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She Speaks to Angels


Ami Blackwelder


AngelFire Chronicles: Book one

She Speaks to Angels

Copyright 2012 by Ami Blackwelder

Artwork 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the
written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Ami Blackwelders books may be ordered through local book venues and online retailers or by contacting the
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are
either the products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.
ISBN-13: 978-1475116724
ISBN-10: 1475116721

Complete series:
1-She Speaks to Angels
2- Falling Angels

3-Angel Codes
Published by Eloquent Enraptures Publishing
Edited by Eloquent Enraptures
Copy edited by Connie Webb, Ashley Egan
Proofreader: Ashley Egan
Cover art by Eloquent Enraptures
Printed in the United States by Lightning Source


Big Thank you to my Peeps!

Alpha&Beta-Readers: Candi Curtis, Anne Clark, Ao Bibliophile, Krysta Banco, Linda Bass, Denise Zaky,
rdasilva, Leilani, Chaarmedone

"I tried not to sound hysterical, but its not every day you find out the paranormal is hunting you."

What if everything you believed was a lie?

A Suicide

Seventeen year old Allison Maney attends Millennium High School in Manhattan. Nothing out of the ordinary,
unless you consider the occasional suicides at the school. At least that is what everyone is told, what everyone
believes. But Tommy Bachelor was a popular football player; why would he jump off the roof of the school?


Dangerous Liaisons

When Dameon pays attention to Ali, she couldn't be more excited, because for the past three months he was all
she could think about. But now that Dameon is finally pining for her affections, she is becoming more and more
wrapped up in a clique of three who, as new transfers to the school, are proving to be trouble. But at least Dameon
loves her, doesn't he?


A Soul Purpose

The underworld of angels and demons have one thing on their mind: Earth. Demons want to do what they
want. Angels want to protect humans from these rogue angels, AKA: Demons

A Suspenseful Romance

Caught between Dameon and Kian, the suicide and the clique of three, Ali doesnt know who to trustor who
to love, because for Allison Maney, everything is not exactly what it seems.


Dedicated to all the angels of the world.

Table of Contents

Family Ties
Back Alleys
Luminescence 102
Assignments 121
Sunlight Kisses 137
Until Eight
The Station
On Edge
Street Fights 193
Consequences 202
The Lure
Last Stand


As the day began, I didnt know it would change my life forever. No one prepared me for
something like this. Not parents, teachers or guidance counselors. Walking through the front
doors and down the hallway of Millennium High School in New York City, I thought today
would be just like any other ordinary day. Long, boring and dreadful. Take your pick. I wasnt
anyone popular. There was nothing special about me that made the guys drool.

I approached my locker, combination 17-75-7. Could it have any more sevens? Out of the
corner of my eye I saw him skirting along the wall, more of just a vague silhouette really. Not
enough to make out a name, face, or even what clique he belonged to, but enough to make my
heart race. Seriously, I could hear my own heart pounding. I wasnt sure who I saw, but his
presence sent a shiver rushing down my spine, and as the minutes ticked I grew closer and closer
to finding out....
As I fidgeted by my open locker moments later, the mystery man spun past the corner and
spun his lock combination: 15-40-31. I paid attention. Dameon. Raven black hair and equally
stark eyes, arched brows as if he always had a mischievous appointment to attend. He probably
did, as popular as he was. He wore a black leather jacket with a singular crimson red stripe that
stretched from one sleeve, across his back and to the next sleeve, and black faded jeans. The only
thing he altered was his shirt.
Hi, I managed to squeeze out of my nervous body. Never sure of what he did to me, I
realized that just being around him made me clam up and never know quite what to say. Id had
a crush on him ever since he arrived, at the beginning of my junior year. That was three months,
three weeks and five days ago. Well, as soon as Friday ended it would be five days. Its not like I
was obsessed, but he was hard not to notice. And anyway, his locker sat right next to mine. Of
course Id see him. And we had first period English together. He probably didnt even know I was
in the same class.
Hi. He grinned and placed his hand on my shoulder. OMG! He touched me! Better get
going. You dont want to be late for class.
He noticed me!
As he turned away from me with his Kindle in hand, and scrolling through his English
textbook, he glided down the hall to Mrs. Engstroms English classroom. Jennifer and Molly
bounced up behind me in a semicircle. It was the early morning shark attack. That was how I
thought of it anyway.
What did he say to you? Jennifer pushed, her legal-eagle style sometimes irritated me.
Come on, Ali! You can tell us! Weve only been your friends since middle school! Molly
encouraged. Pale blue jeans ripped at the knees emphasized her artsy persona.
I leaned toward them, giving in. Not much, just hi and that Id better hurry up to class so
Im not late.
He knows you have English with him, Jennifer said, as if she were presenting a final
argument in an important case before the judge.
Im not invisible, I defended myself.
My two friends just stared at me. The school was comprised of girls who wore tight-fitting
clothes from Hollister, Forever 21, Limited, Express. Cool, chic. Not me. My attire could be
described in one word: baggy. Today my choice garb had been beige cargo pants, a cream blouse
and black cardigan.
You always go for that type of guy. Molly brushed back her dirty brown bob with one hand
as she held paint brushes in the other. Art class next. She could have chosen any elective, but each
year she chose art. There was even a smudge of blue paint across her chin. She must have
worked on one of her projects at home before school.
What kind of guy? I focused my eyes.
You know. The dark, mysterious, brooding type. Jennifer fixed her red curls into a knot on
her head. Her hair had grown so long this year she didnt even need a hair tie. After Jennifer

teased me, she raced off with Molly, shoulder to shoulder and I couldnt help but grin; weve
been best friends for years. I couldnt imagine high school without my crew. As they disappeared
around the corner, the bell rang. Damn. I was always late. I really needed to manage my time
Fumbling with my NOOK, my choice eReader, I opened the closed door to English class.
Mrs. Engstrom kept her eyes on me in that late-again fashion. I actually could feel those words
emanate from her pores and penetrate my skull. Tripping on a television cable wire, I stumbled to
the carpeted floor, dropping my NOOK and purse. Oh, God, please let no one be watching. Please let no
one be watching this. I picked up my items hurriedly and then flung my body upward, propelling
myself into an open seat. Damn; the whole class stared and a few giggles permeated the room.
Awkward. Dameon sat in the back with his eyes locked on mine the whole time. No squeezing
out of this embarrassment.
Plopping into the front row with a shake of my head, I let my graciously long dark hair wisp
over my oval shaped face. Sea blue eyes begged me to cover them up; I didnt want to see any
more. Kids stared, and faces that once held shape and names became a conglomeration of
taunting flesh. I felt dizzy with the rush of adrenaline. Emotions pulled me in opposing
directions. Fight or flee? Dameon kept staring from the back. I could make him out in my
peripheral vision. God, his stare even looked sexy. Sliding down in my seat, I hoped to become
invisible. But I didnt.
Mrs. Engstrom had called roll and shouted my name just to be sure I paid attention. Allison
Maney?As if she didnt see the circus act I performed in front of the class.
Here, a defeated whisper escaped my pink-hued lips. I only used lipstick because my lips
tended to chap. Molly used to tease me about my preference for wearing little make-up. Her
mom, being a free spirit, allowed her to wear make-up since sixth grade. Molly said I must be the
only girl in the city without it, so I added lipstick to my daily morning regime. But in truth, I
didnt need much make-up. I was one of those blessed girls without blemishes, pimples, or
uneven-toned skin. Yes, one of those girls. But I quickly remedied my natural beauty with the
oversized garb. My attire choices made Jennifer roll her eyes every day at lunch. She wanted to be
a cheerleader; one of those it girls, smart and sassy. But she never made the squad.
Sliding the NOOK across my desk, my fingers clasped the delicate touch-screen and I flipped
to the required English reading assignment.
Allison, could you read paragraph one? Mrs. Engstrom asked, but her request sounded
more like a command from the captain of a sinking ship. She had lost everyones interest months
Its Ali. I arched my left brow like a dog about to bark. She returned a quizzical look. My
name is Ali. Ive only told you this since school started. The second sentence rolled out under
my breath. The teacher looked like she might explode any minute as she took in a deep breath, as
if fumes might just blow out of her nose. I sighed as I glanced back down at my eReader.
I guess her patience ran thin six months into school. Homework to grade. Mischievous
students to send to the principals office. And then there was the fact that she hardly ever had
anyones attention. She appeared surprised when I flipped my NOOK to the page that
corresponded to the one on the whiteboard.
Just read, please, Mrs. Engstrom replied.
I nodded.
When the dreadful paragraph ended, the room felt suspiciously quiet. Not a peep. No one
ever listened in this class. Was I really that interesting? I tilted my flushing face around in

Dameons direction just as his side of the class stood up from their seats and watched out the
adjacent side window. With eyes mesmerized, the other side of the class jumped to their feet with
jarred expressions as two jocks took off like a marathon over a few desks to get closer to the
window. I made out a blur of something dropping past the window to the ground, but it all
happened so fast I couldnt be sure what I saw.
Tommy? the quarterback shouted in question, and then I heard a loud thud. His nose
pressed up against the glass. Tommy Bachelor? The dread in his voice shot through my veins
and brought back the day Mom told me about Dads fatal heart attack. I had just turned sixteen
and was supposed to have a sweet sixteen party. Dad made the arrangements for a limo to drive
my friends and me to the local dance club. I had gone to the hospital instead and cried all night.
What the hell just happened?
I leapt from my chair and darted toward the window to stand behind the broad-shouldered
linebacker just as Mrs. Engstrom, at a remarkable sixty years old, managed to squeeze between
the two large athletes.
I saw him fall! a student in the back shouted, his forefinger pointing to the window.
Is he dead? a female voice questioned from somewhere in the middle.
Couldnt be! The linebacker nudged the quarterback. Could it?
Someone do something! A shriek sounded from behind me.
As all these questions and statements circled, my eyes focused on a lump on the school
ground. Crimson color washed around him as he lay face-down. I couldnt be sure if it was him,
but the body wore a green turtleneck, and I had seen Tommy in something similar before
heading to my locker this morning.
Buttons on phones clicked, texting. Someone finally called the front office as Mrs. Engstrom
panicked. Maybe it was the female student from the middle of the room.
This is Mrs. Engstroms class...we just saw someone fall from the rooftop. YES! He is there
now on the ground outside! The shrieking voice shot goose bumps up and down my arms.
Mrs. Engstrom drew away from the window and appeared to be in shock.
Never in thirty years of teaching. She shook her head as if she just couldnt believe what
she saw. But I had my doubts. I heard the rumors...the rumors of students jumping from the
rooftop of the school years before I attended. Mrs. Engstrom had only started teaching at
Millennium High several years ago. She wouldnt know that the school, the city, had its fair share
of suicides and suspicious deaths. Wherever she had taught for the past twenty-seven years must
have been fairly tame compared to this.
A tap on my shoulder from behind spun me around on the ball of my foot, and my dazed
eyes met his. Dark as night, his eyes searched my face for expression. What he searched for I
couldnt be sure, but I felt pulled to him like a magnet.
Are you alright? Dameon asked, his thick brows arched over his thinly black-penciled inner
eyelids. If not for the obvious tweezing at the center, his two brows could easily be mistaken for a
unibrow. He reminded me of a referee controlling a game, making sure every player was fine, not
I...I... I didnt know what I felt. I didnt know Tommy that well. He played with the football
team. Not a star, but a good player. But rumors circulated that he didnt have his mind on the
game anymore, that he was distracted. He and I never bonded over the course of my two and
half years at Millennium High. In fact, I would bet he didnt even know I existed. I only knew of
him because Jennifer dragged me to the football games and she kind of had an unspoken crush
on him. Im sure he didnt know she existed either, but that never stopped her.

Shivers rushed through my bones like cold water hitting me as I realized that was the second
time Dameon had touched me. I stayed in that moment for a minute longer before returning to
the classroom. A mixture of shock and adrenaline. I didnt know if I should feel guilty for feeling
anything other than dread in that moment, but I had waited for three months to connect with
Dameon, and took what I could get.
He seemed unstable. Dameon whispered behind me, and his unchecked comment jerked
the quarterback around with an intense twist of his lips and nose. The sight made me step back.
What did you say? As the red football jacket moved closer and closer, I felt Dameon step in
front of me. His black leather red-striped jacket became my world. I couldnt see either of their
faces, could only hear their heated words, but I did see Dameon shrug with his first retort.
Unstable, Dameon repeated. Not mean spirited, not even in rebuttal. Just as a stated,
unattached fact.
You didnt even know him! The quarterback inched closer and his stitched name over the
right pocket came into view: Clark. Youve been here...what a couple months? You dont know
what youre talking about, kid! Clark clasped both hands on Dameons shoulders and pushed
him; but Dameon, whose stature matched Clarks in height and width, didnt react. Dameon just
let Clark push him, I thought I heard a distinct hiss. From where I was I couldnt be completely
I stumbled backward during the feud, trying to get out of Dameons way, and stepped on
Mrs. Engstroms toes.
Now, boys, she wobbled between the two of them. This is no time for arguing. We have a
death to deal with. Her voice grew scratchy as she waved her hands. Sit, sit. Everyone return to
your seats. Im sure Principal Patty will address this matter over the intercom shortly. Until then,
S-I-T. The eyes over her beet-red face met with Clarks, and the quarterback retreated from the
window with the linebacker at his side.
I felt panicked and my body shook. Curiosity spun my mind in circles and then to my
Journalism class. I whispered aloud without even realizing what Id said. This would make a
great newspaper story.
Dameon turned, his owl-eyes catching me and his hand slapping me on my back. Come
on. As he plodded to his chair, the array of stunned, aggravated, grieving students hit their seats
and his hand broke away from me, allowing me to return to my desk. I wondered why Dameon
paid me such attention. I guess death and shock did that to people? Chatter permeated the room.
I couldnt believe what just happened. No one could. Another suicide to add to the growing
list of suicides at this school, and though there had been prior deaths, I had never actually
witnessed one myself. I typed into my cell as fast as I could. Thoughts escaped my mind quicker
than my fingers could push the miniature buttons. My first text went out to Jennifer and then to
Molly. Jennifer had to hear from me first. This news would crush her and she would need me to
be strong.


Did u hear? Tommy Bachelor fell from the rooftop and landed on
the ground outside English class. OMG! Were all stunned! Im so
sorry. Here for u if u need me.

As I watched out the window from my desk, a ray of sunlight danced over the sparkling glass
and a crowd of administrators surrounded the body. Principal Pattys voice sounded over the
intercom. Because of an emergency regarding a student, we will be canceling classes for and the
rest of the week. Sirens sounded in the distance and came closer with each second. Police
surrounded the body as my NOOK slowly faded back to black.



is bliss, Molly replied at the park picnic park table. Better if we

dont push our noses into someone elses business.

