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Name: ________________________________________________ Homeroom: ____________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________ Subject:______________________________________

Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice

Performance Element

Significant display of Noticeable display of Minimal regard for No acknowledgement

safety; refrain from safety; refrain from safety guidelines; last of safety guidelines;
Safety using last name or any using last name and name or some last name or personal
personal information nominal personal personal information information included
information included included
Demonstrate control Standard display of Several errors in Numerous errors in
of conventions with knowledge in grammatical grammar; no
Grammatical Quality no errors; appropriate conventions and conventions; standard considerations for
sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure sentence conventions

Clear and purposeful Information relates to Minimal details Responses are not
examples, pertinent topic; understanding related to topic; relevant to the topic;
Relevance to Topic information, details of concept is statements are not little or no details are
and conclusions displayed supported by text included in response

Text-to-self Some real-life Description of text No display of

connections are examples are listed; only to support interpretation or
Evidence of made; ability to draw minimal connections answers; no connections are
Understanding conclusions are made or described inferences made evident

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