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Secondary Lesson Plan Template

Date: February 24, 2014 Title: Building Expression through Fantasy on a Russian Air Description (1-2 sentences): As part of the music standards, students are asked to make expressi e decisions based on historical context, genre, and style! "his lesson plan elicits student responses to #uestions presented to them regarding musicality for impro ement of Fantasy on a Russian Air! Subject: Band Instruction time: 10$02 % 10$&0 Students le el by !rade: 'th (rade Standard(s) to be addressed: )afme *tandards$ 2! +erforming on instruments, alone and ,ith others, a aried repertoire of music &! -eading and notating music .! /istening to, analy0ing, and describing music 1! E aluating music and music performances Learnin! "bjecti es #or t$is lesson (%ritten usin! erbs #rom &looms Ta'onomy): *tudents ,ill make expressi e decisions based on historical context, genre, and style Plans #or di##erentiation: For aural learners, listening ,ill be pro ided! For isual learners, ,atching the music ,ill help! (roup discussion ,ill also be incorporated for cooperati e learners! Speci#ic resources needed #or t$is lesson: 2usic, baton, computer, recording de ice, speakers Lesson Se(uence: 3arm up on scales and thirds for$ 4, F, Bb, Eb, and Ab ma5or, then play f minor scale 4heck transition at 16 to help percussion figure out parts % on Friday, there ,ere still issues ,ith ,ho is playing ,hich part +lay through piece and record *tudents ,ill ,atch their music as the recording of them is playing back 7iscuss expression section by section % ho, could this be more expressi e8 3hy do you say that8 +lay through ,ith suggestions % students can make decisions as to ,hich ,hy is better and defend ans,er )ssessment +lay through section again using expressi e decisions and listen to make sure those decisions are implemented!

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