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Chocolate Chiffon Pie

Chocolate mousse set in a crusty coconut base garnished with whipped cream and melted chocolate. For the coconut crust 1 cup grated coconut 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons sugar For the eggless mousse 1 1/2 cup milk 5 tablespoons sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon cocoa powder 50 grams dark chocolate 5 grams agar agar (china grass), cut into small pieces 1 teaspoon custard powder 100 grams resh cream 1/2 teaspoon !anilla essence 1 tablespoon powdered sugar For the garnish 1/2 cup whipped cream 1/" cup meltedchocolate For the coconut crust #eat the coconut in a lat bottom pan on a slow lame and stir conrinuously till it turns e!enly brown. Cool. $enerously butter the bottom and sides o 1%5 mm. (%&) diameter pie plate. (i) the coconut, sugar and melted butter well. *prinkle the coconut mi)ture on the greased pie plate and press. Chill until set. For the eggless mousse *oak the agar agar in '/" cup o cold water or 1 hour. #eat on a slow lame until it dissol!es. +ut 1 cup o milk to boil with the sugar, cocoa powder and dark chocolate. ,o the balance 1/" cup milk, add the custard powder and boil. -hen the milk starts boiling, add to the cocoa mi)ture and mi)ture and continue stirring or 1 minute. -hen the agar agar is dissol!ed completely, add to the boiling custard and cook again or 2 minutes. *train the mi)ture and continue stirring until it is slightly cool. /eat the cream with the powdered sugar, add the !anilla essence and mi) well. 0dd to the cocoa mi)ture and mi) well. 0dd to the cocoa mi)ture and mi) well. How to proceed +our the mousse mi)ture into the coconut crust. Chill until irm. ,op with the whipped cream and dri11le with melted chocolate.

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