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Date and Standards Jan 21-31

Standard 6
Students will understand the structure and function of the United States government established by the Constitution.

Content/Topics/Essential Questions The Constitution What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How did the Constitution change the government of the United States? Who were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists? What are the three branches of government and how do they function?

Skills and Activities Read and analyze primary source document Identify key individuals and their contributions George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton Identify key terms and their significance Shays Rebellion, Constitutional Convention, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Great Compromise, Three-Fifths Compromise, amendment, Bill of Rights Compare the arguments in favor of the Constitution and those against. Identify the powers and responsibilities of the three branches of government Legislative, Executive and Judicial Define the Federalist and Republican political parties and explain why they were formed Compare the political views of the Federalists and Republicans Graphic organizer Make connections about early political parties in history to those of today (how are they the same? How are they different?) Read and watch political debates Identify territory gained by the Louisiana

Assessments Mock legislative process (pass a classroom rule) Write a comparative essay about the two opposing sides (Federalists and Anti-federalists) Historical head assignment (identify key individual and contributions) Checks and Balances sorting quiz (three columns with a word bank of powers and rights)

Feb 3-Feb 14
Standard 7
Students will explore the territorial growth of the United States before the Civil War.

Standard 8
Students will examine the expansion of the political system and social rights before the Civil War. Objective 1 Investigate the development of the American political party system.

The Jefferson Era-Chapters 8 and 9 Thomas Jefferson and the peaceful transfer of political power The Louisiana Purchase-beginning of western expansion International relations and conflict War of 1812 Questions: How was the Republican controlled government different from the Federalist controlled government? What was the impact of the

Political debate-teams choose an issue from current events or history and argue in favor or against it. Mock presidential election Role-play- choose side of the War Hawks or those against the War of 1812 and argue in favor of your side. Create itinerary and map of Lew and Clark expedition

Louisiana Purchase? What were the challenges to the nations stability during the late 1700s and early 1800s? What were the causes of the War of 1812? How did the war impact/benefit the new nation?

Purchase and western lands that were explored by Lewis and Clark Compare maps from before and after Explain the benefits of the purchase Evaluate: was it okay for Jefferson to purchase the territory? Explain the causes of the War of 1812 Identify effects Evaluate whether or not war was justified. Compare those in favor of war and those against-graphic organizer

Feb 18-28
Standard 7
Students will explore the territorial growth of the United States before the Civil War.

Economic Growth and Expansion-Chapter 10 Industrial Revolution and New Technology Westward Expansion Transportation technology-roads, railroads and canals Nationalism/Patriotism Questions: What was the economic system of the United States? How did technology impact the

Define the Industrial Revolution Identify new technology and the benefits Make connections to your life today-What technologies benefit your life and what would it be like without them? Explain how technology helped expansion in the west Define the terms Nationalism and Patriotism What did they mean then? What do they mean now?

Student created/group presentation on Industrial Revolution technology Cause and Effect chart on industrial revolution technology

Define nationalism/patriotism and demonstrate them by finding and discussing modern examples of the concept

growth of the economy and nation? How did transportation technology help with westward expansion? What is nationalism and what role did it play in the early growth of the nation?

Journal writing and discussions

Mar 3-Mar 10
Standard 8
Students will examine the expansion of the political system and social rights before the Civil War. Objective 1 Investigate the development of the American political party system.

The Jackson Era-Chapter 11 Presidential campaigns-elections of 1824 and 1828 New political parties-Jacksonian Democrats Nullification Crisis Westward Expansion-Indian Removal Act Questions: How did presidential campaigns change? What were the political beliefs of President Jackson and his party? What was the Nullification Crisis and how was it resolved? How did Jacksons presidency affect westward expansion and the lives of the Native Americans? Why did Jackson oppose a national bank? Manifest Destiny-Chapter 12 Defining Manifest Destiny Complete westward expansion The Independence of Texas

Compare the ideas of the new political party (Jacksonian Democrats) to previous parties. Identify tactics used by politicians to win elections

Political parties graphic organizerlist parties, ideas/beliefs, key people and date of when they were founded

Multiple perspectives- write a journal entry from the point of Define and predict view of a Native American being What is the Nullification Crisis and driven from your land by the how would affect the future of the Indian Removal Act United States? Watch modern political debates Evaluate: What were the reasons behind the and identify the tactics used Indian Removal Act? What were the effects? Were there any benefits?

March 11-27

Examine and compare maps from different eras Revolutionary War Louisiana Purchase

Argumentative essay or debate: was the U.S. justified in going to war with Mexico?

Standard 7
Students will explore the territorial growth of the United States before the Civil War.

War with Mexico California, Oregon Territory and Utah Slave States vs. Free States

Pre-Mexican-American War Post Mexican-American War Read and analyze journal entries of pioneers that traveled westward Debate on the justification of Manifest Destiny- read/compare viewpoints from Albert Gallatin and John L. Sullivan Determine what events and ideologies caused the war with Mexico

Historical interview: Imagine you will interview Gallatin and Sullivan, write down questions and summarize their arguments in a newspaper article Write a comparative essay/paper comparing the perspectives of the Mexicans and Americans during the war (2-3 paragraphs)

Questions: What is Manifest Destiny and how did it affect the growth of the United States? In what ways did the United States obtain new territory? What impact did the independence of Texas have on the United States? What were the causes of the Mexican-American War? What role did slavery play in the expansion of the United States

Timeline showing the key events Multiple perspectives-read accounts about leading up to the Mexican War the war from American and Mexican End of the term exam-multiple viewpoints-watch videos on the Nios choice and short answer Heroes (share photos and experience of my visit to Mexico City and the Castillo de Chapultepec) Describe the effects of the war on the United States and on Mexico. Predict: how would the war with Mexico lead to the Civil War

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