I fidgeted with my galoshes until I finally curled one leg under the other. Tommy died for a
reason. Doesnt that bother you? A gust of wind blew past me, tousling my hair.
How would we ever know the reasons? We cant read his mind, Molly retorted as she fixed
her favorite avocado-colored scarf, which draped on her neck and accented the green in her
irises. A scarf her mom knitted for her when they couldnt afford a heater in the house.
Sniffling, Jennifer desperately wanted to join the conversation, but couldnt speak without
shaking and bawling. She tended to her wool mittens instead. Red-eyed and disheveled, she
reminded me of an old rag doll. Dressed in heavy beige coats, knit hats and boots, the three of us

stayed relatively warm in the 30-degree weather. We were well acclimated, since we were all born
and raised in New City.
There has to be something we can find. He was popular, for heavens sake, I insisted as
Molly stared at me incredulously. Girls loved him. Teachers adored him. Doesnt make any
sense. I shook my head.
Why? His best friends dont even know why. Why does anyone do it? Molly plopped her
hand down on the picnic table, the hand holding the fanning paint brush. Dabbing her ocean
blue canvas with specs of white, she created a snowy effect. Maybe he just couldnt take the
pressure of being popular anymore. When she rolled her eyes, I knew what Molly was thinking.
She didnt like the so-called jocks. Suicide or not, she didnt want to give them any more of her
time. But I didnt want to let it go, couldnt let it go. Something about it nagged me.
Because...people just dont go killing themselves for no good reason.
If you care so much, maybe you should write something up for the school paper. Molly
tilted her head to me, and I lit up like a neon light. You one of those in-memory
I had thought of it before. I could satiate my persistent curiosity and complete an assignment
all in one. Every writer needed a muse, and Tommy would be mine. A muse from the grave.
We could work on it Bonnie and Clyde. I grinned as a snowflake dropped
from the pines above and lit on my long lashes.
Tightening the hug-grip around her chest, Jennifer sniffed one last time before raising her
Wait, wait, wait...first of all Clyde was a guy, Molly interjected, and Im not going to be
the guy in this scenario. More like Rizzoli and Isles. And second, I am n-o-t going to be a part of
Why not? Could be intriguing. Today is Wednesday and we dont have to be back at school
until Monday. What else are we going to do? I rationalized.
Ill do it. Jennifer interrupted, the sound of her voice almost foreign at this point in the
conversation. We both jerked our heads in her direction. Wiping her nose with the back of her
coat sleeve she held a sneeze and repeated more firmly. Ill do it. Her big brown eyes widened
as her lips tensed.
You will? Why? Molly cocked a brow and spun her body around on the bench to face
Jennifer better. Her fingers inched across the table and found Jennifers mittened hands. You
dont have to do this just because... she didnt want to say it aloud, but Molly had a way about
her. Truth, whether crass or not, always popped out of her uncontrolled mouth. ... You liked
Blushing, Jennifer tilted back and the freckles on her cheeks almost faded away. I am going
to do this because Ali is right. Tommy was not the sort to commit suicide. He had everything
going for him. With his death this makes... she paused in thought counting on her fingers,
recollecting the names listed in the morning paper, five deaths from Millennium High in seven
Dont forget Emily, I reminded them, and they each wrinkled their foreheads in confusion.
The girl who was found dead in Central Park. She went to the school too...and just because she
didnt die on school grounds doesnt make her death any less odd.
Something is going on at this school, and Ill be damned if Im just going to sit and do
nothing. Jennifer got her mojo back, a newfound task of investigation motivating her out of her

Well damn, if you two are going to go at this then... Molly raked her fingers through her
shoulder length cut and sighed, then I might as well do it too.
Jennifer and I both turned at the same time and grinned.
What else am I going to do until Monday without the two of you? Molly reasoned.
Its settled then. We are officially the unofficial team investigating this suicide, I added as
another gust of wind brushed through the park, brushing over Molly and Jennifer.
Dont get too excited. Molly pushed herself off the bench, brushed her hands against her
jeans and stood beside me. Im only doing this to avoid being appallingly bored.
I stood with one hand still on the picnic table. Good enough reason for me.
Where do we start? Jennifer tied her red locks into a bun and then returned the knit hat to
her head. A few loose strands escaped as color returned to her face. She began to look more alive
and less like a rag doll or the living dead.
Looking over my shoulder, I stared at the school in the distance and pointed. There.
Are you kidding me? Molly gawked. The school is locked up. We will be breaking and
entering. Turning her head to Jennifer she finished, Surely you can understand the insanity of
this proposal, she stared at the girl-in-mourning. Your father is a lawyer. What kind of time can
we serve for this crime? she asked with sarcasm in her tone.
We are not going to get caught. I encouraged them. Besides, this is our only lead.
Lead? Molly scuffed with hands to hips. What do you plan on finding at the school
Tommys locker. I planted my feet firmly on the dried leaves and the two stood silently as
strange wisps of fog swirled past our ankles; a thick and silvery-grey kind of mist. Tucking her
paint brush and canvas into her satchel, Molly shoved the knapsack over her shoulder as Jennifer
led us to her Sedan parked at the curb. The only one of us with a car, she came in handy.
Keeping the speed limit, she drove for five minutes and then headed into the lot across the
street from Millennium High. With the parking lot vacant of cars, her red sedan stood out like a
sore thumb, but we either drove or we walked for twenty minutes, and Jennifer wanted to make
sure we had a quick get-away vehicle. Across the street we saw an arrangement of police officers
circling outside the English classroom. The room was located toward the front of the building a
few rooms down from the main office. Police cars were parked in the office parking lot, and I kept
my eye on one cop in particular, Samuel Maney.
Hey, isnt that your older brother over there? Jennifer pointed. Slapping her hand back
down to her jeans, I responded harshly.
Yeah, no shit Sherlock.
How are we going to avoid all these cops? Molly shook her head and uttered a sigh as her
mind whirled in search of a solution. With a roll of her eyes, she turned to us.
Well hop the fence at the far left. The office hangs more to the right anyway. Molly sure
had a way with breaking and entering! Sneaking over the wire fence, Molly insisted on going last.
If the police saw someone coming in she didnt want that some one to be her.
Are you going or what? Jennifer pushed my bum from underneath with a squat in good
cheerleader form as my galoshes poked through the holes in the chain linked fence. Staring at the
schools chained doors ahead, I remembered a back entrance, one I had seen a janitor use
months ago.
Going, going. With one more big push I leapt over the fence and landed squarely on the
other side. Although I had long legs, my incessant clumsiness demanded her assistance. Ok,
your turn. I watched Molly strain with bent legs to hold Jennifer.

Wait! How are you going to get over the fence? Jennifer craned her neck back and squinted
eyes at Molly. You should go first. I dont need as much help. Im taller and have cheerleading
tryout experience.
Whatever. Molly rolled her eyes and dropped her hands, dusting them against one another
as Jennifers boots hit ground.
Ok, get up. Jennifer put her hands together and formed a tight net for Mollys feet. One
foot at a time, Molly crawled up the fence and jumped over to join me. Jennifer reminded us both
of Spiderman on acid trying to cross the fence. Her performance made us laugh.
This way. I waved for my clandestine team of two to move forward. They surprisingly
followed without question. Skirting around the corner of the building, I could see in the distance
and for just a second the chalk outline of Tommys body near the English classroom before the
police surrounded him again. I breathed heavily and then we headed to the back door.
What are we doing here? Molly complained. For a budding artist she complained and
worried a lot.
This was a stupid idea. Jennifer shook her head. Why did I agree to this again?
I know the janitor. He will be cleaning all week. I knocked with a loud thud several times
and chewed my gum.
You know the janitor? Mollys brows stretched into one fine line. What does that mean?
Are you two like on a name-to-name basis or something? Her lips puckered as she tried to hold
in a laugh. Do you two share private time together? Her giggle escaped, and Jennifer joined in
on the joke which came at my expense.
Jerking my head around I retorted, No, we dont hang out. I helped him out several months
back. He owes me one.
Helped him out with what? Jennifers head shot between Molly and me.
I saw him studying an English grammar book once at lunch time. I volunteered to help him
learn the rules. I said nonchalantly.
Molly jumped when she realized who it was. I felt the jolt on my back. Youre talking about
that Mexican guy, arent you?
Alberto. I said firm. His name is Alberto.
After I knocked several more times, an older man with graying, balding hair and wrinkling
skin swung opened the door. In the dark blue uniform, he pushed his yellow bucket-with-mop to
the left. A red tool box set to his right, and his expression showed his recognition.
Holding the door with one hand, I spoke. Thank you, Alberto.
What you doing here? School closed. He sounded unnerved.
Yes, yes it is. But I need a favor. You know, favor? Like when I helped you with the English
Yes, yes...grammar, he nodded with a relinquishing smile. What you need?
We need to come inside.
Why? His heavy accent made his questioning all the more palatable.
We... I fumbled and Molly jumped in.
We forgot our reading assignments, and we have a big test Monday. We cant fail or we
might not graduate.
Ah. Alberto rubbed his forehead with his hand. Fail. Shaking his head, he waved us in.
Cannot fail.
Thank you, Alberto, I said sincerely before stepping past him into the hallway.
Yes, thank you. Molly smiled while Jennifer ducked in quietly.

Loosening the buttons on our coats, we headed to Tommys locker. He was a junior like me,
so we shared sections, but since his last name began with a B and mine an M, our lockers were on
different rows.
This way. Mollys steps revealed more fervor the closer she came to the B lockers.
Ive seen him here many times, Jennifer confirmed in front of the second locker from the
How do we get in? I worried for the first time, unsure if my investigational plans had
unraveled already.
Leave it to me. Molly winked and began her magic. I knew I didnt bring her along for
nothing. Spinning the lock, we watched the notch pass number after number while Molly leaned
her head closer to the numbered wheel. Listening, she stopped the spin.
You can hear the clicks? Jennifer gasped and drew close to her.
No, Molly pulled a screwdriver from her back pocket. Im going to bust it. As she
squeezed the screwdriver underneath the locker door open, Jennifer and I turned to each other
for a quiet laugh.
Where the heck did you get that? Jennifer questioned as her fingers reached to touch the
When Alberto was busy with you. She looked at me and winked again.
You know, for a girl who worries so much, you sure are full of surprises. I added.
You have no idea.
Leaning into Molly, Jennifer watched as if she had never seen the act of vandalism and
destruction before tonight. Best of friends, the three of us really could not have been more
different. But maybe our differences are what have kept us friends all these years.
CLANG-BANG-GLONK. The locker door swung open, and Molly slid the stolen tool back
into her jean pocket with a satisfied grin.
Lets hurry up before Alberto catches onto us, Molly warned and stood at the end of the
aisle like a guard dog. Unlike Jennifer, Mollys smarts didnt revolve around books. Street smarts
had kept her strong all these years. Who could blame her? With gypsies for parents, she was lucky
to have stayed in one place for the past four-and-a-half years. Technically, I knew Jennifer a year
before meeting Molly, because Molly came to middle school at the start of seventh grade. But we
always said we all knew each other since middle school; no one but us needed to know the
What are we searching for? Jennifer rummaged through the locker like she was on her last
bottle of pain-killers. A notepad dropping to the floor, and I knelt to pick it up.
I dont know just yet. Something, anything, to let us inside his mind.
Flipping through the notepad, I saw sketches of wings and the sun, bright light and dark
shadows, followed by some blank pages. Toward the end of the notepad more detailed sketches
revealed faces. Not so much detail that I could make out anything specific, but enough that I felt
like I had seen the images before. But where?
What did you find? I nudged Jennifer in the shoulder.
Not much yet. We both eyed a shiny square device stuffed in between a thick book and a
set of folders. As both of our hands hit the device at the same time, Jennifer released her grip.
Go ahead.
Yanking the Kindle out of his locker, I touched the screen to turn it on and watched a set of
marked books flash before my eyes. Dictionary of Angels. Angelology. The History of Angels.
The Dark and the Light: A Contemporary Expose of Angels.

What do you think this means? I tucked the Kindle under Jennifers chin. Why would he
be so obsessed with...angels?
I dont know... Molly turned toward us. But Alberto is heading this way and so wed better
rap this illegal activity up. She had a way with words. It wasnt so much the words as it was the
way she used them, as if everything that came from her mouth carried the same weight. Im
so hungry. My dog just died. I want to see that movie. Worrywart or not, her street skills and
perspective sure came in handy.
Grab the folder, I urged Jennifer as I shut the locker. I had the Kindle and notepad in my
back pockets, and Jennifer carried the folder of papers. We met behind Molly and marched up
the hallway like a strict platoon of soldiers.
Got it, Alberto! Thank you, sir! Molly bobbed up and down as she walked, offering the
janitor her gratitude. We each gave a courteous smile in passing.
Now we even. Alberto nodded to me and I sighed. Damn, I could have really used another
favor. But we got more than I thought we would, and this information would definitely keep the
three of us busy a day or two.



turned the volume up on my stereo. My favorite song played, and I didnt want to have

to listen to Mom and Samuel arguing again. Italian families could be rough that way. We each
had our own strong-willed opinions. Im sure the disagreement went something like this:
Mom: I dont want you working so hard. Its dangerous.
Samuel: It's my job, Mom.
Mom: Dont you remember what happened to your father?
Samuel: How could I not remember?
Mom: Well, you sure dont act like it. His heart went...just like that! Smack of hands. Do
you want to leave me too?
Then tears. Always tears.
Samuel: Im sorry, Mom.
Samuel: But I cant just quit the force.
This is how the emotionally-heated conversations usually occurred. But this time I didnt
need any more details. Not yet anyway. I would pick Samuels brain later. Right now, I wanted to
go over everything we had found with Molly and Jennifer.
Hey Jen, hand me that ebook The Dark and the Light. I sat crossed-legged on my twin-sized
bed while Jennifer plodded over to me with Kindle in hand. Papers from Tommys folder covered
the carpet from my bed to the dresser. The notepad sat on top of my NOOK on the nightstand.
We wanted to cover all bases.
The book is boring. With a flick of her shoulder, Jennifer added, I dont think well find
anything in there. Why would a football player care about this stuff anyway?
I dont know, but this page looks interesting. My eyes widened and called for Mollys and
Jennifers undivided attention. Molly peeked over my left shoulder as she slid on top of the sheets
with me. Jennifer watched as she leaned on the right arm of the bed.
What? Jennifer asked.
Here. I pointed to the luminescent image of an angel basking under the reflective
moonlight by a lake.
So? Jennifer shrugged.
So, look closer. I emphasized the shape, tracing it with my pinky. Dont you remember?
Stretching for the notepad on top of my NOOK, I opened the notepad to a corresponding page.
The same picture from Tommys notepad. Molly cleared up the confusion on Jennifers
So? He probably liked that picture or something. He was obsessed with that particular angel
form, big deal.
Deep jaded black wings decorated the angel-boy. A youthful glow assured that he was no
older than eighteen. Coal black hair fell over his ethereal oval face in sharp edges, framing stoneblack pupils. He appeared so serene, so regal. And something about him was so...familiar.
Maybe he was gay....and into the angel look? Molly raised her brows while Jennifer winced
and defended him.

No, he wasnt. He flirted with girls all the time.

Flirted, but did he date any? Mollys cheeks tightened so that they each had a hollow
carved into their centers.
No way. Jennifer squinted and rubbed her nose. She almost sniffled again.
Guys, would you stop! I waved my hands in front of each of their faces before this
escalated into something unrecoverable. He wasnt gay!
How do you know? Molly implored. I mean we never really know anyone, do we?
I know because...because I caught him making out under the bleachers with Noe Young.
Noe! The quarterbacks girlfriend? Jennifer could not have been louder.
Yes, that Noe.
Did he see you? Molly drew close to me, so close I could feel her breath on my neck.
Staring at the sky blue bed sheets I answered, Yeah.
What did you do? Jennifer threw her red locks behind her ears as her leg squeezed in next
to me.
I hightailed my ass out of there...but not before Tommy stopped me at the gym door and
insisted I tell no one. So I never did.
What a good friend. Molly rolled her chocolate eyes.
Hardly. He never spoke to me before that day or since, I responded.
I guess now he never will, Jennifer added.
Guess not.
Well, maybe he still can. Molly pulled up the Kindle. Talk to you I mean. After all, we
have all his last notes.
Yes, we do, I agreed. I marked the place in the book with my finger. So...if he wasnt gay,
then he was obsessed with angels for another reason, I corrected them.
Like... Molly searched the recesses of her mind, a school assignment. She eye-balled me
with a smirk. She took hits at me anytime she could. I couldnt blame her; this investigation was
an easy target for jokes.
He draws this particular angel over and over again in his notepad. That must mean
something. I mulled over the pages. Why not this angel? Or that one? I point to various
pictures in the book.
Maybe he liked his fashion sense? Jennifer gave up finding any real reason and swung back
on my bed.
Shaking my head I felt determined to find an answer, Remember a month ago he started
flaking out and not showing up at games.
Yeah, the two said in unison.
Well, something must have happened to him then...something that really shook him up, I
Lets double check that theory. Molly flicked on the Kindle and scanned up and down with
her finger pressed on the screen. All his angel books show a check-out date from the library.
They are almost due. She swung the Kindle around to show us just as the screen faded to gray.
Perhaps we will find more info on this device. Molly suggested.
Molly and I stared at the Kindle in a way that must have scared Jennifer, because her mouth
fell agape at our crazed expression. But we couldnt help how we looked, because what we saw in
the reflection of the Kindle scared us too. We could make out the reflection of the bedroom on
the edges of the Kindle screen and a bit of the house roof on the bottom of the screen. Then

splat dead-and-center we, or maybe just I, saw the outline of what appeared distinctly to be some
kind of winged creature.
We flung ourselves around, our eyes fixed on my bedroom window. Chills rushed down my
arms and spine.
Did you see that, Mol? I nudged her shoulder. Did only I see that? I felt paralyzed in fear.
Almost in a stutter Molly responded. I saw it too. Something large. Something
with wings Eerie. She closed her eyes as the goose bumps passed over her cream colored skin.
The two of us jumped up from the bed and headed to the window. As we pressed our faces
against the cold glass, I cracked the frame open an inch. A gust of cool air whisked in and over
us. Our eyes searched the ground two stories below and in the trees. Nothing.
I didnt see anything. Jennifer looked at us with incredulous expression as she padded
toward the window for her own examination. Sure you two didnt smoke something before I got
here? She didnt really want us to answer.
I saw something. I know it. I felt it. I rubbed my palms over my bare arms and pulled my
robe from the hook on the wall. Flinging on my cotton warmth I felt a tinge better, but a bit
violated someone was watching me. Maybe I was just being paranoid?
Why didnt I see it, then? Jennifer voiced her doubts, twisting her face.. I mean...of us
three I would not be the one to miss something obvious. After all my father is a lawyer.
Maybe because you were too busy looking at us to notice anything in the window? I crossed
my arms over my chest. I know what I saw. Brows arched.
What does that mean anyway, because your father is a lawyer? What does that have to do
with anything? Molly sounded hard.
Well, Ive been trained to notice details. So, the obvious should come fairly easy. Jennifer
defended with freckles blending into the color of her reddening hot face.
Obviously not. Molly rolled her eyes and then darted them to the window.
Ok. Jennifer ignored the words-of-war and sat on the bed again, unconvinced.
Tightening the lock on my window, I shut the burgundy curtain.
Maybe we have all been staring at all this angel paraphernalia for far too long, Jennifer
suggested, as if that must be the only reason why Molly and I something. But that just made
Molly angry. Her face turned tomato red just like Jennifers hair. Molly hated not being taken
seriously. She had a hard enough time being accepted in high school because of her parents
gypsy ways. I had never seen Molly so agitated and I had seen her heated quite a few times.
So you are just going to give up? Thats it? Molly flung her arms in the air and turned from
Jennifer. We get close to figuring something out and then you are too spooked to hang in there?
I thought you were supposed to be the level headed girl in this town, Jen! Chill out, Mol. I
tilted my head in her direction as she stood between the window and the bed. Then I plopped on
the bed beside Jennifer. After all, Jennifer just wanted to shut up all this angel talk to get things
back to normal. I couldnt blame her. Mol didnt mean it.
Then how do you mean it? I want to know what happened too. I have more of a reason to
know than any of you. We all knew she referred to her crush. More personal reasons than just
some...some journalism assignment. But not if it is going to get us all out of hand.
Alright, Molly took a deep breath. Im sorry for snapping, but can we please just get back
to our assignment? Molly said with a mixture of surprise and defense.
OK. Jennifer caved; she saw the desire to solve this in my eyes too.
So, we know he checked out these angel books a month ago... Molly brought us back on

I interjected, And he started acting odd about a month ago.

