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Carrot Rice Mould

Do children love fancy shapes? Try out moulds ranging from simple jelly moulds to fancy ones like hearts and guitars. And watch this rice preparation leap to life !

Ingredients 1 teacup rice 1/ teacup moong dal ! cloves ! sticks cinnamon 1 "ay leaf 1 onion# chopped 1/! ta"lespoon chilli powder ! large carrots# chopped 1 ta"lespoon oil salt to taste Method $ash the rice and dal and keep aside. %eat the oil and add the cloves# cinnamon# "ay leaf and fry for 1/! minute. Add the onion# chilli powder and fry again for 1 minute. Add the carrots# rice# dal# ! 1/! teacups of water and salt. (ook in a pressure cooker. *ress into greased moulds of the desired shape and unmould on a serving plate. +erve hot with youhurt.

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Handy tip(s) : 1. Goodness Guide : 2. To combination of grains and pulses delivers essential amino acids required for growth as well as carbohydrates for energy. 3. The carrots deliver Vitamin .

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