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Wragg 1

Kurtis Wragg Writing 37 / Lynda Haas February 2, 2014 The Objecti e !ind "t is #$ten di$$icu%t t# %##& 'ast a 'ers#n(s #uter she%% yet it is a necessity t# d# s# t# understand the)* The Sign of the Four, by +rthur ,#nan -#y%e, i%%ustrates h#. the c%ass structure that resided in /ict#rian 0ra L#nd#n, inhibited its 'e#'%e* 1et in 12 th century L#nd#n, the c%ass structures that resided se'arated the 'e#'%e #$ L#nd#n* The c#))#n )an .#r&ed #r atte)'ted t# $ind .#r& in $act#ries t# insure his $a)i%y(s sur i a% .hi%e his &ids .#r&ed the streets de%i ering te%egra)s* 3Free)an4 +s Oscar Wi%de stated, 5There is #n%y #ne c%ass in the c#))unity that thin&s )#re ab#ut )#ney than the rich, and that is the '##r* The '##r can thin& #$ n#thing e%se*63Oscar4 -ue t# the industria% re #%uti#n under.ay, the dense%y '#'u%ated city #$ L#nd#n beca)e # er'#'u%ated %ea ing the c%ass #n%y the s%u)s t# reside* +%% c#)bined, the c#))#n )an .as ign#red by the #ther c%asses and .ere %e$t t# their #.n de ices t# sur i e* This %ed t# a rise in cri)e and an interest in the )ystery genre a)#ng citi7ens* -#y%e .r#te #$ a )aster)ind detecti e, 1her%#c& H#%)es, .h# s'ent his ti)e s#% ing c#)'%e8 )urder )ysteries* He is ab%e t# disregard the c#))#n stere#ty'es #$ the ti)e 'eri#d t# insure his #bjecti e judg)ent is )aintained* "n the )ystery n# e%s -#y%e created, 1her%#c& H#%)es e)'%#ys the c%ass in #rder t# $urther enhance his detecti e ca'abi%ities and get t# the b#tt#) #$ the )ystery* + c#n enti#n #$ H#%)es is his abi%ity t# see 'ast the segregati#n that resides in the /ict#rian 0ra streets #$ L#nd#n t# $urther his detecti e ca'abi%ities* +%th#ugh cast #$$ by the a erage 'ers#n in /ict#rian 0ra L#nd#n, H#%)es %##&s 'ast the s#cia% n#r)s in #rder t# s#% e his cases* +cc#rding t# F%ec&, 5!e)bers #$ the .#r&ing c%ass did

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n#t genera%%y #.n 'r#'erty, .ere n#t .e%% educated, and .ere %arge%y e8c%uded $r#) the '#%itica% 'r#cess*63F%ec&4 H#%)es sees 'ast the c%ass structure that creates the se'arati#n bet.een the c%ass t# $urther his cases( de e%#')ent* 1her%#c& e8'%#its their abi%ity t# 5$%y under the radar6 in an atte)'t t# $ind the stea)shi', +ur#ra, in the n# e% The Sign of the Four* His abi%ity t# d# s# a%%#.s hi) t# #bser e and detect in )u%ti'%e '%aces at #nce and g# s#) he c#u%dn(t .ith#ut e8'#sing hi)se%$* The c%ass structure that %e$t the "rregu%ars cast #$$ $r#) the c#))#n )an, a%s# a%%#.ed the) t# be in the city .ith#ut raising sus'ici#ns* "n a c#n ersati#n that H#%)es has .ith Wats#n, .hi%e they are deter)ining their c#urse #$ acti#n, Wats#n states, 5(!y dear $e%%#., it .#u%d be a c#%#ssa% tas&* 1he )ay ha e t#uched at any .har$ #n either side #$ the strea) bet.een here and 9reen.ich* :e%#. the bridge there is a 'er$ect %abyrinth #$ %anding;'%aces $#r )i%es* "t .#u%d ta&e y#u days and days t# e8haust the) i$ y#u set ab#ut it a%#ne(6 3<24* 1her%#c& needs the he%' #$ the :a&er 1treet "rregu%ars* With#ut the), his cases .#u%d strugg%e t# brea& gr#und due t# the %ac& #$ )an ' needed* H#%)es; as a .e%%; &n#.n inte%%ectua%; is ab%e t# ana%y7e a situati#n and $#r)u%ate a '%an ign#ring the 'redeter)ined judg)ents #$ the 12th century citi7ens #$ L#nd#n* He rec#gni7es .hat is needed and s#% es the 'r#b%e) disregarding the standards that #$ten inter$ere .ith success* The '##r #r 5/ict#rian age L#nd#n(s sca engers6 strugg%ed as the u''er and )idd%e c%asses 'r#s'ered* 3Free)an4 =ea%i7ing that .ith a s)a%% in est)ent he c#u%d e)'%#y a .#r& $#rce #$ his #.n, he used the :a&er 1treet "rregu%ars t# )a&e head.ay #n his case* With a sing%e shi%%ing in the 'a%) #$ each hand #$ a gr#u' #$ :a&er 1treet "rregu%ars H#%)es re)ar&ed, 5("$ the %aunch is ab# e .ater they .i%% $ind her(63<74* H#%)es asserti e attitude and 'resence #$ c#n$idence .ith the "rregu%ars sh#.s his trust and res'ect $#r the)* He %##&ed 'assed the c#n enti#na% ie. #$ their