What do you mean by odd? Clarify. Oh, God! Jens lawyer streak burst through.
Skipping class regularly...without his football buddies. I stated.
Molly fixed the buttons on her pajamas as she added, Spacing out in class. I have him third
period...Had him third period.
And his nose was buried in his Kindle the past few weeks, even at lunch and in the hallway,
I remarked.
Mollys angry face softened as she saw Jennifer taking her more seriously. Joining us on the
bed, Jennifer suggested, Its like everything changed for him a month ago.
Yeah, everything. I dropped my gaze to the Angelology book. Like his whole world turned
on its axis. Circling thoughts competed for space in my mind as my gaze jumped from the
window to the books, from the Kindle to the notepad. Could it be? I shook my head.
Maybe Clark found out, Jennifer suggested and Molly wrinkled her forehead. About Noe
and Tommy. Youve heard rumors about his temper too.
You really think Clark could push his nearly-best-friend off the roof of the school? Molly
considered the accusation for a minute and then it seemed she believed it could be so. She had
seen worse on the streets of NY.
How would they get up there anyway? I interjected on deaf ears. They had lost themselves
in scenarios of Clark and Tommy.
Clark invites Tommy to the roof for some kind of football prank and then... Molly felt a
strange ease in this grotesque conversation. Splat. She smacked her hands together.
Do you have to be so melodramatic? Jennifers dart-like gaze struck Molly. Clark probably
just lightly pushed him, maybe an accident or something?
Or his temper got the better of him, Molly argued. Shed make a good lawyer, too. A
different kind of lawyer than the one Jennifer would make. She wasnt refined or professionalappearing, but something in her raw discussion of things made it impossible to take my eyes off
her when she spoke.
I just sat there, silent.
Jennifer and Molly looked me up and down, waiting for a response. Something,
say they were crazy or right.
What? Molly read me well. Youre thinking something, what?
Nothing. It's stupid.
No, really, tell us. It cant be any more stupid than... she couldnt think of anything,
than...well never mind. Just tell us.
Inching closer to them, I spoke almost in a whisper, as if I said a bad word for the first time or
had to keep a secret from Mom. Maybe he saw something, something that made him scared.
You mean like an angel. Molly said what we all knew I was thinking.
I dont know...maybe?
Jennifer looked like she could burst out laughing at any time, but tried to hold it in.
Could be, Molly interjected, Ive seen a lot on the streets...I mean, with my gypsy parents
and all that. Plenty of devils. Plenty of the unexplained. Why not angels?
Jennifer would be hard to convince with her lawyer persona to uphold. Sometimes shadows
can make you think you see things. She explained, like a scientist rationalizing the supernatural.
Sometimes we can never be sure what we see. I agree to that. Molly tucked herself under
the covers and nestled her head on one of my pillows.
How are we all going to fit in here? I questioned with humorous tone.

Jennifer squeezed beside me, tossing any loose papers to the floor with the rest and throwing
the covers over her body. When Molly returned the Kindle to the nightstand beside my NOOK,
I curled up the notepad and stuffed it under my pillow.
We made room all through middle school. Molly pressed her head in our direction. We
can make room now.
I smiled, knowing full and well that Molly didnt actually share a bed with us in 6th grade,
and since our freshman year of high school she usually slept on a blow-up mattress on the floor.
But maybe she believed we saw something in the window more than she let on.
Its gotta be Clark, Molly professed before closing her eyes. We should find out what
happened between them one month ago.

In the morning I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and yawned. I wanted to sleep in, and since
we had no school the rest of the week, I felt I had every right to, but the curiosity over everything
we had discovered the prior night nagged me.
Slipping over Jennifer who still slept tucked under my covers, I plopped onto the floor. In a
panic I realized I didnt see any of Tommys papers on the floor where Jennifer had dropped
them. My mind awoke immediately as if I had had a pot of coffee. I scoured the bedroom floor
like a soldier using a toothbrush for cleaning. Empty. Adrenaline allowed me to leap over the
carpet to the nightstand. The Kindle, gone!
Everything is missing! I shouted, and Mollys head jerked up from the pillow, her bob
bouncing about and her eyes in-and-out of focus.
The ebooks on the Kindle, the papers! They are all gone! I threw my arms up in the air
like my Italian mother in argument. Then, I slipped my fingers under my pillow to find that at
least the notepad still remained.
Propping herself up, Jennifer looked beside the bed and saw that there really was nothing
there. What happened to everything? She jumped to her feet.
Then a breeze blew through the window which now stood slightly ajar. A creak echoed
through my ears as the wood window frame swung back to the wall and the curtain above
All eyes turned to the window and remained frozen there.


Family Ties
Molly and Jennifer had a quick breakfast before heading out. Mom wanted to spend
some quality time with me and I wanted to pick my brothers brain. I think my friends had had
enough of my room anyway.

Before I start feeling claustrophobic, Im going to the mall. Meet you later? Jennifer waved
goodbye and jumped into her sedan. I stood with Molly for a few minutes more in the driveway.
Dont do anything least not without us. The glint in her eyes told me that,
despite her complaints, she loved trouble.
I wont. Promise. With a warm hug Molly departed. I loosened my coat as I entered the
Your friends gone? Mom asked from the kitchen, where she was baking.
Yeah, Mom. I shouted in return.
Sit with me then. I followed the sound of her voice as she moved from the kitchen to the
living room. I looked at her as she stood there. Both her head and her body were rather rounded,
but her brunette hair was pulled into a tight bun on the top of her head, adding a couple of
inches to her height. Her sky-blue eyes met mine, eyes that reminded me of myself.
I plopped down in the rocking chair adjacent to the sofa where Mom sat and rested my hands
on the wooden chair arms, curling my toes under, pushing myself back and forth.
What did you want to talk about? I asked. Mom had that look, the one that said this would
be a long conversation.
When her lean fingers extended to mine, I knew this would be a serious talk. I just wanted to
make sure you were OK. You know, since Tommys suicide. If there is anything you want to talk
to me about, any feelings about this, I am here for you.
I took a breath and my focus went from Mom to the curtained window and back to Mom.
I...I feel scared about it I guess. Confused. Shrugging, I tried to examine my own feelings,
emotions that I hadnt quite figured out since Dameon asked me. one was expecting this.
His death was such a surprise. I guess Im more shocked than anything. I mean, a football
Samuel told me all about it. He was one of the first on the scene after the principal called.
I curled one leg underneath the other and bit my lip. Samuel. I wanted to make sure to talk to
him before he left. Who knew when Id see him again. I glanced at the clock on the wall; still
early enough, 8:05AM. He wouldnt leave until 9:00AM.
Mom rubbed her fingers over my knuckles, then my wrist. If anything like that ever
happened to you...I would just...I dont know how I would ever get through it.
You wont have to, Mom. Im fine. I sensed the churning mix of worry and guilt inside her.
She carried those heavy emotions everywhere, always questioning what she had done that
horrible day my father died. Wondering if she had only done this or that differently if he would
still be alive. She didnt want to have to regret another death in the family.
You would tell me if you felt depressed...or...
Mom, dont worry. I stood and leaned in for a hug. Im fine. Im not Tommy. Im not
Daddy. I arched my brows and used my most serious expression. Im not going anywhere.
Better not. Mom ended our hug with a tickle to my ribs and a kiss to my cheek before she
finally let me go.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Samuel, already in uniform, skip down the stairs to the
living room and head into the kitchen. As I heard the sound of eggs being scraped out of the pan
and onto a plate at the small dining table, I let go of Mom, too, but the warmth of her hug
lingered with me.
I want to talk to Samuel, I whispered. Rushing away from Mom, I felt her eyes on me the
whole way to the kitchen table.
Hey, Sam. I joined him.

Hey, Sis, whats up? Samuels big brown puppy-dog eyes looked out from under hairy
As he put a spoonful of eggs into his large mouth, I answered him. I was just wondering how
things went at my know with Tommys accident. I doubted Tommy had jumped.
Pushed by Clark? Slipped from fear? But suicide didnt make sense.
Well, weve collected all the evidence we found on the ground and on the roof.
Damn, the roof. I forgot how thorough my brother could be. If I had made a stop at the
school roof before leaving Wednesday, maybe I could have found something more to tell me what
really happened to Tommy. But now the evidence would be locked away in police quarters.
Sealed tight.
Find anything? I fished.
Not much. A cigarette butt... He glanced suspiciously at me before he finished, You know
Im not really supposed to talk to you about this kind of stuff.
I know... I sat next to him and rubbed my eyes, bringing tears to the surface, hoping for
sympathy, but we are all shocked, and I just need some answers to help me.
Samuel put his hand on my shoulder and nodded. I understand. But there really isnt
Do you think he jumped on purpose?
Why would you think otherwise? Samuels brow arched high.
I dont know...I guess he just didnt really seem like the type.
Well, weve found no evidence of a scuffle, nothing to tell us he struggled with someone, on
the roof or on the ground.
But what?
Why would he have done it? He had so much going for him.
We cant always know why people do things, Ali. His puppy-dog eyes widened. Sometimes
there just arent any clear-cut answers.
I stared at his plate of half-eaten eggs and a slice of yolk-moistened toast. Maybe Sam was
right about no clear-cut answers, but I couldnt just give up. Journalism needed me. Jennifer
needed me. And Tommy deserved to have the truth about his death known.
I pushed my chair away from the table; the screech of wood against the floor hurt my ears.
Sorry. I stood and flipped open my cell.
As I headed toward Mom, I called Jennifer and then Molly. Meet me at Cafe Cahlua in
Are you leaving already? Mom asked from the sofa where she was reading a magazine.
Just for a bit. Do you think you could drive me?
Alright, just dont stay out too late. Mom warned with concern in her voice.
I wont.

As we pulled up to the caf, I got out, waved goodbye to Mom and met my friends, bundled
with coats and mittens, at the front door. The cafe easily became one of my favorites. A few
couples sat at tables outside, wrapped in coats and mittens, and drank coffee, but we headed
inside the building. Paintings of Van Goghs Starry Night and Gustav Klimts The Kiss decorated
the walls. Duplicates of course, but refined all the same.

Lets sit at our fav table. Jennifer pointed to the back, and we noticed three newbies sitting
there. Looking at each other we hesitated for a second before Molly marched up to them as brave
as a lion. With one hand on her hip she confronted them.
OUR spot. You three need to be outtie in like two secs. Her lowered lids made her stare all
the more haunting.
The first guy I noticed wore a cream-colored turtleneck and raked his fingers through his
copper-blond hair. Hazel eyes batted up at Molly, reflecting the half smile on his lips. He looked
over at me and then back to his two friends.
Looked empty to me. To his left sat a doting porcelain doll with curly blond locks that fell
to her waist and crystal blue eyes. Her legs were crossed, and she sat very straight. She tilted her
pointy chin away from the center-guy-of-her-affections to meet dagger eyes with Molly. To the
guys right, a strawberry blond, blue-eyed boy lounged, his back relaxed against the maroon sofa.
Their choice of baggy attire made me feel more comfortable. Maybe they werent so bad
after all, if I didnt count the girl to the left. But no one took our spot. Not even strangely
attractive guys. When Molly gritted her teeth, I knew I had to step in. Planting my heels beside
Molly, I put a hand on my hip. It worked for her.
Weve been sitting here since Freshman year. Everyone knows that, I huffed. Who did he
think he was? How come I didnt recognize him? Did he even go to our school?
As he stood, I noticed his broad shoulders, tight form, and toned arms. Some kind of athlete?
Im sorry. We didnt mean to cause trouble. Maybe you three would like to join us?
Blondie turned her dagger eyes on him before returning them to Molly. Together? Maybe
we should keep our distance. She sounded as if she had something against us, against me. But I
never met her before today.
Maybe we could squeeze over. The middle man and apparent leader of the pack signaled
with his forefinger for the others to move. Molly shrugged and looked back at me with a
compromising expression. The guys were cute, in a not quite GQ kind of way.
Just as Molly was about to slide onto the sofa, Jennifer squirmed behind her whispering to
both of us, Ive heard theyre stoners. I dont want to hang with stoners. Her toes tapped the
hardwood floors.
Oh, get off your high horse. You hang with me, dont you? Molly rolled her eyes. Not quite
someone who smoked weed, Molly did have a colorful background. At least more than anyone
else we knew. She had seemed like the coolest rebel-without-a-cause when we first met in middle
Huffing, Jennifer slid onto the other side beside Blondie. Pulling up a chair, I sat across from
the main attraction. Not as hot as Dameon, but striking in his own way. Defined lines cornered
his eyes as if he thought a lot, and naturally pinked lips brought more color to his face than most
guys had. He had clear skin, and an edgy haircut whipped around his ears, deeming him at least
a close second to the untouchable-insatiable Dameon. Yes, that is how I thought about the
mystery man whose locker stood next to mine. Pathetic, I know, but I had to obsess over
something other than school if I would ever survive my next two years.
Kian. His spiky copper dark bangs rolled over his eyes when he said his name and shook
my hand. A soft touch for an athlete. This is Nathaniel and Krysta.
Hi. Nathaniel raised his brows at the mention of his name and muttered a greeting that
sounded more like a grunt. Krysta kept her hands over her coffee mug and her eyes on Kian.
People didnt seem to be her thing.
Ali, Molly, and Jennifer, Jennifer offered.

Do you go to Millennium High? I blurted. Enough with small talk; I needed to know.
Transfers, Kian answered before any of the others could speak. Nathaniel opened his
mouth to say something, but closed it just as quickly.
When did you all transfer? Molly beat her stare into Kian.
Tuesday. Kian said, his voice as short as Mollys.
All three of you? Mollys face began to roll like what happens when two girls get into a fight
and the best head roll determines the winner. At least that is how things had been handled on
most of the streets. Are you guys like a family or something?
Wow! Jennifer almost busted something. So do you all, like, smoke weed? I glared at her
when she made the comment, and she gave me the doe eyed innocent what-did-I-say expression.
No. Kians answer remained short. At least he spoke. I wasnt sure Nathaniel could, since
every time he opened his mouth, nothing came out. I didnt want to hear Krysta. Something told
me the minute we got her started she wouldnt stop I was right.
Molly straightened her shoulders when the waitress dropped three coffees to our table. She
knew what we liked; we came here often enough. Where did you all come from? Molly asked.
Is this twenty questions or something? Krystas lips twisted and her brows furrowed.
No, I just... Molly tried to bite her tongue and stay polite. She had learned that from me. In
middle school the word was that shed beat you up if you looked at her funny. They were all
rumors, as far as I knew.
Well, dont.
Excuse me, little miss I-think-I-died-and-came-back-queen. Molly stood, pushing the table
with her. Weve been coming here two years, and Im not sharing OUR spot with some...some
hoochie mama.
Kian placed his arm over Krysta, whose face fumed red. Lets just calm down. There is no
reason we cant all get along. He looked at Krysta, and her lashes flashed up and down before
she took a breath and extended an apology.
Sorry I jumped down your throat. Krysta combed her hair with her fingers, a seemingly
soothing task. I overreacted.
Holding in a half grin-half growl, Molly met her halfway and sat back down, avoiding eye
contact the entire time. Apology accepted.
Can we just have a civil conversation? Kian seemed to be addressing his gang more than
mine, and I smiled with my eyes. So, what do you think of the coffee here? he asked.
Good. I nodded.
Nice. Jennifer had to prove she could be civil too, but Molly glared. If trust broke with her,
trust remained broken. She had already decided she didnt like that girl Krysta at all, and I had to
admit I wasnt too thrilled with her either.
So how do you guys like the new school? I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.
Well see. Kian answered. Havent gone yet.
Thats right. Tuesday transfers. I repeated to myself.
And then everything changed.
Did you all hear about the suicide? Molly blared out at Kian.
You mean Tommy. Kian said. A statement, not a question. Like he knew him, personally.
Suddenly, Krystas elbow hit him in the side.


