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Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

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Swede recipes
Here's a collection of swede recipes from our weekly newsletters, and som e lov ely ones y ou'v e sent in. If y ou'd like m ore please hav e a look at our recipe index! To find out about our swede producer and order y ours click here. Swede Basics Roasted Vegetables with Cardam on Crunchy Swede Salad Cream y Swede and Bacon Spiced Roasted Swede and Onion Indian Spiced Swede Cakes Swede & Carrot Mash Roasted Root Vegetables with Honey & Cum in Jazzy Roast Roots Roots Manoeuv re Curry
pr in t pa g e

Swede Basics
Swede can be used in so m any different way s! They can be roasted, boiled, steam ed, stir-fried, m ashed or stewed, added to roast potatoes, roasted with leeks and onions. You can add them to curry , beef stew, sav oury pies, hearty soups (like sausage and bean), and fancy purees! They take longer to cook than potatoes (2 5 m inutes to boil), so add them first in soups and stir-fries. Here are m ore ideas: Pure - puree equal parts of boiled swede and potato (or carrots, butternut squash, parsnips, sweet potato) with salt, pepper, m ilk or som e cooking liquid and a big pinch of brown sugar. Drizzle with m elted butter. Apple bake m ash 1 cooked swede with 2 apples (add the peeled apple pieces to the water during the last 5 m inutes of boiling the swede). Add 3 tablespoons butter, a pinch of ground nutm eg and salt and pepper. Spoon into a casserole dish, cov er with buttered breadcrum bs, and bake uncov ered at 1 7 0C/ 3 2 5F/ Gas Mark 3 for 2 0 m inutes. Chips slice the swede into finger-width discs. Slice across each disc to m ake thin chips. In a single lay er, saut the 1/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

chips in a thin lay er of oliv e oil (or deep fry in v egetable oil) in a large fry ing pan - or ov en bake tossed in oil until they are just beginning to brown. Drain on a kitchen towel and salt lightly . Gratin quarter 1 swede and slice it thinly . Par-boil the swede for 5 m inutes and pat dry . Lay er in a casserole dish with equal parts of other par-boiled root v egetables, or thinly sliced raw potatoes. Sprinkle with a little flour, 2 handfuls of grated cheese, salt and pepper then pour ov er a m ixture of m ilk and cream (about 500m l total). Cov er and bake at 1 80C/ 3 50F/ Gas m ark 4 for 3 0 m inutes. Uncov er and bake 3 0 m inutes m ore to brown. Soup softly cook 3 bacon slices in a cov ered soup pot. Add 1 chopped swede and equal parts of potato or sweet potato, cov er with water and sim m er, cov ered, for 4 5 m inutes. Puree, season with salt and pepper, m ix in 1 00m l cream , and serv e topped with m ore fried bacon pieces.
ba ck t o t op

Roasted Vegetables with Cardamon

Serv es 6 -8 4 00 g carrots 4 00 g parsnips 4 00 g Swede 1 50 m l extra-v irgin oliv e oil 4 cardam om pods, lightly crushed 1 tbsp honey Salt and pepper Preheat ov en to 2 00C/ 3 9 0F/ Gas Mark 6 . Peel all of the v egetables. Quarter the carrots and parsnips lengthway s. Cut the Swede into chunks. Heat the oliv e oil in a roasting tin and add the v egetables, turning them to coat well. Roast for around 3 0 m inutes, turning a couple of tim es. Add the crushed cardam om pods and honey to the v egetables. Turn to coat ev enly . Return to the ov en and bake for a further 3 0 m inutes until the v egetables hav e browned. Don't let them lose their shape! Transfer to a serv ing dish and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
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Crunchy Swede Salad

Peel the swede and cut into cubes. Place in boiling water to blanche but do not allow it to get m ushy . Rem ov e and place in a bowl with som e sliced leeks. Puree 2 tom atoes with som e silky tofu, 1 clov e crushed garlic, about 2 tablespoons of strong soy sauce. Pour this m arinade ov er the swede and allow to sit for at least an hour before serv ing. Thanks to Melanie Dickenson, HA2 for this recipe idea! 2/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

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Creamy Swede and Bacon

1 swede 4 rashers bacon, rinded and chopped 4 0 g butter 2 tbsp single cream Salt and pepper Peel the swede and cut into sm allish cubes. Bring to the boil and then sim m er for approxim ately 1 5-2 0 m inutes, or until tender. Drain thoroughly . Heat half of the butter and fry the chopped bacon until it begins to crisp. Return the swedes to the pan and add the rest of the butter and the cream , m ashing until cream y . Season to taste with the salt and pepper and serv e im m ediately
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Spiced Roasted Swede and Onion

Lov ely with a Sunday roast. You can blitz up the leftov ers with som e stock to m ake soup! Serv es 6 8 50m l oliv e oil 1 swede, peel and cut into 3 cm cubes 2 onions, peeled and quartered 1 /2 tsp m ixed spice 6 garlic clov es Preheat ov en to 1 80C. Heat the oliv e oil in a roasting tin for 2 m inutes. Add the onions, swede, whole garlic clov es and spice,, turning to coat well. Roast for 1 hour, turning a couple of tim es, until swede is tender and has browned a bit. Keep an ey e on the onions to m ake sure they don't cook faster than the swede. Transfer to a serv ing dish and serv e, with a touch of salt, if it takes y our fancy .
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Indian Spiced Swede Cakes

These lov ely spiced cakes are perfect for a light lunch serv ed with salad, or as a starter or a party nibble. Makes about 1 2 1 5 cakes 3/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

