost job. Then his dad brought a boat they called the boat the Peggy-sou. They were thought how to be ship people. The peggy-sou traveled to places like Australia, Brazil, Africa and Jamaica. Michael had a dog one day he fell of the boat. Michael arrived on a island where he met this old man named keusnek. He gave Michael food and water but they were enmines. He built a beaker so when a boat comes by he can lite the fire. A huge storm came and it rained for three days nonstop after the storm Michael went to keusnke side of the island and started swimming but he got stun by a jelly-fish. Keunske saved him from the jellyfish. Keunske and Michael became best friends. They went fishing together they told each other their back-stories. One day on the island Michael saw a ship coming. In the distines saw he ran to the beaker and lite the beaker the beaker made a big fire. The boat that was passing by was his prantes where on that boat. Then they reused him from the island. Councils It was a nice book for every one to read very execting. It dint make much sences sometimes.

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