Back Alleys

think we should be going. We have so much more we have to do to get ready for

school, Krysta interrupted and, for the first time, she sounded more sane than irate.
The tension between her and Kian could be cut with a butter knife.
Sure. Lets get going. His careful stare pulled away from me, and I felt afraid I might never
see him again. Silly, I know. I mean, I hardly knew him.
Standing, he shuffled out behind Krysta rather urgently, and Nathaniel smiled and gave us a
nod before exiting. Kian turned back before the front door shut. Later.
When they disappeared Jennifer turned to me, Well, that was interesting.
To say the least, Molly agreed.
You think theyll try hanging with us? Cuz I really dont want to be seen with stone-heads,
Jennifer declared with a stomp of her right foot.
They arent smoking anything. Geesh, Jennifer, you can be so judgmental sometimes, Molly
responded, though I knew she couldnt stand Krysta, but Kian and Nathaniel werent too bad on
the eyes. Besides, Ive smoked a joint or two in my time, and you still hang with me.
One or two does not a stoner make, Jennifer litigated and turned with a huff toward the
bathroom in the back. Ive got to freshen up. She disappeared behind the wall while I sipped
my coffee with Molly at OUR spot. Two round white tables near the back wall offered a
comfortable sofa for four if needed. I still sat in my chair on the other side of the tables, looking
at Molly.
What? She shrugged.
Nothing, I retorted.
Youve got that look.
Well, youll be seeing a lot of it in the future, so get used to it.
So, whats on your mind? Molly fished for answers again.
I was just wondering if any of Tommys other friends noticed something, or heard
something before know. Warmth from the smooth mug kept my palms pleasant.
They must have. Someone must. Molly sounded so sure.
Then how do we get to them? Talk to them? I cringed at the notion of coming face to face
with the quarterback or linebacker or any one of the football team. We didnt quite speak the
same language. The experience, Im sure, would feel something like an alien life form trying to
communicate with humans. Like something straight out of The Invasion of 2020. Im not sure Id
Youre such a wimp sometimes! Molly repositioned herself so that her legs crisscrossed over
the sofa.
Then you do it, I announced. Take the reins. Walk up to the football team, flirt, tease.
Whatever it takes to make them pay attention, and then go in for the kill.

And you cant do this, because....

Because, my hands were already sweaty, the idea already gives me anxiety.
Fine. But you should know, youre sure high-maintenance sometimes. Molly grinned.
Youll owe me one.
As she finished speaking the door chimed open as Clark walked in with the linebacker and a
newbie football player from the team. They waltzed up to the counter and ordered a few coffees
and cakes.
Coach would kill us, the newbie worried.
No matter; he aint here. Clark reassured him. Now take it. Clark shoved the chocolate
pastry toward the newbie, ill intent obvious on his face. I only noticed because I had seen that
look once before in my Sophomore year when I stepped toward the ladys bathroom. Then,
Clark had leaned against the wall near the exit showing that same intensity. Seconds later Noe
had walked out of the stall, and he yanked her by the collar of her shirt. After he placed the
cakes and coffees on a table near the window, Clark tugged a packet of something out of his back
pocket. Then he yanked the newbie up by one arm and headed toward the back door, dragging
the panic-faced boy along with him. I felt sorry for the newbie. Who knew what antics Clark was
up to now. But I felt more than sympathy; I felt curiosity. I needed to know what business Clark
had with this unrecognizable face in the back alley.
Within seconds Clark swung open the back door and the two vanished down the hall leading
to the bathrooms. As I jumped to my feet, Molly needed no explanation.
No! She shook her head.
Yes. I skidded across the corridor floor to get to the back door in time. Molly couldnt resist,
and she hovered over my left shoulder as we stared at the boys through the crack of the door.
Clark towered over the newbie with his right hand clenched around the boys shoulder so tightly
that I knew the shoulder would be bruised by morning. But more than what I saw, what I heard
startled me more than anything else.
I saw you with her. Clarks brows arched like swords. was nothing. She just needed help carrying her bags, the newbie defended himself.
Im not stupid. Clark slapped him across the shoulder bone. Do I look stupid to you?
No, no...
Then just tell me what really happened, because the only thing I cant stand more than
disloyalty is a lie. Grooves burrowed deep into Clarks forehead and around his eyes. Even
though he was several feet away, his tight mouth and tense posture was terrifying, even to me.
I just helped her with her books. Thats all. The boys pleading bordered on pathetic.
A jolt to my back jerked my head around for a second. What are you two doin? Jennifer
asked, peering around us.
SHH! we said in unison, and immediately Jennifer caught wind of the soap opera
unraveling before our eyes.
With my eyes focused on Clark and the newbie, I listened intently as chilly breezes brushed
past the door. Clark stood in his blue jacket, and the shorter boy looked so frail in only a shirt and
vest. His jacket remained on his chair inside next to the linebacker.
Clark responded by jabbing his fist into the boys ribs. My girl doesnt need any help from
you. I advise you to stay as far away from her as possible or...or I dont know what Id do. Clarks
hot face flushed redder than tomatoes.
OK, I got it. The maimed boy stumbled backward for space. Ill stay away from her.

The back alley grew silent. Fear surged from the newbie, a presence real enough to feel. A
chill crawled down my spine and into my legs, like tiny spiders taking a million tiny steps. Before
Clark turned toward the back door, I spun away and pushed Molly and Jennifer down the
corridor. As we fumbled back onto our sofa seconds later, Clark marched past us and grunted as
he plopped next to the linebacker, helping himself to the newbies chocolate cake. I couldnt hear
what he said afterward, but I didnt see that newbie return.
We should get going, Jennifer urged. She hated to find herself in the middle of something
like this. What if Clark saw us? Her nerves only intensified when Clark glanced in our
Dont look at them. I kicked Jennifer under the table and she dropped her gaze to the table.
Damn. You think he saw me watching? Jennifer twisted her lips.
Dont worry about it; you think hes going to throw you off a building or something? Molly
chided, making Jennifer and me wince. OK, maybe a wrong choice of words. She shrugged.
At the sound of two chairs screeching over the floor, we turned our heads and saw Clark and
his friend dart out of the cafe.
And you were saying I was a wimp because... I pointed out the likely dangers Molly would
endure facing the football team. Everyone knew Clark was the team. If he said the sun shone
blue, the sun shone least to his team.
Ill make it work. Molly crossed her arms over her chest and stared at Clark through the
glass as he walked away down the sidewalk.
Just be careful whatever you do.
What is she going to do? Jennifer butted her face in between us, pulling up the hoodie on
her jacket.
Get info from the football team about Tommy, I answered.
Well, why dont we show up for the memorial service? They are sure to be there, emotional.
Might be the perfect opportunity to pull some information out of his friends. Jennifer had her
moments of street-genius, usually book-genius, but today I could have promised to do all her
homework for the year.
Excellent idea. I scratched the itch on my right arm. Do you know where it will be held?
Got a notice in the mail. You should check yours sometime. Jennifer flung the card with the
details over the table.

A Memorial Service will be held for Tommy Bachelor

Millennium Mall Parking Lot at 6PM-9PM this Friday.
Bring candles, flowers and photos.

Who put this together? I asked.

Some good friends of his parents, Jennifer answered.
How do you know all this? Molly looked impressed, her lips pursing together in slight
My fathers a lawyer. Tommys parents talked with him about suing the school, and I passed
by the door when they were talking about the memorial service.
Right. Molly sipped her coffee, the sharpest edge of her tone washing away with the drink.
Molly wasnt used to Jennifer knowing something she didnt. She didnt take being out of any
loop very well. Lets get out of here.

The door chimed shut behind us, and I felt wisps of fog ravel around my ankles as we walked
toward the car. Jennifer plodded beside me, and Molly kicked the fabric-esque mist as if she
fought with something moveable, tangible.
Whats up with this fog already?
I know, it seems to be everywhere we go nowadays, I agreed, and Jennifer hopped off the
sidewalk to her sedan.
So are we getting out of here or what? Jennifer held the door handle.
Molly revved the engine, and we took off toward my house. As I stepped to the front door I
noticed the mist hanging over the driveway as if it had followed us from the cafe home. Quickly, I
pushed my key into the lock and turned it. The three of us piled inside the house, which smelled
of grilled basil chicken. As the front door closed with a click, the fog dissipated.
Where have you girls been? I thought youd be home earlier, Mom called from the kitchen.
The clanking noises from that direction told us that she was putting the finishing touches on
We ran into some friends. I shrugged with the words as Molly and Jennifer glared at me.
Could Kian really be considered a friend after only one meeting?
Good; Im glad to hear you girls had a nice time. The town needs more good times after
what happened. Mom pranced out of the kitchen like a proud chef with a platter of grilled
chicken in one hand and a plate of toasted buns in the other. Spreading the lunch out on the
dining table, she waved us into the room.
Im so hungry! Thanks, Mrs. Maney. Molly rubbed her belly and sat down first. For some
reason, Molly always had a large appetite when she stopped at my house. I questioned how much
her own mother cooked.
Sitting next to Molly, Jennifer grabbed a plate of her own as Mom placed the smaller plate of
lettuce and tomatoes at the center. I stood as I arranged my chicken sandwich until I had my
meat precisely in the middle of the bun and then sat next to Mom.
So, tell me all about your day. What did you do? Mom questioned, studying us closely.
Not much, Mrs. Maney. Jennifer enjoyed talking with parents. One could say it was her
forte. We had some coffee and listened to music at the cafe. Ran into some...friends. And then
headed home.
Coffee. My goodness, at your young age! Mom shook her head. Kids nowadays.
Everyone drinks it, Mom. I rationalized.
Well, it cant be good for your young bodies. She stood and poured us each a glass of
orange juice. Here. This is better for you.
Thanks. Molly smiled. Her own mom never gave too much attention to details like healthy
food. On the few occasions I ate at her house, the fridge always appeared full of junk food. Not
that I complained, but my mom would have a cow.
Best chicken ever, Jennifer added, and Mollys insatiable appetite seemed to agree.
How late is Samuel working? I wondered.
Not too late today, Mom assured me. He is getting home early, because he will be
expected at the memorial service. He has to leave in the morning to help keep crowd and traffic
control during service preparations.
I desperately wanted to continue my talk with my brother, but more than that I wanted to
weed through his things. I was sure he knew more than he told me. He always did. But I had to
get into his stuff before he got home. I gave the scram-eye to my friends, and they got the point.
Well, Id better be getting home. Molly put her empty plate into the sink.

Me, too, Jennifer followed.

Drive carefully, you two. Mom said before they headed to the parked sedan.
I raced upstairs, listening to Mom whistling in the kitchen as she washed the plates. Plenty of
time to rummage. I tiptoed to Samuels door on the other side of the upstairs hallway, not
wanting to alert Mom to my direction of travel. I opened the door carefully, hoping it wouldnt
creak, and rushed to the desk.
I pulled the top drawer open. It was full of blank papers and pencils. The second drawer held
nothing more interesting than a few family photos and envelopes. I did pause at the picture of
me, Samuel and Dad on a fishing trip. With a sigh I shut the oak drawer and eyed the police
duffle bag in the corner.
With one zip, I dug my hands into the deep spaces and felt around for anything. Finding
Samuels binder, I flipped open to the first page and found his notes tucked behind the plastic
groove. Sketchy handwriting. I had to decode every word, but managed to spell out in my mind
something to the effect of...In Tommys back pocket...a crumpled paper with message FRANCIS:
2G???, followed by a series of question marks. I guessed Samuel wasnt close to figuring out what
Tommy meant. Heck, Id have to think hard about that one too.
It felt like I had only spent minutes inside my brother's room, but I must have been there at
last an hour when I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut. I heard Mom shout,
Sammy! and heard his footsteps skip up the stairs. Damn! I had to get out of there before he
spotted me.
I dashed down the hallway and had just about made it to my room before I saw Samuels foot
hit the top stair. I thrust myself into the open bathroom and pretended to have just existed as I
saw Samuel turn the corner.
How you doing, Sis?
I swallowed. Fine.
Gonna catch some early zzzs. Dont bug me. Samuel disappeared behind his bedroom door
and I vanished behind mine.



slept in unwillingly. I guess the excitement of the past few days finally caught up to me.

But when I opened my eyes my body sprang up and Tommys message hit me like a truck
without brakes. FRANCIS: 2G. Swinging out of bed I quickly took a shower and threw on a
maroon sweater, a pair of jeans and a handmade knit hat Mom gave me last Christmas. Galoshes
and coat waited at the front door. Grabbing a granola bar and chugging a glass of orange juice, I
raced out the door, barely giving Mom time to say hi.
It was ten minutes before the bus at the end of the street got there, and I waited impatiently,
pacing like a madman let out of an asylum. When the bus door opened, I slid a handful of
quarters into the machine, and a ticket punched out for me. Ripping the edge from the machine I
slid the ticket into my pocket and slid into a seat somewhere in the middle.
Gazing out the window, I thought Id never get there in time, before someone else got there.
But ten minutes later the bus pulled up at its next stop, and I flew out the splitting doors. With my
coat only buttoned up halfway I dashed into the cafe and walked quickly toward the corridor. A
series of metal lockers decorated the left wall. Employee lockers. I spotted the name Francis just
as I remembered. I had never searched consciously for the name before, so the name Francis had
to churn around in my brain for some time before I realized where Id seen it.
With fingers to the locker handle, I pulled. Locked. Of course. Trudging up to the counter I
waited for the attendee, name tag reading Ralph. I tried the puppy dog look I so often watched
on my brothers face. It seemed to have worked for him well enough.
What do you need, Ali?
I...I just needed something Francis has.
What do you mean?
A friend of mine gave her something and I need it.
OK, well Francis is in the employee room. Youll have to wait till she changes into her
uniform and comes out to talk to her.
My cheeks puffed as I gazed at the counter.
Minutes later Francis stumbled out of the employee room tightening the apron around her
checkered waist and tossing a cigarette butt into the trash bin. After she hid her loose brunette
hair into a ponytail her head flipped up and caught my haunting gaze.
What do you need, Ali?
Tommy...Tommy gave you something? I said it like a question and statement at the same
Yeah...a few days ago.
Could I see it? He wanted me to have it before he...
Sure, Ali. Follow me. She bounced up to her locker marked 2G and spun the combination.
He told me to hold on to it and hed be back for it soon. But he never came back. She wiped a
single tear from her almond eyes and popped the locker open.
Pulling out a thick vanilla envelope, she laid the package into my trembling hands. Trembling
because this could be illegal. Trembling because of what hid inside the package.
Here you go, Ali. Take care of it, whatever it is. Seemed important to him.

Of course. Thanks, Francis.

