Day 2 Continued

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L Goniinue{ong g"lTgriql lya untii you urd un at the f;arthrrstcar park.

WAf carelulty down

a slepeto Bells hpids. Grosstfre foot bridge over the r4id$ You nou haw about an hour to
an hour and a haff to go. S's nally only a H over 4 kms

Li k you shp off Ere bridgetum immediablyR onto the rdk lnck nert to tre river. For the
) fitst zllltds of tre rray the tnck is cl9q, arp firen wispy-butrisible. The simRlerule is to
keeplhe rirer on you-rimmeciate.dht, rr""iii-g r-".trr, nith a ftnce tine t. i"rrl. n
""iG If it is a mttrt day then ftont end watkersbe
mt t€ caruful to uatch your footing in prts.
neryectfrtiof ffie odd smke taking a rq in ilre rarmth. Thele are a coupleof occasional
pink dbbons on bushesto indicatetou arc going l{n dght ray. It is preig and soothing with
the munds of ilre river.

tYtrentou go under ioiie oveiheadlinr* ad nnclr a liilgc clirft-d areaon your left, p#s tftis
and look ahcnd,and ahout 100 metresalong your line look ahendand you canseethe car
part- It hasbeena uorilry walk.Grossa sndl gully and rdk ilrto the -BBearca of the Lower
GarPark. Up ilre shirs is a tap with drinking vater, and toilcils.

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