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1he 8all made by you, for you.

Pl, my name ls Anna Pughes and l am a flrsL year sLudenL sLudylng for a degree ln Muslc.
1he poslLlon of ChrlsL Church CommemoraLlon 8all resldenL has been someLhlng LhaL l
have asplred Lo slnce arrlvlng here ln Cxford. l absoluLely adore Lhls college and see lL as my
duLy Lo dellver Lhe besL ball Cxford has ever seen! l can'L Lhlnk of anyLhlng beLLer Lhan belng
able Lo organlse Lhe blggesL and besL parLy for Lhe greaLesL Cxford College.

Why choose me?
Pead of Lhe CommlLLee for Lhe
naLlonal ?ouLh CrchesLra of CreaL
8rlLaln 2012 Leavers' 8all.
Soclal secreLary for a number of
muslcal organlsaLlons.
Worked wlLh muslclans such as u!
SwlLch (wlnner of Lhe World u!
Champlonshlps ln consecuLlve
years) and nlco Muhly, and
secured Lhem for llve seLs.
ConnecLlons ln Lhe muslc lndusLry
glve me hope of securlng an
accompllshed headllnlng arLlsL
Peld organlsaLlonal roles for
hollday companles abroad.
lrlends wlLh 8alrelk Sral (owner of
yolosquared evenLs), so would
hope Lo Lhrow a greaL launch
parLy aL 8rldge.

My vlslon
l have provlded a llsL of flve poLenLlal Lhemes, one of whlch l
hope could dellver a ball appeals Lo everyone, and brlng close Lhe
!C8 and CC8 communlLles.
o Allce-ln-Wonderland
o Lmplre SLaLe of Mlnd (1he CreaL CaLsby)
o 1he Chamber of SecreLs ...
o Carden of Lden
o 8enalssance Lurope
urlnk? CollaboraLe wlLh Pouse bar for cockLalls and look Lo MoeL
for sponsorshlp
lood? All of your local gullLy pleasures would make an
appearance: Mlsslon 8urrlLo, noodle naLlon, ArLlsan lzza van,
8yron. (l would also puL emphasls on caLerlng for speclflc dleLary
novelLy? rovlde Lhe opLlon for people Lo arrlve by punL. Also
have hoL-alr balloons, Leacups, zorblng, dodgems, ferrls-wheel,
offlclal phoLographers and phoLo-booLhs.
CreaLlon of a ball App for llve updaLes
20 charlLy queue-[ump LlckeL - an addlLlonal supplemenL on Lop
of Lhe LlckeL prlce LhaL would go dlrecLly Lo Lhe local Sobell Pouse

roposed CommlLLee oslLlons:
vlce presldenL, Lreasurer, soclal medla rep, LlckeL rep,
llghL Lechnlclan, drlnk rep, food rep, muslc rep, enLz rep,
producLlon, arLlsLlc dlrecLor and seL deslgn, sponsorshlp
rep ...
voLe for me and l wlll
guaranLee !on Cleland ln
Lhe coconuL-shy!
roposer: 1homas leLhersLonhaugh
Seconder: 1om Pood

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