As I turned from her, my fingers squeezed the envelope. Something square rested inside for
sure. Curiosity drove me mad. I had to open this package and soon! As I hopped onto the
sidewalk the chimes of the door sounded a close, and I headed toward the shop on the corner.
The shop had many knick-knacks, and I needed candles for tonight. As I strolled, my hands
swung back and forth and I squeezed the package again; but as I lifted the envelope to open it, I
heard a distinct set of footsteps behind me. Pad-pad, pad-pad.
Jerking around, I saw no one. The street was empty, except for a few cars and a couple on the
other side. Turning back around, I continued to the shop and lifted the package again. Pad-pad,
pad-pad. I stopped. The padding ended. I stepped forward until I reached the point where the
street hugged a curb. Pad-pad, pad-pad. Now my nerves were on end and I was beginning to
panic, but when I turned around again, I saw no one. A car whizzed around the curb. I
maintained my course with a careful ear to the sidewalk all the way to the shop. Who followed
me? How come I didnt see anyone? I began to doubt my own ears.
Inside the shop felt safe, warm. I didnt usually feel cold in New York, having grown up there.
But for some reason I felt cold walking to the shop, stinking more of fear really. But still, Id never
experienced something like that before.
Welcome to Saras Boutique. Could I help you find anything? A short Asian lady asked and
I nodded.
Yes, candles.
For anything special? Her raising brows expected a romantic evening.
For the memorial, I said plainly as I walked behind her up to the candle section, a revolving
mechanism in the corner of the shop.
I heard about that. Real sad. Did you know him well?
I shrugged. A bit.
Let me know when you decide. Ill give you a twenty percent discount.
Thanks. I tilted my head at the gold-yellow candle. Smelled like cookies.
As she wrapped my candle in the bag, Sara looked only a few years older than me. Here you
go. My prayers are with him.
I half-smiled, as if that meant something to me. Im not sure if it did or not. I mean, I didnt
really know him, but he was my age and went to my school. I didnt exactly see him fall, but Id
never get over that image of his body like a lump on the ground. And all this investigating, this
package in my hands...I squeezed again...had to do with him. I was connected to him whether I
wanted to be or not.
As I raced down the sidewalk, the air felt tighter as the afternoon slipped into evening. I just
wanted to make it to the park across the street. When traffic eased, I made my move, and my coat
brushed back and forth across my body. An empty park bench looked perfect. I wiggled in my
coat until I got comfortable, curled my right leg under the other, and placed the candle bag to my
left before I lifted the package.
As I ripped the envelope open, an iPhone slid into my hands. I furrowed my brows and
studied the screen, surfing the messages. Mom. Dad. (God, his parents must have dreaded that
news the day he died!). Clark. Mom. There wasnt really much. I listened to the messages one by
one carefully.
Beep...Tommy, please dont be late today. We have to talk. Were worried about you.
Beep...This is Dad. Looking forward to seeing you, son.

Beep...Hey man, sorry about the other day. I didnt mean to hit you. You know my temper.
Anyway, see you tomorrow.
Beep...Love you. Have a good day.
So his mom knew something was wrong, enough so that she wanted to sit him down for a
talk. And Clark, many did he bully around here anyway?
When I scrolled the apps, a flash flickered on the recorder button and I swiped it. Suddenly, a
scene from an alleyway somewhere opened and I watched, my face pressing closer and closer. An
unknown man scrambled down the alley, turning the corner. The look on his face was one of
terror. This was followed by a flash of light so bright it could have blinded anyone there in
person, and then a set of magnificently carved wings appeared. Feathered black wings swooshing
up and down like heaven itself. They swirled toward the corner and vanished around the bend. I
blinked, keeping my eyes shut for seconds before opening them again. Replaying the recorded
scene, I watched again and again until I lost myself in it.
When I pulled away from the iPhones recording, I noticed mist bending in and out of my leg
and the bench. Chills rushed down my spine, and I felt as if someone stood behind me, watching.
It was hard to describe what I felt exactly. Almost like something warm, something large,
something encompassing... all around me. I jerked around. Goose bumps ran up and down my
arms, but the fog dissipated and I saw no one.
I didnt have time to think about a stalker. I had to get to the memorial. Molly and Jennifer
would be there, and I had so many more questions that needed answers. Questions that maybe
Tommys friends or family could answer.
Texting Molly, I demanded she get to the park pronto. She showed up in twenty minutes. I
didnt like standing in the park alone, waiting. And the image of those wings circled my mind.
The wings in the reflection of the Kindle on the bed in my room. The wings in the alleyway that
I had seen on the recorder. Then the wings in the book Tommy used.
Something strange was going on in New York City, and I might just be the only one aware of
Strutting up to the sedan that was pulling up along the park curb, I hopped in the back seat. I
didnt want to tell them what I found. After all, Molly just about laughed at me when I told her
what I saw in the reflection of the Kindle. And this recording probably had nothing to do with
Tommys fall. We saw what Clark did to the newbie. He was hot on our investigative radar. This
angel thing needed to be kept secret. If this recording got out, the city would flip. And Jennifer
had a big mouth; after all, the apple didnt fall far from the tree. God, I could only imagine this
recorder in the hands of her father, the lawyer! Police would be all over it. And my brother! I had
to keep this buried.
So what did you do all day? Molly craned her neck from the passenger seat to eyeball me.
Didnt hear from you all day.
Jennifer looked up at me through the rearview mirror, searching my facial gestures for
honesty. Came with the territory, out of habit I guess.
I just had a few errands to run. What did you all do?
Candle shopping, looking up Clark in last years Yearbook. We thought maybe wed find
something. Jennifer tucked red hair under her knit hat.
Didnt you find anything in your brothers stash? Molly caught my gaze in the rearview
mirror as Jen focused on the road Isnt that why you wanted us to leave?

Yeah, but I looked and found nothing. I swallowed hard and hoped Jennifer didnt notice. It
was best if they didnt know. It didnt have to do with Clark anyway, but I hated lying to them.
Couldnt remember the last time I had.

When the memorial service started, the sky covered us like a blanket. A sea of people stood in
the mall parking lot. Id never seen so many people in one spot. Then the sky crackled. Of all
days, the sky wanted to rain today. But no one left. Thank God, no one left. We would stay and
show our respects. Tommys mom and dad spoke into a microphone thanking everyone. His
mom read a poem and his dad said a few words about how wed all miss him and how he had
gone too soon. Tears streamed down faces around me and I found that even I began to cry, and
then we lit the candles and waved them in the air. Photos were held up to remind us all of the
good times, good times some of us did not even have.
With my arms slung around Molly and Jennifer on either side I saw Dameon weave through
the crowd in the distance. His expression was unreadable. As he heading in my direction, I would
have recognized those liquid black eyes and that black leather jacket anywhere. Our eyes locked,
and I felt like the world around me disappeared in a spout of tunnel vision. God, was he really
coming to me? When he was only a few feet away, he raked his fingers through his raven hair and
I could have crooned. Id seen wings like heaven on Tommys iPhone, but Dameon always took my
breath away.
Then Kian, Krysta, and Nathaniel bounced up behind me. Kians hand touched my shoulder
and broke our connection.
You came, too. Good to see you. Kian licked his lips. I tilted my head toward him, and then
flipped back around, only to realize that Dameon had vanished. Damn.
Yeah, we came. He went to our school. I answered, a tinged aggravated. Im sure he heard
it in my tone.
So, you going to stay for the whole thing? Kian asked. Krysta shuffled her feet over the
gravel like she suffered from prolonged boredom.
I plan too. Arent you? My brow quirked. Jennifer and Molly stared at our interaction. I
could see the pleading in Mollys eyes. She wanted to hook up with Kian, but my heart was set on
Dameon. So, maybe shed make a move? She deserved a little fun in her life. Jennifers eyes
burned on my skin like hot coals. But I didnt need another mother.
If you do. Kian grinned, a glint in his eyes telling me he would be staying close. The
candlelight danced in his hair, the copper blond highlighting it. Nathaniels strawberry blond
locks looked like an ignited ball of fire, and Krystas skin glowed bronze as if she had been
sunbathing all day.
Molly rolled her eyes and giggled at that response and then returned her attention to the
speakers while Kian inched closer to me. When Jennifers arm dropped, he must have seen his
chance and squeezed in between her and me. I felt Krysta fuming; an extra bonus?
We all listened to the words from Tommys father. Words that beat like guilt. How come no
one could help him?
Tonight we remember my son. He had his hopes set on college. Would have been first in his
family to go. He wiped the tear streaming down his face. But we will remember him for his
courage, tenacity, and most importantly, his generosity. Hes touched so many lives, and my only
hope is that you will always carry a part of him with you.
I dropped my head.

When the speeches ended, we saw our opportunity to get some of the answers we needed. As
Clark passed us on the left, I bumped into Molly to nudge her in his direction. his expression
went from grief to aggravation to pleasure in microseconds, as she stumbled into him,. She
swung her short bob, and her exposed neck seemed refreshing, something to divert his attention
away from the death. I noticed the desire in his eyes.
Sorry. Molly fumbled to stand straight and let him help her. She played the damsel in
distress well.
No problem...I didnt catch your name? He wiped his waxy hands on his tattered jeans.
Molly...but my friends call me Mol, Mols. She rambled; endearing.
OK...Mols. He steadied her with hands on each of her shoulders as his eyes caressed her
Did you know Tommy well? She didnt like to waste time and tilted into him as if he
helped her keep her balance better.
Yeah; real tight friends.
The kind you let off some steam with? I cringed and tried not to be noticeable while I
listened. Kian stared at me. His look had a sharp edge. My brother had that look sometimes, one
of intense seriousness.
Do you know why he would do it...jump I mean? Molly feigned wiping a tear as if the
whole memorial tore her up on levels Clark didnt even see. And it did in a way; death could do
that, but more importantly she wanted Clarks reaction.
I... Clark dropped his head into his hands while guilt washed over him. I didnt think he
would ever do it. His voice sounded like sandpaper. Shaking his head, he finally lifted his
downcast eyes from defeat to meet Mollys inviting ogle.
Molly put her hand on the back of Clarks neck and eased him to her. Wasnt your fault. No
one could have predicted.
I wasnt sure if she actually believed those words. I mean, we had been relatively sure Clark
was the culprit behind it all. But she had her game face on and could be convincing.
Thanks. He shook his head as sobs burst from him and tears gushed from his reddening
eyes. But I should have known...I pushed him too hard.
Was that a confession? I wiggled my fingers into my frayed back pocket, yanking out the
iPhone. I had to record this. We might not ever get another chance at this. The camcorder icon
flashed red. Brilliant.
Pushed him? Molly inched closer to Clark, tightening her grip like a strong masseuse.
Breaking her hold, Clark threw his left hand to his forehead, hiding his crying eyes and darted
off just as the sky rumbled and rain poured. His foggy silhouette drew further and further away
into the crowd, and I returned the iPhone to my pocket. The once vibrant glow of the candle
flames washed out and an anemic grey ambiance saturated the skies.
Did you get that? Molly swung to me.
Just the last part. I sounded disappointed.
He admitted to pushing him. Molly stood stunned and yet proud of her achievement at
extracting information. We have to go to the your brother. Someone has to investigate
Clark professionally!
I... I didnt know if getting Samuel involved would be the best course of action. On the one
hand I didnt want him too close to my affairs; after all, what I saw on the Kindle reflection and
the iPhone would shock him. On the other hand, if Samuel investigated Clark, I would be privy
to all his notes. Ill see what he can do.

Tapping me on the shoulder, Jennifer pointed ahead and motioned through the crowd with
me at her tail. I didnt want to miss this. She had to get to the speakers before the rain drove them
into sealed cover. When she reached Tommys parents they huddled under a few umbrellas
supplied by helpful guests.
Hi...I dont mean to bother you, Jennifer cuddled herself with her arms as gusts of wind
grew stronger, but I knew your son. The whole thing was so shocking! Rain patted over her
cinnamon hair as Tommys mother wrapped her arms around Jennifer and drew her underneath
the umbrellas. She waved me in soon afterward.
Me too. I added. A friend.
You said youre friends of Tommys?
Nodding, Jennifer smiled with such sincerity that her freckles bunched to the tops of her
cheeks. And I just wondered if he seemed at all different to you the last few weeks? The sky
cracked with lightning, and loud thunder boomed while rain pelted diagonally.
Yes, he was, the mother said with a sponge of emotion behind her words. She needed to
talk about this. He...was always a strong kid, but lately something really got to him.
I could only imagine what or who that something was. Clark came to mind; images of him
pushing Tommy around for speaking to Noe.
Darling, wed better head out of here. Weve got a long drive, Clarks father interrupted,
and he cradled his wife into his chest.
My condolences. I offered a warm salutation.
Take care of yourselves, girls. And Clarks mother strolled off with her husband, sheltered
from the rain by a borrowed umbrella.


As I stared at the window I heard scratches on the glass frame for a second time.
Springing off my bed, I headed to the curtained window to check it out. I rapped my knuckles
across the glass. The black sky hid most of the front lawn from me. If someone did lurk out there
I couldnt see them.
Youre so jumpy tonight! Molly crisscrossed her legs on my bed and bunched up two
pillows behind her back. Cozy cotton pajamas and red socks kept her warm. Its because of
Clark, isnt it?
Hes going to hunt you down in the middle of the night to take back the evidence you
recorded on the iPhone, Jennifer giggled in a husky voice, her attempt at the movie Scream.
Just stop it! I reacted, a little scared.
How did you get that iPhone anyway? Ive never seen you with one before? Jennifer played
with my CDs as she stood by the cabinet.
I...I got it from Mom. She wanted me to have something reliable for communication.
Whatcha doing with your old phone? Ill take it. Molly offered. I could use one. She
munched on potato chips; the bag crinkled. As much as I wanted Molly to have a cell that wasnt
as over played as Madonna, I needed mine. After all, the iPhone really belonged to Tommy and I
didnt feel right using it for my personal calls.
Sorry, Mol, Im keeping it.
With a roll of her eyes, she retorted, Whatever. She shoved another chip into her salivating
So, are you going to talk to your brother tomorrow morning? He should know what Clark
said, Jennifer insisted. The lawyers daughter in her unrelenting single-mindedness.
I will...but first thing tomorrow we are going to the roof of the school.
The what of the what? Molly dropped her chip.
I have to search the roof myself. Now that we know Clark is involved we know what to look
for. Maybe he left something behind on the roof to indicate he was there! I defended my theory.
And maybe we will get ourselves killed! Molly emphasized the last word. You saw Clark
with that newbie in the alley. He means business, and if we go putting our noses in his Kool Aid,
how do you think he is going to react?
He doesnt have to know. I answered nonchalantly, but nothing about this was easy.
And the cops? How are we going to maneuver around them? Theyve still got yellow tape up
and everything. Jennifer spun around from the cabinet and shot a questioning look at me.
Geesh! Youre starting to sound like Mol, I huffed. Well be fine. Ive heard my brother on
his phone. The cops arent there anymore. Just the tape. We can sneak around back like last time
and use the stairs to the roof.
Have you forgotten? Weve run out of favors from your friend Alberto, Molly pointed out
with an artificial Spanish accent, imitating Alberto.
We wont need one, I stated plainly, and Jennifer took a seat next to us.
What do mean? She braced herself with her hands flat on the bed.

When we left through the back door I kind of pressed my chewing gum inside the latch
where the door seals. Even if Alberto locks the door, the door should open fine.
And I thought only I did stuff like that. Molly almost beamed like a proud parent. And I
had to give her credit. I never would have done something like that before meeting her.



Saturday morning I threw on a knapsack full of necessary-items-for-clandestine-operationson-a-roof. I started to feel like special ops. We all bundled up for the cold weather. Molly and
Jennifer wore knit hats, but I just let my dark hair cover my chilled ears. Frost tipped the blades of
grass; must have been a wintery night.
When we finally got to the back door of the school, we all stared at the door for one long
silent moment. This or nothing. I pushed, and the world around me froze. In slow-motion the
door unlatched and I stepped cautiously inside, gripping my sack.
You can scour the city with me anytime. Molly joked from behind me. I guess I proved my
Turning up the staircase we plodded upward until we reached the top. The roof door
squeaked open, and the wind rattled on all sides of the squared rooftop. When all three of us
stepped onto the asphalt, the door slammed with an ear cracking bang. My lips quivered and I
tried to swallow my fear. Gulp.
So, what do you think we are going to find, anyway? I mean, if Im risking my life and
everything, Jennifer asked as she peered over one ledge. Stopping next to her, I looked down and
saw the yellow tape marking the area where students and faculty could not walk. Chalk still
outlined where his body had lain.
I dont know. Just look. I pressed and stepped away from her. Molly paced in the back, her
arms folded.
Im not sure there is anything here, but Im cold.
Skimming the corners, I stayed along the edge. Just keep looking. The cops only searched
the roof once. Samuel said so. They probably missed something.
Whatever. Molly rolled her eyes, but underneath her attitude I knew she secretly loved
being here.
Would you rather be sitting bored in front of the TV? I suggested to both friends.
Curled up on the warm sofa with a cup of tea? Jennifer added.
Come on, wimps. I had to encourage them somehow. Since we had joined the secret ops, I
felt that sounding like a drill sergeant might work.
It seemed to work for Molly. She stopped pacing and squatted, keeping her eyes close to the
surface of the roof. Lots of cigarette butts.
Alberto? Jennifer questioned with a cocked brow.
Probably, I answered. I dipped my fingers behind the rain gutter.
Find anything? Jennifer plodded away from the ledge and headed toward me at the other
Nothing yet. Disappointment filled my usual perky features.
Kicking a trash bin in a corner, Molly shrugged. Maybe I should just turn Clark in to the
police. Tommy deserves justice, and if youre not ready to talk to your brother about this, Im
going to have to do it.

