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ttl the backpackplight asposstbte anddres tighily.Thefirst partto the

'nortlernborderof tYatyunga
]lationd Parkwill traiesomesteepplrts. Stand
rarned-But enjoysomeroveryvierrs,ils tou takea breather,

At 25kms from Gt, llorthern ffi, beforethe paystation,transport

walkcrsontothe Kan_garoo will drop
Trail,whereyouturnl ontoa widesandytrac[.tonow
thisto a signedjunction,andtakea L ontothe EchidnaTrail.Whenyou
crossroad reictr a
turn R andstat onthe EchidmTrail. Younou hegln.r."o-dilg. Ai the top
evertuallyyouwill passtte KingfisherTrail on yourrighl Gostraiglil
Echidna aiead-on

Furuteralongthe signindicates
the EchidnagoingR.Followit until it hits a T
iunction.TurnL alongthe fencelinefor rso mefr+ *u vouwill seea gate
(markeduith ar onrngeribbon)which not ncre4 anr
property.TheownerJockCloughhasgirenT in t"t you irto prvate
us permbsionto walf ihrougn.Fnase
makesuruthe gateb closedbehindus.

F_rom thc gate,cross_di'agonally

R to the fencelineonthe Eastboundary,
alongside sW
the fence_(atout
a km)ail l{reray to the tro bottomgates,(similarty
marlrcd)'andexit diagonally upto Shadyttitt Rd.TurnL andcontinueto Clarkson
Rd'Followthb into whatis nowTaylorRd.wtrereraytor na. makesa R,ignore
Asy-oupassRhr Rd-,at theiunctionof TaylorandSmithRds,youwill see
roadasfunindicatinga "bridletrail'. Jumpontothb anilhauei smoothand overthe
walkthroughto tleadontrookRamble. Tuln R into GhitteringRd.all the wayto
'^'l*ry Bestiilo {r:t24 GhitteringRd.)anra weil eunedrest,-rneret
Skrmto rallg andthe viewb refieshing.Becautiouson ilris road. "o* o'nrv


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i storrvNits-
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srARr E\quas Ele- vrtw

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