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LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT OF THE CLUTHA MATA AU RIVER LANDSCAPE, CENTRAL OTAGO DISTRICT for the Clutha Parkway Steering Group JUNE 2006 Landscape Assessment of the (Clutha Mata Au River Landscape Anne Steven Registered Landscape Architect Wanaka B ‘Third Report forthe (Clutha Parkway Steering Group June 2006 Landscape Assessment of the ‘Clutha Mata Au River Landscape Contents PART1 AND 2 ray 12 13 24 22 23 24 25 268 27 28 29 PART3 PART 4 4a 42 43 PARTS 5A 52 53 ba 55 58 PARTS ea 62 63 cy 65 66 EXECUTWE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY Study Background ‘Stugy Ares Report Stucture Purposes of Assossment Method ‘Approach ‘Study Lirations Glossary of Terms ‘The Messing of Natural Character Rivers as Natural Features Meaning of ‘Outstanding Natural Meaning of Marain ‘THE CLUTHA RIVER LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION Introduction ‘Approach Landscape Character Areas and River Sections Section Ceseriptions NATURAL CHARACTER, Intodueton Natural Character ofthe Cltha River Natural Character ofthe Primary Setting ‘Threat Natural Characor Processes of Landscape Change to Retain and Enhance Natural Character Vuinerabe River Landscapes OUTSTANDING NATURAL LANDSCAPE Introduction Fladings Lite of Assessment ‘Comparison wth Other Landscape ‘Aseesemonts ‘Status ofRiver Landscape Sections not ‘Meeting Outstanding Criteria (Outstanding Natural River Landscapes 64 61 ei 4 2 62

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