Mol! I jerked around, my fingers still behind the gutter. Im going to tell him. I told you
that. Just as soon as were finished here.
Promise? Molly hated it when criminals got away with crimes. Moving from house to house
and spending too much time on the streets, she saw more than most.
I blood promise.
The expression had begun in middle school when Jennifer and I first met Molly during P.E. A
bully pushed Jennifer and she fell to the pavement and scraped her chin. Out of the distance a
ripped-jeaned, bushyhaired, thickbrowed, leather-bound girl pounced on top of the bully.
When the bully smacked Mol in the nose, I saw blood for the first time. Hence the expression.
The P.E. coach broke up the feud minutes after it began, but our loyalty to each other remained
strong from then on. Whenever we really meant something we used the expression blood
promise to show our commitment.
Do you see that? Jennifer pointed below, cowering to the floor to keep unseen.
What? Molly threw her head up, frazzled.
Someones coming, Jennifer whispered, and I peeked over the gutter.
Three shadows vanished under us, passing the chalk outline of Tommy. Within five minutes
we all jerked our heads toward the roof door, which was swinging open.
What are you doing here? I asked, stunned.
Did you follow us or something? You stalker, you! Molly winked at Kian. She sensed he
liked me as more than just an acquaintance or friend.
Nathaniels skin looked delicious, like basted turkey on Thanksgiving Day. He radiated bronze
hues. Krysta always glowed like a light bulb with infinite effervescence, and even more so
standing next to Nathaniel. Like sun and moon.
No, Kian spoke with a well scripted smirk. Did you three really think you were the only
ones intrigued by Tommys death?
My brows arched and skin pricked. Intrigued? What makes you think were up here for
Why else? Kian raked his fingers through his copper-blond hair, and for a minute, he
competed for the space in my mind I reserved for Dameon.
We think his death is suspicious, too. Kian persisted, stepping closer to me with each word
until he was standing only inches away. His breath rushed over my neck and down my chest. I felt
him on me even though we didnt touch. Jennifer stepped aside with a jarring stare over Kian,
protectivelike a sister.
No, we dont, Krysta interrupted, drawing a strange look from Kian. We dont think
anything about Tommy. We didnt even know him that well.
We didnt know him that well either. Jennifer commented as I felt the power struggle
between Kian and Krysta for the first time. At first, in the cafe, I thought she pined for Kian, but
now the interactions seemed more hostile, like when Molly and Jennifer compete for the title of
whos smarter.
Nathaniel watched me closely, eyes soft, but full of story. Quiet, Kian, he whispered. Id
never heard him say so much.
She already knows. Kian responded.
Knows what? I trembled from being so close to Kian. His statuesque form hovered over
me, engulfed me. I could feel him from all sides, although he only stood in front.

Knows that Tommys death wasnt a suicide. Kian stepped an inch closer, and our lips
almost touched. Eve had been tempted by the apple in the Garden of Eden. I now understood
her plight.
You dont think so, either, I said under my breath. Maybe no one but Kian heard me.
No. We know it wasnt.
Then who did it?
Or what. His whisper fell only on my ears...or so I thought.
Batting her hands in the air Krysta threw her head back. Great, now youre going to drag her
into all of this. Endanger her life. Molly and Jennifer hadnt heard the discourse between Kian
and me, simply saw the mix of seriousness and desire on my face, but when they heard Krystas
rant, they turned to me.
Worry lines met around Mollys mouth, and wrinkles furrowed Jennifers brows.
Endanger? I squinted, confused.
She knows too much already, Krysta grumbled. I couldnt be sure what she meant. If I
knew too much about the murder of Tommy? Clark? Or the angels? Did they see them too?
She is already involved. Havent you felt the power shift? Kian defended his decision as he
grunted into Krystas ear. Nathaniel seemed to stand between my friends and his like a shield.
What are you guys talking about? Do you know who killed Tommy? Mollys face turned
hot. But Kian went silent. Whatever he had to say, he seemed to only want to say to me.
Well? She stomped her foot.
Dagger looks from Krysta met Mollys angry gaze. Tommy never would have jumped. You
have all the information you need to figure out who and why. All you have to do is take it to the
Kian gritted his teeth and shot an angular glare at his friend.
What? Krysta reacted to his look. Someone has to put an end to this childs investigation
before more mayhem comes of it.
Childs investigation? Jennifer hated implications of stupidity. Weve practically solved the
crime. We should be given an award or something.
Right, Krysta couldnt resist. Youve connected the well-plotted dots. Good for you. Lets
all go home now.
Mollys glare veered from Krysta to Nathaniel and finally to Kian. These three hooligans
knew about Tommys death before she did. Krysta surely seemed to know more than she let on,
and they implicated that I, her best friend, might be in danger. What the heck was going on?
Maybe Krystas right. Its time we all get out of here before someone gets hurt.
Im with you on that, Jennifer agreed. Im looking forward to that warm sofa and cup of
tea. Come on, Ali.
As my two best friends in the whole world turned their backs on me and headed to the door, I
felt a tickle at my ankle. Leaning down, I curled my fingers around a stark black feather. I fanned
it out and found it to be the size of my palm. Id never seen a feather quite like this one. I felt
another on my ankle and turned to see one more blow out from under the rain gutter. I must
have knocked them loose.
While I held one feather in my hands, the other two swirled into the air. Carried by the gusts
of wind, they danced into the sky where they belonged. I watched them fly away like listless birds
into the chalky clouds and disappear.

Turning back around, Molly and Jennifer waited at the door which stood ajar as Kian
whispered to me, his words like velvet on my skin. Your life is in serious danger. Im not taking
my eyes off of you.
Whatever Krysta heard peeved her. She strutted away from Kian and me with a chip on her
shoulder and an extra kick in her rhythm. I couldnt be sure why. Did I represent competition, or
did she just not want me in on their secrets? Curiosity engulfed me. Kian had secrets. He knew
about Tommy, his death. He knew I was in danger. From what? Why? How did Kian know all
this? And was Clark really to blame?
I didnt have long to ask him, because when we arrived at the ground floor the cops showed
up in the administration parking lot, and we all scrambled in different directions. Molly grabbed
my wrist and threw me into the backseat with her, and as soon as Jennifer plopped into the
drivers seat, the sedan revved. I looked back to find Kian and his friends, but like Dameon at the
memorial, they had vanished.



Molly and Jennifer decided to stay in the comforts of their homes on the last day
before school. Their parents had begun missing them, as much time they had been spending over
at my house. Besides, going back to school meant they needed to be in bed early.
I stepped near the kitchen and saw Samuel eating one of Moms amazing chicken sandwiches
for lunch. The thought occurred to me that now would be the perfect time to talk to him about
Tommy and Clark. I had seen and heard enough to draw suspicion in Clarks direction. But then
I remembered how Krysta reacted to Jennifer when she said, Youve connected the well-plotted
lines. There was just something about the way Kian glared at Krysta when she told us to take
our information to the cops.
Maybe Clark was innocent? I mean, he was in my English class at the time of the murder,
wasnt he? I tried to remember, but all I could see was Dameons face. Then I recalled when
Clark confronted Dameon. He was there! Unless he rigged something to let Tommy drop during
1st period so hed have an alibi, he couldnt have done it. And was Clark really that clever?
What did Kian mean when he said or what? After everything with Clark in the back alley,
the scratches on my window, the reflection on the Kindle and the recording on the iPhone, I
began to wonder if the what could have angel. I know; the idea sounded ludicrous
even in my own mind. I mean, angels. Really? Forget the impossibility of them existing, but what
would they have to do with Tommys death? Why?
I decided I shouldnt say anything to Samuel until I knew more. The disloyalty would crush
Molly; I blood promised her. But I rationalized she would come to understand as I understood
what the heck was going on at Millennium High. Besides, Kian said I was in danger. I had felt
someone watching me and heard someone following me when I picked up the iPhone. I didnt
want to draw any more stalkers my way.
I sneaked carefully around the kitchen corner, wanting to head back to my bedroom. I had a
lot to sort out alone.
Hey, Ali! Come here. Samuel waved me down as I passed. Come, have a seat. I plopped
down next to him, and he handed me half his sandwich. Have you eaten? I shook my head
and took the food graciously. Feels like we never see each other anymore, what with my new
hours and all.
We didnt see much of each other when you were in the academy, either, I told him. Hed
always been sure of what he wanted since ten years old.
Well, I miss you. How you doin? Holding up? Felt like prodding, like the way he elicited
information out of suspects.
Im...good. I shrugged. Fine.
Well, Mom wanted me to make sure you really are fine.
Oh. I am. Then I thought that maybe instead of giving him information, I could pull some
out of him. So, how is your investigation on Tommy going? Any new leads?
Same old, same old. I got to tell you I think the poor kid just couldnt handle all the pressure
and jumped.
And nothing makes you think differently? I bit my lip.
Not really. He paused in recollection. Why? Should it?
No reason; I just wasnt sure what happened is all.
Well, looks cut and dry as far as the New York City Police are concerned.
Oh. I didnt want to push my luck and bit into the sandwich.

Youve been going out a lot with Jen and Mol.

Did you make it to the memorial service?
We all went.
Didnt see you. He scratched his head.
We stayed in the crowd. Probably hard to pinpoint where we were.
So, youre heading back to school tomorrow.
My glory days are over, I smirked.
So, are you fine with that? I mean, going back to your English class?
I froze in an emotional swirl. I couldnt be sure. I hadnt really thought about that all week,
but I would be walking back into the class where I saw it happen. My God! And Clark would be
there. Nerves bunched up in bundles and I began to feel hot. Not in a good way.
You alright? You look a little sweaty. Samuel touched my forehead. You coming down with
a fever?
All I could see was Tommys limp body and the blood pouring out from underneath him at
all ends. No, no. Im just...I just didnt put much thought into it before, that I am going back to
the same classroom where Tommy fell outside the window.
Sorry Sis. Maybe I shouldnt have brought it up at all. I suck at this.
Dont worry about it. Im fine. I just need some water. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet
and used the water from the spout on the fridge. Tell Mom Im fine. If anything comes up, Ill
let you guys know. I rested my hand on my big brothers shoulder. Promise.
OK, Sis. See you later. With the nod of his head I knew Id been freed. A released suspect.
Didn't take long for me to become captive again. Mom leapt from her favorite rocking chair and
locked her gaze on me.
Ali, lets go to the mall. We never spend any time together anymore.
I wanted desperately to say no, that Ive got murder, angels, and stalkers to figure out, but she
was right; we hadnt been spending much time together, and she wouldnt have believed me
anyway. Besides, with Dad gone she wanted to make sure she made up for his loss. I didnt want
to make her feel any worse than she already did.
Alright, Mom. Just let me get my phone, I shouted as I raced to my bedroom. Shoving the
cell into my back pant pocket, I threw on my galoshes and a light winter coat. The air felt
warmer today. March waited just around the corner.


At the mall Mom and I window shopped. I tried on a few pairs of jeans and a couple of
dressy gowns. Mom wanted me to be prepared for prom, but I didnt even know if Id be going.
Heck, I hadnt even been asked yet.
Why dont you let me pay for a limo for you three girls? Its your Junior Prom in a month
and a half ! Mom suggested as I pulled up a pink satiny dress.
Really? I sensed that Mom felt worried about me after Dads death, and then even more
since Tommy died at my school. She regularly tried to cheer me up with purchases. More than
that, I enjoyed spending time with her...for the most part.
Of course. I want you to be happy. Its really not too expensive. Ill help with the limo and
dress and then the rest is up to you.
Thanks, Mom. Her hugs always felt warming, like hot cocoa on a cold winter day.

You know, I dont know if I even have anyone to go with yet.

You? Youre kidding. Youll find someone. Beautiful girls dont stay on the market long.
I didnt have the heart to tell Mom that boys at my school liked girls with a little more
feminine suave to them. With a few more pronounced curves and much more attitude. I wore
baggy clothes and little make-up. I had a natural beauty, sure, but nothing compared to what I
competed against at Millennium High.
I like this one. Mom patted down the dress and stretched the fabric evenly across my body.
Kinda shiny, dont you think? I commented.
Giggling she responded. Youre right. She waved her hand at the dressing stall as if to tell
me to take it off. Back to the drawing board. At last I knew what didnt work.
By the time we finished our shopping we walked out with two bags. One held a gold velvet
gown that swooped around my neck, a gold purse and heels. The other carried a couple of pairs
of jeans, pants and tops. Mom really knew how to take my mind off of going back into English



When I reached my bedroom after dinner I threw myself over my fluffy sheets. Ham
casserole rolled around in my stomach. My eyes caught the ceiling and thoughts circled like a
carousel until I fell asleep. Tommy. Clark. Kian. Angels. My head raced dizzily with
The man from the alley stumbles over the gravelly road as a black winged creature descends toward him. In
flight he, it, appears so elegant and regal. Like nothing could stop the force of the thrust under the wings. The
creature maintains close proximity with confidence until it vanishes behind the corner with the man, neither to be
seen again.
My body levitates to the rooftop of the school with black feathers floating about me in whirls. Frolicking like a
child, I dance in the feathers as if in love for the first time. Laughter falls from my lips as wind whistles through my
hair, and then the sky crackles and rain pours over me, sticking my clothes to my body.
Then he appears, the black winged creature, with something in his mouth. But his face is hidden in the storm
and the night. I tiptoe forward as if any sound might startle him. Squinting my eyes, I stretch to see inside of him.
Flapping wings push wind toward me as his mouth opens in a deafening screech. With his mouth wide open, I can
see what he holds inside. ME!

I jumped up out of bed and felt sweat rolling like beads down my neck. I took a few deep
breaths. As I brushed my long hair out of my face and behind my ears, I crawled to the edge of
my bed and slid open the nightstand drawer where I had hid the last of what we recovered from
Tommys locker. I didnt want the notepad disappearing in the night like Tommys other items.
Gripping it, I flipped to the drawings. Good thing I placed it underneath my pillow that night
everything else disappeared. A tingle of guilt made me shudder as I wondered if I should have
given this to his mother. She certainly would have appreciated it.
I paused at the angel depiction, the one I had seen in my dreams. The black winged creature.
Tommys artwork was infectious, possessing a real absorbing quality. Did Tommy encounter this
angel in the city? This same angel that chased a man in the alley? Perhaps something similar
happened to Tommy on the rooftop? Maybe the fear of this beautiful thing pushed him over the
edge? An accident. Because angels didnt murder, did they?

My lids felt heavy. Sundays I loved to sleep in, eat and lounge around the house. With
everything on my mind this day I simply became more sluggish. I didnt want to move from my
bed, and I just stared at the notepad as if I were in a trance. My brain began to hurt. Making
sense of all this didnt make any sense.
I rolled over and laid the notepad on the nightstand, picked up a magazine and stared out my
window. The sun had set hours ago, but I couldnt get comfortable. I didnt want to get up and I
didnt want to sleep. But my lids kept drooping. The words on the magazine began to look hazy,
so I closed my eyes for several minutes. Or so I thought.
The jarring sound of a crash outside woke me. My eyes felt better and flashed to the alarm
clock. 2:00A.M. I sprinted to the window and pulled back the curtain and saw a blanket of
blackness. Twinkling stars and a bright moon provided the only light. But as I stared further and
deeper I made out the silhouette forms of two creatures fluttering in the sky. Legs, arms, wings.
The taller winged being struggled with the shorter being for several seconds, each pulling and
pushing the other until the taller one pushed himself away from the house and into the clouds. I
couldnt be sure in the blackness and from such a distance, but he appeared darker in color. The
shorter winged being fluttered toward the almost full moon, and the reflections of moonlight
shone over his heavenly body. If I hadnt known the term I still would have called him an Angel. I
couldnt take my eyes off the radiance of his essence.
I felt like Id been healed of everything in that instant. Dads sudden collapse. Tommys
murder. The images of Tommys body outside English class. Unforeseeable danger. Healed of
everything that had drawn me into the dark abyss time and time again. This encounter felt
nothing like my nightmare, like the angel that had me locked in his mouth...but then the angel
disappeared, and so did the serenity.


