Con El Pronombre Personal Correcto) 7pts: Diagnostic Test 6 Grade

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Diagnostic test 6 grade

personal pronouns, Articles A or An, Verb to be, trslation into english and spanish
I- Rewrite the sentences with the correct personal pronoun (Reescribe la oracin
con el pronombre personal correcto) 7pts
Example: Mum is at home. She is at home.
1. Jhon is a boy _____________________________________
2. Pluto is a dog. ____________________________________
3 . Diana and ann are sisters ___________________________
4. Daisy is my friend. _________________________________
5. You and Rose are vets. _____________________________
6. Mr Medina is 20. ___________________________________
7 . Hamburgers are delicious. ___________________________
II- Write a or an before each name (escribe a o an antes de cada nombre)





___ Parrot




III- Complete the sentences with. AM, IS or ARE? Complete la oracin con am, is
or are
1 They _______ on holiday.
2 This letter _______ for you.
3 Ben _______ on the phone.

4 I _______ in the garden!

5 Mum and dad _______ in the kitchen.
6 You and I __________friends
IV- Translate into Spanish (Traduzca al spanish)
1. My mother is in house
2. You and I are pupils
3. Diego is small

V- Translate intoEnglish (Traduzca al English)

1. Ella es grande
2. Nosotros estamos en la escuela
3. Esto es un lapiz

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