1 swede, peeled and chopped 1 red onion, finely chopped 7 5g butter 2 garlic clov es, peeled and m inced 1 tsp ground cum in 2 tsp m ustard seeds 1 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp turm eric A pinch of chilli powder 2 00g breadcrum bs Oliv e or sunflower oil for fry ing Cook the swede in sim m ering, salted water for 2 0 m inutes or until soft. While it cooks, slowly fry the onions in 2 tbsp of the butter, until soft and caram elized this will take about 2 0 m inutes. Towards the end of cooking, add the spices and garlic and cook for a few m inutes m ore. Drain the swede in a siev e, let it sit and steam for a m om ent, then toss it and the rem aining butter in the pan with the onion and spices. Mash until sm ooth. Season with salt and plenty of black pepper. Then form into golf ball sized nuggets. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to y our breadcrum bs and spread into a dish. One by one, roll the balls into the breadcrum bs to coat, gently pressing the balls into flat little cakes. Drizzle enough oil in a fry ing pan to form a 1 cm lay er. Heat until quite hot and carefully add each cake. Cook until golden on each side, about 3 m inutes. Make sure the sides of the cakes get browned as well. Serv e warm with lim e wedges and natural y ogurt flecked with finely chopped fresh m int and garlic.
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Swede & Carrot Mash

1 swede, peeled and diced 500g carrots, washed and diced 50g butter 1 tablespoon honey teaspoon grated nutm eg Juice of 1 lem on 4/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

Salt and pepper to taste Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil ov er a high heat. Add the swede and carrot and cook them until they are tender, about 1 0-2 0 m inutes, and drain. Add the butter, honey , lem on juice and nutm eg and m ash together with a m asher, or pure in a food processor.
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Roasted Root Vegetables with Honey & Cumin

3 onions, quartered 3 large carrots, halv ed and cut into 1 0cm (4 ") lengths 4 large parsnips, halv ed and cut into 1 0cm (4 ") lengths 1 swede, peeled and cut into batons, 1 fingers width and length 8 clov es garlic, unpeeled 6 0m l oliv e oil 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon whole cum in seeds Salt and pepper to taste Optional: sprinkling of chopped fresh parsley to serv e Place the v egetables and the unpeeled garlic in a large baking dish, drizzle with the oil and honey , sprinkle with the cum in seeds, season with salt and pepper and toss to m ake sure they re coated. Bake in a 1 9 0C, 3 7 5F, Gas m ark 5 ov en for about 4 0 m inutes, until they are tender inside and golden brown.
ba ck t o t op

Jazzy Roast Roots

Here are a few super ideas to m ake y our roasted roots a bit funkier. Roast ing t ips: Pop y our roasting tin in the ov en when y ou preheat it (2 00C/gas 6 ). Cut y our v eg into good-sized hunks (think golf ball or a touch larger) they shrink when they cook. Season and coat in oil. Tum ble the dressed roots into the hot tin and cook until golden and crisp. Check and shake the pan ev ery 1 5m ins or so. Jazzing t hem up: Asian-st y ling grate ov er som e fresh ginger as soon as y ou'v e rem ov ed the hot roots from the ov en. Drizzle with 5/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

a bit of soy sauce and honey . Toss with toasted sesam e seeds. Finish with fresh coriander or basil. Middle East pit t as pile warm roasted roots into houm ous-filled pitta breads. Top with a dollop of y ogurt and fresh m int or salad. Healt h food shop toss y our roasted roots into a batch of freshly m ade bulgar wheat or couscous. Dress with herbs and lots of lem on juice and zest.
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Roots Manoeuvre Curry

Shift those roots with this easy , any thing goes num ber. Try 3 or 4 roots: beetroot, swede, parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, celeriac, carrots... Prep tim e: 2 0 m ins Cooking tim e: about 1 hour Serv es 4 -6 A good few splashes of oil 6 large handfuls of peeled and diced (3 -4 cm ) root v eg 2 heaped tsp cum in seeds 2 heaped tsp coriander seeds 1 heaped tsp fennel seeds 2 tsp ground turm eric 1 large onion, roughly chopped 4 large garlic clov es, roughly chopped 1 green chilli, roughly chopped (use less for less heat) 1 thum b-sized piece of fresh ginger, roughly chopped 1 tin of chopped tom atoes 1 tin of coconut m ilk 2 cinnam on sticks Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 lim e A handful of fresh coriander Preheat the ov en to 2 00C/Gas 6 . Pop one large or two sm all roasting tins in the ov en to heat up; roots need room to crisp. Toss chopped roots into a bowl. Coat with oil, season. When the pans are hot, add the v eg. Shake to distribute ev enly . 6/7


Swede recipes. Recipe ideas for swede from Abel & Cole

Roast for 4 5 m ins. Toast the cum in, coriander and fennel seeds in a dry fry ing pan for a m in or two, until fragrant. Grind to a rough powder. Mix in the turm eric. Set aside. Put the onion, garlic, chilli and ginger in a blender. Pure. Ov er m edium -low tem p, heat a splash of oil in a pan and fold in the spices. Fry for a m in. Add the paste. Stir frequently for about 5 m ins, until the paste is soft, fragrant and reduced in v olum e. Add m ore oil, if needed. Stir in the tom atoes and coconut m ilk. Add the cinnam on. Sim m er, stir constantly . Season. Pour the sauce ov er the roasting v eg. Bake uncov ered for 2 0 m ins, till the roots are tender and the sauce thickened. Finish with lim e juice and fresh coriander leav es. Gorgeous with basm ati rice, a dollop of y ogurt, and toasted nuts.
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