I stayed in front of my window for at least an hour afterward. I could hardly believe what I
had seen. Reflections on the Kindle and recordings on the iPhone paled in comparison. Nothing
had prepared me for something like this. For the unreal, the supernatural. I felt like I walked on
air, although my feet were firmly on the carpeted floor.
I didnt understand quite what I had seen, either. Flipping open Tommys notepad again I
skimmed the sketches of the black winged angel and I saw nothing that resembled the celestial
creature who had floated under the moon. Nothing. But then the sketches were only pictures
drawn by human hands, imperfect. I had seen the ethereal angel in real life. Or maybe Tommy
and I saw different beings? I couldnt be sure. But one thing I did know, there was no way I could
fall asleep again tonight.
Sitting on my bed in contemplation, I held my knees. If these things...these angelsreally did
exist, then maybe one of them stole the books and papers from my bedroom that night? But
why? To keep their existence secret? Then my mind wandered to Kian. If he knew about these
angels, perhaps he took the books and papers? Perhaps he really was trying to protect me?
I assembled a timeline in my head.
Tommy kisses Noe. Perhaps Clark confronts him? Is Clark the angel of Tommys drawings?
Tommy starts acting differently. He becomes reclusive; withdraws. Checks out books on angels.
Sketches forms of angels into his notepad. He dies. Either way, I probably needed to stay away
from Clark and anything remotely angel-like. I didnt want to end up dead, too. But could I really
trust Kian?
A shiver rushed up my spine at the thought.

The only people I really trusted at school had gone back to their homes yesterday. I wondered
what Mol and Jen thought about all that had transpired on the rooftop. Krysta shook things up,
and Kian and I might not have been as quiet as we thought. My friends werent stupid, and I
hadnt heard from either of them all day Sunday.



17-75-7. I spun my lock combination and flipped open my locker. I had a spare
maroon sweater hanging in there for unexpected cold days. In winter this worked well, but now
with spring approaching, I decided better to take the sweater home. Tucking the wooly garment
toward the back of the locker, I pulled out my assignment folder.
Journalism. I rubbed my fingers over the label and then over the Paramore stickers I had
stuck there after the concert weeks ago. One of the best. So much had changed since then. All I
had worried about then was bumping into Dameon, and where my friends and I would hang out
over the weekend.
Now, Tommys death haunted me. Every time I saw Clark in the hallway I couldnt be sure if
I should apologize to him or accuse him. Kian seemed to know more than he let on, and I didnt
know whether his knowledge fell more toward the who killed Tommy side or toward the angels
in the city side. Or both? And the more I mulled over the stalker and over Kians words of
warning on that roof, the more I felt vulnerable.
I didnt even know any more if I wanted to turn in my assignment to the Journalism teacher.
How could I accuse Clark? Kian said a who, not a what, killed Tommy. And what would bringing
attention to Tommys death do to the angels? If they somehow had been tied up in all of this, I
didnt want the cops to find out. Im sure it would have been an accident.
Hey Ali! A tap on my shoulder pulled me away from my reverie. Pulling a paint brush with
crusty blue ends from her backpack, Molly bounced up and down as she spoke. Guess who I saw
earlier this morning?
Who? My face squished up as my shoulders rolled forward.
Kian. Molly licked her lips as if his name should somehow make me swoon. He was
asking for you. She winked.
Why? I sounded defensive, as if I thought he could be the stalker.
Because he likes you, you Nimrod. You cant tell me youre so obtuse you didnt notice.
I had noticed, but I couldnt be sure I cared. I mean, three months had passed, and Dameon
was finally paying attention to me. The guy of my dreams. And I didnt even know who Kian
was. What kind of a guy jumps onto the roof of the school over the weekend? The kind that
means trouble.
Well, I shrugged, tell him Ill see him around. I couldnt sound more nonchalant.
I think he wants to look after you. Molly wiped her nose with the back of her arm; the
paint brush was still in her hand. I think someones got an admirer.
Whatever. I rolled my eyes at Mol as Jennifer skirted around the corner and rushed up to
us. Thick laced boots clogged all the way.
Ali... Jennifers ringlets of red hair draped over her cheeks from under her pink knit hat.
So what did you two talk about on the roof ?
Who? When? I kinda had an idea who and when, but I didnt want her to think I cared.
And I didnt want to have to explain
Kian. On the roof Saturday. Duh! We heard you two talking all quiet-like. Something
important, I bet. Jennifers brows rose a few times. Something to do with Clark? Tommy?
It was nothing. I reacted by turning away from her. Mistake.
Nothing? You know I was closer to Tommy than any of you. If anyone has a right to know, I

Im sorry. I jerked back around to face her, unprepared to answer questions about
Sorry? Jennifer stomped her foot, and I swear I saw fumes escaping her nostrils. What is
Kian? Like your new best friend now? You can only share secrets with him? You know, I think
Im going to find somewhere else to sit at lunch today, because youre really pissing me off. Just
like that Jennifer marched off into the hallway and turned the corner.
Do you think Im being unfair? I turned to Molly, and she had that look. That look that said
hurt-and-betrayed, hidden under a veil of civility.
I...I really dont want to get into the middle of this, but yeah. Were your closest friends.
Have been since...since forever. And you know if we ever knew anything wed tell you. We dont
keep secrets. Molly shrugged. Give her time to cool off.
Molly walked away from me and disappeared down the hall. The bell would surely ring soon.
But I stood there. Without my two best friends in the whole world. Alone. Why couldnt I tell
them? Tell them what? That not a who, but a what may have killed Tommy, and that I may have
seen angels outside my window at night...and oh, yeah, that I am in danger and Kian promised
to look after me? And by the way, I didnt even know if I could trust Kian. That would blow over
well. I could barely believe it myself.
Just then Dameon bumped into me from behind. My NOOK fell to the floor. Damn it. I
bent over to pick it up as Dameon reached for it first.
Sorry. As he handed me the eReading device, his dark eyes mesmerized me. Didnt matter
how many times I saw them. Ill get you a new one if its broken.
Flipping the NOOK over and back again, I examined it with my fingers. No, I think its
fine. I blushed; I couldnt believe he was talking with me again. I mean, he should. He caused
my NOOK to hit the ground. All my notes were on there. But still, something happened to me
every time I saw him. My knees locked, my hands got sweaty and words jumbled around in my
dizzy head.
Im glad. So, I couldnt help but notice that Jennifer stomped off from you a bit perturbed.
Arent you guys good friends? He knew my friends! Maybe I wasnt as invisible as I thought.
Ah, yeah. I shook my head. We kinda got into a bit of a fight.
Sorry again. His black leather jacket wrapped around him like skin around a cow. Frayed
edges of black hair fell over his mysterious eyes. Maybe youll have room at your table for me
I stood silent, almost paralyzed. Did he just invite himself to join me for lunch? Ah,
um...yeah. Sure. Ill make room for you. Who wouldnt?
Good, Ill see you at lunch.
In English class I occasionally glanced back to check out Dameon. I thought going to class
would cause my nerves to unwind from all the memories of Tommy outside on the ground, but
Dameon proved to be a helpful distraction. Wanting him preoccupied me.
Whenever I craned my neck around to see him he would smile; half of his lip would go up
and the other half remained flat.
Allison, could you tell us? Mrs. Engstrom loved to throw me a few curve balls every now
and then.
Ah, what? My lids widened as I turned my head to meet her concentrated eyes.
Who wrote Young Goodman Brown? Our reading assignment. I knew this one. I studied this. Hawthorne?
Are you asking me or telling me?

Telling you, Mrs. Engstrom. Hawthorne. I sounded more sure this time.
Nodding, she took her glare off me and aimed it at someone in the back row.



At lunch, I sat with Molly and waited for Dameon. When I explained the situation to her, I
expected that she would follow protocol. I scanned for Jennifer, wanting to apologize again, but I
didnt see her anywhere. When I reached for the apple on my tray Dameon appeared behind me.
Ali? He slipped in beside me, and Molly cleared her throat before speaking.
You know, I forgot I totally have to meet Kris. We are supposed to study together for our
class quiz. Later. Standing, she waved and scurried off toward the doors that led outside. Some
students preferred lunch on the lawn.
So... I bit the skin on the inside of my mouth.
You sure shocked Mrs. Engstrom in class today! She thought she had stumped you. You
werent even paying attention.
Yeah, well she deserved to be pleasantly surprised. I think she picks on me just because I
talked back to her about calling me Ali.
With a laugh, Dameon brought his hand to his face to cover his mouth. Big, white teeth
accentuated his already fine facial features.
No really!
I believe you. He finished with a smile as he took off his leather jacket and laid it over his
chair. A sexy pink skin-tight shirt hugged his sculptured chest.
Not many men are comfortable enough to wear that color.
Im mature beyond my years. He sounded so suave, and yet I felt comfortable with him.
And what makes you better than the rest of these guys at Millennium High? I teased. He
seemed like the kind that could take it.
Ive got great stamina.
You do, do you? I laughed with a flirtatious grin. I bit my apple while Dameon drank his
milk, and I wondered why we hadnt been doing this the past three months. We felt so natural
together. It was almost eerie, in a way.
Maybe Ill get to prove it to you sometime. I blushed at his remark. I couldnt be sure if he
meant with studies, kissing, or sex.
Id only almost been with one other guy in high school. Christopher Ryne. He was a senior
when I was a sophomore. We were doomed from the start, because what high school graduate
wants to still hang out with a junior? Anyway, when I found out he would be going to Stanford
University while I was set on Yale, I figured wed better break up before one of us ended up hurt.
Wed never see each other after he graduated, and hed forget all about me. That summer after
his graduation I heard he had hooked up with some girl already. I promised myself my junior
year that I would not let my heart break again.
Maybe youre gonna have to. I didnt know what I was saying. Thankfully, Jennifer
interrupted with a pat on my back. I spun around to face her.
I just wanted to say sorry for our argument earlier. Im sure youll tell me when youre ready.
This has got to be hard on you, too. Her eyes glossed over Dameon.
Im sorry, too. I shouldnt have been so...
Yeah. But I promise Ill talk to you later about all this.

Til then. Jennifer tightened the purse around her shoulder before stepping away from the
table. And Im glad to see youre moving up in the world.
I blushed. I knew she meant Dameon would be a better catch then drama-filled Kian. I could
also still sense a little riff between Jen and me. Id have to confess something soon to her to keep
her happy.
What was that all about? Dameon raised his chin and watched Jennifer head out the doors
to the lawn.
Our argument earlier.
You kept something from her? Best friends dont like that. Soft cheeks inched closer toward
me as I watched his plump lips move up and down in slow motion.
No, they dont. I raked my hand through my hair tie and loosened my hair to dangle
around my neck.
So, youre going to tell her...that secret. His brows shot up as he smiled.
Dont seem to have much of a choice. I dont want to lose Jennifer. Ill try to speak to her
about it.
His face grew serious as I felt someone behind me, engulfing me. Craning my neck around, I
eyed Kian. Only Kian, without his friends. He just stood there, his steady gaze fixed on Dameon
like he was a bull at Pamplona and Dameon was a red cape. Seconds felt like minutes before I
turned back around to face my lunch guest. Dameon eyed Kian up and down in this silent war.
The festive mood that Dameon and I had shared vaporized in micro-seconds under the
Kians shadow. Like a storm cloud, Kian ruined my lunch. Dameon stood his ground, but I never
expected him to face off Kian.
Guys, whats going on here? I looked back and forth between the two as they locked on
each other. It felt like they didnt even hear one word I said. We dont need to fight over
me...there is enough of me to go around.
Quiet, Ali, Kian growled, and I wanted to smack him, but Dameon seemed to have me
covered. He took a forceful stride forward toward Kian, their two heads almost butted
somewhere in the middle. Their eyes were fixed on one another; stances were unrelenting on
both sides.
Seriously, you guys are acting strange! I squirmed out from between the two angry figures
and stood several feet away. Like opposing polarized magnets they seemed drawn and repelled by
each other at the same time. Nothing around them in the lunch room warranted their attention.
Not the tray that fell from a students hand in line, spilling the entree. Not the crowd growing in
number to form a circle around them. Not the bulky P.E. coach standing behind them.
Come on, you two; break it up. The P.E. coach tugged on an arm of each.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! The crowd cheered in anticipation.
I stepped further backward, uncomfortable with all the testosterone. Step away from each
other and cool off ! Coach yelled at both of them, and when another teacher intervened, they
each took one boy and pulled. It took two strong men to pull those two apart, and I just stood
there with my mouth agape.
What happened? Mol and Jen rushed up behind me.
I dont know. I was having a nice conversation with Dameon when Kian came up, and the
two just fixated on each other.
Maybe Dameon has a thing for bad boys, Molly teased.
Jennifer responded, Eew! I didnt need that mental image in my head.
Come on, you two; stop kidding around. This is serious. I dont know what happened.

Looks like youve got to pick which one you want more. Molly clarified. Before one of
them kills the other.
But I didnt know what it all meant. Did they fight because of me? It sure felt like some
deeper underlying issue between them. Heck, so deep it could have gone as far back as centuries!
Whatever the reason, I felt more determined than ever to find out what. And if I had to choose
between the two of them...well, Dameon won every time.
Then, the bell rang.


By midweek I had grown impatient with the two new men in my life. When I leaned over
Dameons shoulder by our lockers, Kian would magically appear behind me, and I swear I heard
him growl. Then Dameon would hiss. Like two rabid dogs! Whenever I walked with Kian down
the hallways, Dameon would somehow get wind of it, and when we sat together at lunch, he
would tell me how awful an influence Kian would be on me if I kept hanging out with him.
Then after the lunch bell rang, Kian would sneak up to me before my next class and warn me
about Dameons charms, that for my own good I had to stay away from him. They stayed at each
others throats constantly. I saw them scuffle in the halls on Tuesday before fifth period
Journalism. But because of the fight they had on Monday they were not allowed to be seen in

proximity at lunchtime. At least then I could have some sense of relief that they wouldnt kill
each other, yet...
But I felt Kians jealousy that I chose Dameon over him to sit with at lunch; his burning eyes
beat on me through the glass windows from outside while he was sitting with Krysta and
Nathaniel. Even Jennifer and Molly sat with them. Their threesome had become five, and I
started to miss hanging with my girls at lunchtime. Why had I been given all this male attention
all of a sudden, from two new students at the school? I hadnt had such luck with men at
Millennium High before, and now, all of a sudden I had become the temptress. What had
In English class I had managed to change my front row seat to the back row next to Dameon.
Mrs. Engstrom hardly noticed. She still didnt even call me Ali, as I had requested countless
times. I had to sit through hearing the chalkboard-scratching sound of Allison every day. Most of
the class paid little attention to the teacher, instead, whispering to their neighbor, eye-balling and
pointing to the window, texting. Mrs. Engstrom afforded the class a certain level of leniency she
hadnt usually, because she knew some of the kids knew Tommy Bachelor personally. The
principal had had a teachers meeting Monday morning before school, I heard, telling all the
teachers to go easy on the kids this first week back since the so-called suicide.
I felt grateful. If I hadnt had Dameon to draw my focus away from the window I probably
would feel like a zombie.
What did you do over the break? I batted my lashes at him.
Not much. He kept his sentences short. Since I had known him, I had never heard him say
too much. I was supposedly getting to know him better with all this hanging out, and yet I didnt
feel like I knew him at all. He still remained an enigma. You?
Oh, hanging out with my girlfriends.
Jennifer and Molly?
Yeah, I said with a beam of pride that he actually took time out of his day to notice me and
who I hung out with. Then it dawned on me. Who did he hang out with? I had never seen him
sit in the cafeteria at lunch before he started sitting with me. I had never seen him in a clique. He
walked the hallways solo like James Dean.
I tilted my head in his direction, and my whole body leaned toward him as if gravity pulled
me there. Stroking my fingers through my hair to pull the strands behind my ear I asked, Do
you hang out with anyone over the weekends?
Ill be hanging out with you this Saturday, he said with a silver glint in his eyes.
Really? I grinned mischievously. I dont know. My Mom might have a cow; she is real
I wore pink lipstick. I never wore make-up. But I wanted him to want me as much as I
wanted him. He was worth it. Worth the extra ten minutes in front of the mirror each morning,
the superficial coloring on my face. I had even added a splash of blush to my cheeks.
Ill stop by round six? His eyes were unreadable.
I shrugged, unsure whether Mom would allow this bold move.
Then the bell rang. Just as he headed out the door I tugged on his shoulder. Dont you need
my address?
Sure, hand it to me tomorrow.
K...but what about lunch?
Ive got something I have to do. See you later. He and his black leather jacket disappeared
down the hallway of bobbing heads. He always left just as abruptly as he came into my life.

