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Name: Submit Time:


24th January 2010

Round 4 Mechanical Sudoku

25 minutes
Points Check1 Check2 # of tiles correctly placed Complete Solution Total Time Bonus Grand Total 150 50 200

Conducted by TechFest, IIT Bombay in association with

Indian Sudoku Championship 2010

Round4 - Mechanical

Indian Sudoku Championship 2010

Round4 - Mechanical

Indian Sudoku Championship 2010

Round4 - Mechanical

Name: Diagonal Sudoku Fill in the grid so that each row / column / 3x3 box / diagonal contains the digits 1-9 exactly once.

4 3 6 8 1 2 5 4 1 7 2 1 5 3 8 6 1 2 9 8 4

Indian Sudoku Championship 2010

Round4 - Mechanical

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