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uni)'#rtance and sa. their true abi%ities* The c%ass b#undaries that the '#'u%ati#n #$ L#nd#n u'h#%d d#n(t %i)it H#%)es because he $#r)u%ates his #.n #'ini#n based #n $acts* The scienti$ic and )eth#dica% 'r#cess H#%)es has estab%ished t# $#r)u%ate #'ini#n a%%#.s hi) t# #bjecti e%y ie. the c%ass and thereby use the) t# his ad antage in his case de e%#')ent* +$ter rea%i7ing he .#u%d be unab%e t# s#% e his case a%#ne he %##&s t# his undergr#und '#%ice $#rce, 5>?#u re)e)ber the :a&er 1treet di isi#n #$ the detecti e '#%ice $#rce .h#) " e)'%#yed in the @e$$ers#n H#'e caseA( (We%%,( said ", %aughing* (This is just the case .here they )ight be in a%uab%e* "$ they $ai% " ha e #ther res#urces, but " sha%% try the) $irst* That .ire .as t# )y dirty %itt%e %ieutenant, Wiggins, and " e8'ect that he and his gang .i%% be .ith us be$#re .e ha e $inished #ur brea&$ast(6 3<24* H#%)es straight $#r.ard and 'r#$essi#na% ch#ice #$ .#rds sh#.s res'ect .hi%e Wats#n i%%ustrates the ie.s #$ the a erage citi7en, .h# .#u%d %augh at the th#ught #$ the c%ass being he%'$u%* H#%)es( res'ect .as i%%ustrated thr#ugh his c%assi$icati#n #$ the :a&er 1treet "rregu%ar %eader as %ieutenant* +dditi#na%%y, he re$ers t# hi) by na)e that he t##& the ti)e t# re)e)ber it* Wats#n ad#'ted the inter'retati#ns #$ the /ict#rian 0ra(s genera% '#'u%ati#n %ea ing hi) at a disad antage c#)'ared t# H#%)es* When the :a&er street irregu%ars enter their a'art)ent a$ter recei ing a te%egra) $r#) H#%)es; as&ing $#r their assistance; Wats#n describes h#. #ne b#y st##d in $r#nt #$ hi)* 5One #$ their nu)ber, ta%%er and #%der than the #thers, st##d $#r.ard .ith an air #$ %#unging su'eri#rity .hich .as ery $unny in such a disre'utab%e %itt%e scarecr#.*63B24 He is unab%e t# see their true abi%ities and #n%y sees the $i%tered 'icture #$ their e8istence* His descri'ti#n #$ the gr#u' $ai%s t# see the #rgani7ati#n and ca'ita%i7es #n his 'hysica% attributes that )a&e hi) see) insigni$icant* Further)#re it disregards the e8istence #$ structure a)#ng the gr#u' that #b i#us%y has a %eader and a set hierarchy that .#u%d suggest t# a )aster)ind detecti e, such as !r* 1her%#c& H#%)es,

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the 'resence #$ re%iabi%ity and res'#nsibi%ity* H#%)es is ab%e t# ana%y7e in$#r)ati#n #bjecti e%y, and there$#re is c#)'%ete%y unbiased .ith his $indings* "n /ict#rian 0ra L#nd#n the c%ass b#undaries that had estab%ished a di ide bet.een the, )idd%e, and u''er c%asses .ere ign#red by H#%)es* :ecause #$ this, the true abi%ities and use$u%ness #$ a%% in$#r)ati#n and 'e#'%e .ere un ei%ed thr#ugh his scienti$ic 'r#cess* He uti%i7es the irregu%ars due t# the c%ass b#undaries that disc#nnect the) $r#) )#st #ther citi7ens and a%%#. the) t# g# unn#ticed because #$ his need t# s#% e the case .ith#ut the #$$ender(s &n#.%edge #$ their 'resence* L#nd#n(s c%ass b#undaries that the '#'u%ati#n u'h#%d d#n(t %i)it H#%)es because he $#r)u%ates his #.n #'ini#n based #n $acts* L##&ing t# the current )eth#ds #$ cri)e scene in estigati#n the use #$ $actua% e idence is the s#%e s#urce $#r in estigat#r(s $indings e)'hasi7ing the i)'#rtance #$ unbiased detecti es*

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W#r&s ,ited 1* -#y%e, +rthur ,#nan* The Sign of the Four* Chi%ade%'hiaD @*:* Li''inc#tt, 1E20* Crint* 2* F%ec&, -anita* F!#re +b#ut***F More About... G*'*, n*d* Web* 13 !ar* 2014* Hhtt'D//ga%%ery*sjsu*edu/'aris/s#cia%Ic%asses/*ht)%J* 3* Free)an, Ke%sey* F0ng%ish /ict#rian 1#ciety*F English Victorian Society* Tra$t#n +cade)y, 13 -ec* 1227* Web* 0B Feb* 2014* 4* FOscar Wi%de*F :rainyKu#te*c#)* L'%#re "nc, 2014* 12 !arch 2014* htt'D//...*brainyMu#te*c#)/Mu#tes/Mu#tes/#/#scar.i%de32<<4B*ht)%

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