Tutorial6 Frictions

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` DEPARTMENTOFAPPLIEDMECHANICS INDIANINSTITUTEOFTECHNOLOGYMADRAS AM1100EngineeringMechanics Tutorial#6:FrictionsandApplications 1. If the coefficient of static friction at all contacting surfaces is s ,determinetheinclinationatwhichtheidenticalblocks,each ofweightW,begintoslide. 2.

2.The80kgboystandsonthebeamandpullsonthecordwith a force large enough to cause him to sleep. If s 0.4 , determinethefrictionalforcebetweenhisshoesandthebeam and the reactions at A and B. The beam is uniform and has a weight of 100 kg. Neglect the size of the pulleys and the thicknessofthebeam. 3. If the jack is required to lift the 200kg crate, determine the horizontal force that must be applied perpendicular to the handle at E. Each single square threaded screw has a mean diameterof25mmandaleadof7.5mm.Thecoefficientofstatic frictionis s 0.25 . 4.ColumnDissubjectedtoaverticalloadof8000Kg.Itissupportedon twoidenticalwedgesAandBforwhichthecoefficientofstaticfriction at the contacting surfaces between A and B and between B and C is If the forces P and P' are removed, are the wedges selflocking? The contactingsurfacebetweenAandDissmooth. 5. Blocks A and B have a mass of 100 kg and 150 kg, respectively.IfthecoefficientofstaticfrictionbetweenAand B and between B and C is s 0.25 and between the ropes 0.25 ,determinethesmallestforceF andthepegsDandE s neededtocausemotionofblockBifP=30N.

Dr. S. F. Ali for CRC 202

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