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To all incoming HBAs, Save the Date Pre-Ivey Workshops will be running at Ivey between August 27th and

d August 28th 2!"#$ These workshops are available in both Financial Accounting and Excel. These workshops are not a requirement or incoming HBA students, but rather an option or those who eel the! will be better prepared or the HBA" !ear with a quantitative skill re resher. The material presented in each of these courses will not be taught in your HBA 1 courses, rather they are meant to give you the knowledge base that is required to take accounting and excel concepts to the next level of learning.

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A--ounting (e.resher /0al. Day1 This one#da! workshop will re resh !our knowledge o the inancial accounting skills learned during !our B$%&&'( course including a review o the accounting basics through to building the inancial statements. The expectation in HBA " is that !ou have sound knowledge o inancial statement assembl! and anal!sis. This course will be made available only to those students with less than 78% in their BUS 2257 class. )2-el, 3eyond the 4unda5entals /4ull Day1 This one#da! workshop reviews basic excel navigation, unctions and graphing. )ou will also be introduced to more advanced unctions including* navigating large data sets, sensitivit! anal!sis such as goal seek variable data tables, hlookup, vlookup, pivot tables + charts and conditional statements. ,astl!, !ou will be introduced to and required to appl! several anal!tical excel unctions such as standard deviation, correlation, normal distribution and linear regression.

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". -nline .egistration will take place or all incoming students starting on 7uly 22 2!"#. Further details regarding registration process will be made available the end o /une through email. &. .egistration with ull pa!ment closes 4riday August 2 2!"# with no re unds a ter Frida!, August 0, &1"2. 3a!ment is through credit card or mone! order. .egistration is sub4ect to availabilit!. 5ost or the full day excel course is 8"2!$!! 9 0S*. 5ost or the half day accounting course is 8:!$!! 9 0S*$ 5ourse 5osts include all course materials and a morning and a ternoon snack. Workshops will take pla-e in the new building o. the Ivey 3usiness S-hool

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