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Each year our TJH/MS PTA gives Outstanding Educator Awards to TJH, TMS and CRMS educators who have given exemplary service to children and youth in our school community. The Outstanding Educator Award for each school is given for continued and dedicated service. This is an excellent way for students, parents and community members to honor administrators and our teachers for their above-and-beyond contributions to our childrens educational experience. When we present an Outstanding Educator Award, that individual is given a special certificate and pin. We also contribute $65.00 in the persons name to the Washington State PTA Financial Grant Program. This program provides grants each year totaling approximately $66,000 to Washington State high school graduates entering their freshman year at a college, university or vocational school of their choice. Please fill in this form and return it to CRMS, TMS, or TJH PTA in-box no later than April 18, 2014, or e-mail your nomination/comments to Sara DeBord at I recommend that (Name) ___________________________________ considered for an Outstanding Educator Award at TJH, CRMS, or TMS (circle one.) Describe why you feel this person is an outstanding educator: be

List programs/activities that enhanced the normal education for students:

Print Your Name:________________________________________________________________ Signed: Phone:

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