So at lunch I sat with Kians clique. Not my first choice, but Jennifer and Molly sat there.
They seemed comfortable enough, despite Krysta and the one ongoing rumor that the newbies
smoked weed. If Jennifer could sit with them, I certainly could.
Nice you could join us. Kian raked his fingers through his copper-blond hair while his eyes
narrowed in a glare. What, lover boy couldnt make it today?
Something like that. I sat beside them on the lawn with my legs crossed.
What did you get? Mollys nose hovered over my tray of food.
Just the meatloaf.
Yum, that stuff is so good! Mol licked her lips, and Jennifer and I spent several seconds too
long staring at her in that youve-got-to-be-kidding kind of way. Well, it is. She shrugged and
dug into her beef tacos.
Mom not feeding you at home? I teased, and Mol just rolled her eyes before returning her
undivided attention to her food.
So, what has everyone been up to? I probed. At the very least, I should sound interested in
my new friends. Nathaniel didnt seem so bad. And if Kian wasnt hell-bent on keeping Dameon
and me apart, he might not be so bad either. Krysta was another story altogether.
Maybe youd know if you werent so obsessed with Daemon, Krysta retorted, twisting her
lip into a snarl.
Well, Im here now. I matched her eye-to-eye.
Convenient. Are we your consolation prize? Krysta argued further, and Kian kicked her
with an out-stretched heel.
Let us just have a civil meal.
Agreed. Nathaniel nodded, his head lowered over his tray. But his skin still glowed like
I desperately wanted to ask Kian what he meant on the rooftop that day when he said
Tommys death wasnt suicide. That a what was responsible. I wanted to know how he knew that
and what what meant. What danger meant. And if he was looking out for me, why I never saw
him except whenever Dameon was around.
But I couldnt just blurt out everything. I had to have my talk with Jennifer and Molly over the
weekend first, catch them up with the latest details. I had to have time alone with Kian, without
Krysta over my shoulder hanging on to my every word, or Id never get a word in.
Whats on your mind? You look contemplative. Jennifer nudged me.
Nothing. Ill talk to you about it this weekend, I responded in whisper.
Maybe Sunday? Im busy with my family Saturday, Jennifer told us.
Sure. What do you say, Mol? I asked aloud.
About coming over to my place Sunday?
Im there. Make sure your mom cooks chicken. She winked.
Before we finished lunch, I pulled Kian aside. Dragging him behind a tree just feet away from
the group, I did my best to look serious. Students scattered left and right behind the window. The
bell would ring soon. Jennifer and Krysta kept a watchful eye on me.
What? Kian leaned against the tree, his disheveled hair blowing in the wind. For a microsecond I lost myself in his hazel eyes, and then I shook my head.
I just wanted to be clear.
Clear about what?
About me and Dameon. Were a thing.

Youre a thing now.

Have been since Monday. And Im not sure where this thing is going, but I want to give it a
A grimace shot across his face. I cant believe youre taking him seriously. His hands
gripped my shoulders. You cant be falling for him!
I am...and I just want to tell you that I choose him. I need you to stay out of our business.
I see that nothing I say will change your mind.
Well then. I respect your decision.
Ill stay out of your way, he said, his tone acrid, as the bell rang. But the twinkle in his eyes
told me he didnt mean it.
The rest of my classes were uneventful, one big blur until I got to fifth. When the fifth period
bell was about to ring, I darted into the Journalism classroom just in time. Noticing Nathaniel in
the back row, I smiled as I slipped into my seat near the wall. I kept my focus on the teacher, Mr.
Zimmerman, as he introduced us to a new student, Nathaniel Harbour, from Washington. Mr.
Zimmerman was an older man with a balding head and spectacles, and I got the distinct
impression he used to be cute when he was eons ago, but aging didnt do him
justice. Adjusting my NOOK to the textbook for this class, I flipped open my assignment folder
with the other hand.
Is everyone ready to turn in their assignments? Silence. I realize under the recent
circumstances some of you may need more time, and the deadline is extended until Friday, but I
just wanted an idea of how many of you are ready.
About half the class raised their hands. I wanted to...desperately. I had never failed to turn in
an assignment in any of my classes. I didnt want to start now. The debate waged war in my
mind, whether or not I should write up what I had learned about Tommys death. The possible
murderer, Clark. His motivations. The lack of reason for suicide on Tommys part. The strange
silvery-black feathers found on the roof. (No, Id have to leave that part out.) The newbies to the
school and their opinion on the suicide. I could even incorporate Kians statement. Whatd he
say? Not a who, but a what. That would turn heads. Id get an A for sure.
But I couldnt. Something inside nagged on me. Something did not add up. And I didnt want
to go around accusing perfectly innocent people. There was a strong possibility that Clark had
nothing to do with this. I didnt want to drag the notion of what the what could be in Kians
statement. No, if I were to do this I would need more information. Besides, I couldnt be sure at
all whether I still wanted to. Nathaniel had that look while shaking his head. He knew what I knew.
At least, I thought he knew. He had paid attention on the roof.
Ali? Mr. Zimmerman quirked his brow and glared at me, disappointed.
No, Mr. Zimmerman. I dont have it yet.
Alright then, let us get back to our reading. Everyone turn to chapter twelve. The NOOKS,
Kindles and a few other eReaders flipped on and fingers began scanning the various screens.
Before class ended, Zimmerman waved me to his desk. Standing above him as he sat in the
wooden chair made me feel taller, more authoritative. But the moment he spoke I went back to
feeling like a little kid.
I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.
Yes, Im fine.
You just seem...distracted. And you dont have your assignment ready. That is not like you.

I stood speechless. Im sorry...

No need to be sorry, Ali. His tone sharpened. There is a very good counselor at this
school. She can help you through whatever it is youre going through. Tommys death shocked us
Ummm... no really, Im fine. Im just real busy.
Are you sure?
Yeah. I nodded, spreading a smile of certainty across my face. In a way he had been right;
my distraction did have to do with Tommy, but not in the way he concluded. Not in the way
anyone concluded. Certainly not in any way a counselor could help me.
What I needed were more answers.
By the end of the day I had still not seen Dameon again. After first period, he had simply
disappeared. As I was asking around, I ran into Sally Hoffe in the administration office. Short
blond bob, grey eyes and a naive smile. Leaning over the counter, I gestured to her to come to me
with a curling forefinger.
Whatcha need? Sally asked, eyes widening.
I need to know what happened to Dameon. He vanished after English class this morning.
He didnt tell you?
Tell me what?
The office received a call from his father. His mother is deceased. She lowered her head as
if in short prayer. Seems his father needed Dameon to come home for a family emergency.
Emergency! What kind of emergency?
Dont know. Father didnt say.
Thanks. I turned around from the office counter, dejected that Dameon wouldnt have told
me something, anything, before he left. I had thought we were making a real connection. But
then, maybe he didnt have time. At least I wasnt being blown off.
Say, why dont you just call him? Sally suggested cheerfully.
Dameon has a cell? He told me he didnt have one.
No, not a cell. His home phone.
I hadnt thought of that. I dont have his number though.
Never mind, Ill get it for you. Sally rummaged through the files behind her and pulled
Dameons records. Got a paper and pen?
I yanked the items out of my miniature backpack.
Thanks, Sally. I owe you one.
Not a problem. Its the least I could do after your brother Samuel helped us with that
parking ticket. I held the paper with Dameons home phone in my hands, and, as I had been
struck with tunnel vision, everything else around me turned black.



After I tried calling Dameon for the third time Thursday I finally gave up. He hadnt
answered his home phone yesterday evening either. Thursday lunch grated on my nerves. Since I
had announced my decision for Dameon, Kian kept quiet and only occasionally glanced up at
me, looking like the weight of the world hung on his shoulders. The whole thing felt awkward.
So when I saw Dameon walk into the front doors of Millennium High on Friday morning,
my heart skipped a beat. Swinging in behind him, the doors finally clicked shut, and everyone in
the whole of the hallway turned to him as if his presence demanded their attention. I could feel a
delicious heat radiating off his body. I wanted him even more, if possible.
Dameon! I scurried toward him, fighting the up-current of students flowing to their first
class. Where have you been? Ive been so worried about you. Called you like a gazillion times,
and you never picked up.
Home phone?
I wouldnt have. Wasnt there.
What happened?
He threw his arm around my neck, drawing me closer to him. He still wanted me, thank
God, despite my clingy phone calls. My nose nestled between his shoulder and his lower ear,
enjoying the fresh male smell of him. Like Swiss Chocolate, his temptation engulfed me.
We walked down the hallway like Sandy and Danny in Grease, with all the jealous eyes on us. I
never felt higher; even weed couldnt make me feel this high.
I...had to go away with my father. Emergency.
I know. I spoke with the front office. Everything OK?
I didnt want to press him on it, yet I still felt like I had gotten nothing out of him. How could
he answer a question, without ever answering it? He did that all the time.
So, youre not going to tell me what happened? You dont have to. I leaned into him; the
feel of the soft leather over my arm felt warm. My long locks draped over my left shoulder and
cascaded to my breasts.
His silence told me no.
When we got to first period, we walked hand in hand to our seats. I never felt such envy from
so many girls. No one could be certain just what we all liked about Dameon. Or lusted? His bad
boy image? The fact that he never took crap from anyone, not even football players or teachers?
Or perhaps that he seemed so aloof. The fact that I got him, the first girl at this school to snag
him, made me feel...well, important. Popular, even. Everyone talked about me. About what I
wore; about what I did. Whispers quieted when I turned corners as eyes fell on me. Just what was
it about me that Dameon liked so much? I wasnt the only one asking.
In the middle of Mrs. Engstroms lecture, between us yawning and dropping our heads to our
desks, Meredith Justin swung her silky blond hair from its ponytail and began combing. Stroking
a stick of red over her lips, she puckered once before craning her neck back toward Dameon. Her
freshly sprayed flowery perfume emanated from her supple neck, the kind of creamy-colored
neck with such length and elegance that reminded us all of a swan.
Are you getting all this? She fluttered her lashes, and her green eyes glittered with her smile.
Despite her arrogance, she really could be charming and stunning. I fidgeted in my seat. How

could she? The temptress! As I glared at Meredith, my eyes could have burned a hole right
through her perfectly fitted pine-green sweater.
Sure. Dameon looked up from his fix on me, and his eyes met Merediths. This was it. The
moment of truth. If Dameon could withstand her flirtations, he truly had a fascination with me
beyond natural explanation. He handed her his Kindle with the notes without so much as really
seeing her. It was as if he looked right through her. Usually guys went all google-eyed around her,
but Dameon kept his cool. And as soon as he handed her his Kindle, he returned his stare to me.
Good God, the guy really did like me! I couldnt explain it. No one understood it. But I didnt
care; Id take it. Id wanted him since the first time I had seen him several months ago.
At lunch, I finally felt like Dameon and I had some real time to talk. Five-minute hallway
runs didnt suffice, and classrooms offered no privacy. In his tight black jeans, he sat across from
me at our usual table. A table cornered along the metal bars to the right of the cafeteria, acting
as a barrier between it and the hallways and the chalk-white sidewall. With the halls empty,
school couldnt get more private than that.
Setting my tray of spaghetti in front of me I sighed.
Something wrong?
I just...nothing.
He shrugged with an explain yourself expression.
I just dont know much about you is all. Like where were you the past two days? How come
you dont own a cell? Why did you move here? From where? I could go on and why do
you always wear the same leather jacket? Or why do you detest Kian so much? Or what
happened to your mother? But I didnt want to get too personal, and those few questions would
suffice, for now.
Stone-black eyes hit me. He appeared to be twisted in agony. Hooking my fingers around the
tray I anticipated his response eagerly. Then a harsh sharpening rounded his eyes.
I dont have a cell because I dont need one. Dont know many people. We moved here from
Washington because we had to get away from our old home. When mother died everything
changed. The emergency had to do with family funeral arrangements.
Youre mother passed? I said as if I didnt know, because he should be the one to tell me,
not the front office.
Several months ago. Car accident.
Im so sorry. That explained a lot. Why he seemed so distant and emotionally closed off.
Well, there you go. Happy?
Im glad you opened up. Im here for you. You can trust me.
Trust me enough that I can come over Saturday night?
Yeah, Ill talk to Mom. How could Mom turn him down now? He needed me, and her, in
his life. His own mother was killed in a car accident. Mom could empathize; her husband had
died suddenly. Dameon needed a mother figure, and Mom would be perfect for him. Certain
Mom would approve now, I was grinning as the bell rang.
By fifth period, I had exhausted my mind and was dizzy with ideas on how to come out of
Journalism without receiving an F for an uncompleted assignment. Slinking into my seat, I sighed
in protest.
Ali Maney. Zimmerman hovered over me like my P.E. coach when he expected me to hit a
ball harder than I could.

Ali and I are working on a project about the mayoral elections. Well have the final results on
Monday, Nathaniel interjected. He paid attention after all.
Alright; Ill expect the assignment Monday then.
Yes. Nathaniel nodded with certainty, like hed done this a thousand times.
Thanks. I whispered as Zimmerman moved away. I stopped biting the inside of my mouth.
It was a perfect lie. The mayoral elections would not be concluded until after the weekend, and
that gave us time to concoct a finished assignment. Why hadnt I thought of it?
All through Journalism I passed notes back and forth to Nathaniel. I hadnt written on actual
paper in eons. Usually, notes were taken on eReaders or laptops. I crumbled the first note a bit in
my hands as I laid it on his desk. Zimmerman had his back to us while he wrote on the white
board, highlighting important facts from our reading assignment.
Taking the note in his hands, Nathaniel read.
Didnt Zimmerman say you were from Washington?
He scribbled something and passed the note upside down back to me.
Yeah, why?
Dameon said he came from Washington, too.
So, dont you think its odd...that you, Kian, and Krysta all come
from Washington as transfers and Dameon also transferred from
He shrugged as his doe-eyed expression dropped. I shoved another note onto his desk.
Did you all know each other?
His usual bronze hue paled as he passed back another note.
No, we must have lived in different cities. Besides, Kian didnt
really transfer from Washington.
He didnt? Where then?
Hes from New York.
Why would he lie about it? He said you all were an adopted
Well, technically no. Krysta and I met him in New York after we
left Washington. But the paperwork is in the mail. He is in the
process of being adopted.
All of a sudden I became fascinated with Kian. The idea that he wasnt exactly who he said
intrigued me. Not in the same way bad boy Dameon intrigued me, but in a way that left my
curiosity spinning. I had just assumed they all three came to New York together. But there was
more to the story. I grabbed Nathaniels latest note just as Zimmerman turned around on his heel
and hawk-eyed his class, as if he sensed suspicious activity. I held my breath. Minutes later, after
ruffling through papers on his desk, he returned to the white board. I breathed.
Nathaniel read my inquisitive note...
So, he is from New York? And doesnt have any biological
A forlorn expression crossed Nathaniels face when he handed me the last note.
Yes and no. They died in a fire.
Amused that Kian had lived in the same city as me all our lives, I finally realized what Kian
meant in the cafe when he said they were an adopted family. At first, the word adopted didnt
really sink in, between all the talk of stoners and loosely spilled words and my obsession with
Dameon. It didnt really hit me that he had no parents. Kian lived on the difficult streets of New

York with no real guidance other than maybe a foster family here and there. Then it occurred to
me that Krysta and Nathaniel didnt know their biological parents either. Suddenly, I felt very sad
for the newbies.
When the bell rang for sixth period I plopped into my Calculus seat. Mathematically inclined,
the whole nerd-persona didnt work well for my popularity either. But somehow Dameon fixed
that. More interested in sharing the latest news with my girlfriends than in derivatives and limits,
I pulled out my cell and typed over my lap under my desk.

Jen and Mol,

OMG! Did you know that Kians
How long has he been living in
And he is from New York, too!?
Washington, because Nathaniel is
seemed like one family.

parents died? Can you imagine!

foster homes? Shuffled around?
I know; I assumed he was from
from Washington, and they all

As I watched Mr. Gasper play with his dark mustache in front of the white board, several
students raised their hands. Honors class. We all wanted to say the answer first. Except me. I
couldnt get Kian out of my mind. Three transfers from Washington. All parentless, except
Dameon apparently still had his father. One transfer from some another school in New York.
And then Tommy dies, and I start seeing angels.
OMG! The angels came because of Tommy! I straightened my back in the chair. Because he
died. Angels did that, didnt they? To try to console the living from loss?
A message vibrated on my phone.

Duh. This is news to you?
fawning over Dameon. Kian has
About the fire and how it took
again. That is why he couldnt
he transferred here.

Where have you been? Oh, yeah,

told us all about his parents.
him so long to just feel normal
continue in his old school. Why

And then another one.

I just dont get you. First you blow us off
Kian...and now you are all fascinated. Which is it?



Why hadnt I known this about Kian? Was I really so blinded by Dameon that I hadnt even
paid that much attention to my girlfriends or the newbies? Why did I all of a sudden care about
Kian anyway? And then I had an Ah-ha moment. It was so obvious that I couldnt imagine why I
didnt see it before. Clark wasnt an angel. Id seen him around school for two years and he never
did anything angel-like. I had been focused on the wrong guy.




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