5th Grade Unit Plan

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The Big idea

How can we make Art using technology? Supporting Standards 1. 9.4.5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 1. 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 1. 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. 2. 9. .5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 2. 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 2. 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. 2. 9.4.5 A Identify uses of expressive symbols that show philosophical meanings in works in the arts and humanities (e.g., American TV ads versus Asian TV ads). 3. 9. .5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 3. 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 3. 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

Learning Objectives/Enduring Understandings

1. Students will use chalk pastels, iphoto, and photoshop to create their own Scream backgrounds and portraits 2. Students will use iphoto to create Andy Warhol prints 3. Students will use clay and ipads to create 2 minute stop motion animation videos

Essential Questions: guide, focus, and extend teaching and learning

1. How does using computer technology change the feeling of the Scream portraits? 2. How does an image change when you mix medias together? 3. How can we use both clay and and iPad to create an animation?

Unit Plan outline Title of unit: Using Technology to create Art Grade level: 5 Materials: iPads Vocabulary: Photoshop, iphoto, Stop Motion, Portrait, Andy Warhol, Edvard Munch, clipping tool, snipping tool, emotion, Animation, contrast, negative space, POP Art Essential Questions: -What are ways that we use technology? -What kinds of technology do we use at home and at school? -Have you ever used technology to create art, if so, what kind? -How could we combine both handmade Art and digitally made Art? -How do we represent emotions with colors? -How does an Andy Warhol portrait differ from the portraits of Realist painters? -What makes a portrait? -What is an animation? -How do we show emotion in a portrait? Supporting standards: 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 9. .5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. 9.4.5 A Identify uses of expressive symbols that show philosophical meanings in works in the arts and humanities (e.g., American TV ads versus Asian TV ads). This is a unit introducing the students to the many possibilities they have to create art using the modern day technology that is around them everyday. Technology is becoming something that is used by students everyday in school and at home. This unit will show the students how they can use this technology to create works of Art. Objective 1: Students will make their own hand drawn Scream background using chalk pastels Standard(s): 9.4.5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others.

Essential Questions: -What is an emotion? -What are some emotions that we can feel? -How can we show emotion in a drawing? -How can we show emotion in a portrait? -What are some colors that we can use to show different emotions? -Why do you think that Edvard Munch chose to represent his emotions this way? Lesson Sequence:

Teacher Actions
!"ather students on the car#et $%& seconds' !(egin the lesson by asking the students) *+hat is an emotion,- $ minute' !*+hat are some emotions that we can .eel,- $ minute'

Expected Learner Actions

!0tudents will come into the classroom and gather on the car#et !0tudents will raise their hands to res#ond to what an emotion is !0tudents will raise their hands to gi2e some e5am#les o. emotions. 0ome may include) ha##y) sad) angry) e5cited) etc. !0tudents will raise their hands to gi2e e5am#les o. ways that artists can show emotion in their work !0tudents will raise their hands i. they ha2e heard o. the #ainting !0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e e5am#les o. what they think is ha##ening in the work o. art !0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e e5am#les o. what they think e5#ressionist artists did in their artwork !0tudents will sit 8uietly on the car#et and listen

!*/ow can we show emotion in a work o. Art,- $ minute' !Ask the students) *+ho has seen or heard o. the .amous *0cream- #ainting by 1d2ard 3unch,- $%& seconds' !Ask the students) *(y looking at this work o. Art) what do you think is ha##ening in this #iece,- $4 minutes' !15#lain to the students that 1d2ard 3unch was an e5#ressionist artist) and ask the students what they think e5#ressionist artists6 did in their work $% minutes' !15#lain to the students that 1d2ard 3unch was de#icting the emotion 7An5ious6) and that e5#ressionist artists used their artwork to re#resent emotions with

their linework and color choice $4 minutes' !Ask students) *9. 9 say the word ha##y) what are some colors that we could use to re#resent it, *0ad-) *15cited-) *:er2ous- minute' !0how the students the teaching sam#le) and introduce the students to the beginning #rocess $oil #astel background' o. the #roject. $ minute' ! 15#lain to the students that when they .inish their background) they may use their com#uter to take their #hoto on #hotosho#) and show the students the e..ects that they are to choose .rom) and the #osition that they should stand in $4 minutes' !Ask students i. they ha2e any 8uestions) and allow them to go to their seats to begin working $ minute' !Allow students to begin working on their #rojects. ;irculate the room) making sure that no students are ha2ing any trouble) and call students u# to take their #hoto on i#hoto $4& minutes' !<ell students that it is time to cleanu# $4 minutes' !0tudents will go to their seats and begin working !0tudents will work on their #rojects) raising their hands i. they ha2e any 8uestions. 0tudents will take their #hotos when they are called !0tudents will begin cleaning u#. <hey will #ut the oil #astels in the containers and lea2e them in the center o. the table) make sure their names and room numbers are on the back o. their artwork and #ile them in the middle o. the table) and make sure that all o. their #encils and erasers are in the bin !0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e colors that they think re#resents each emotion !0tudents will turn and .ace the screen to look at the teaching sam#le) sitting 8uietly and listening to the instructions

!Allow students to line u# when their tables !0tudents will lineu# when they are sitting are clean) and e2eryone is sitting 8uietly 8uietly in their seats $ minute' Reflection/Assessment: Teacher Evaluation and Student self-evaluation: Each student will write a description about what emotion they chose, and how the colors they used represent that emotion. The students will meet on the carpet and share their portraits with

the class, and explain their emotion and the colors that they chose to go along with that emotion.

Objective 2: Students will use photoshop to create a PopArt logo Standard(s): 9.4.5 D Visual Arts: Recognize that choices made by artists regarding subject matter and themes communicate ideas through works in the arts and humanities 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. 9.4.5 A Identify uses of expressive symbols that show philosophical meanings in works in the arts and humanities (e.g., American TV ads versus Asian TV ads). Essential Questions: -How can we use technology to create Art? -What is a logo? -What are some popular logos that we see everyday? -Who are some famous icons you see everyday? Lesson Sequence:

Teacher Actions

Expected Learner Actions

!"ather the students on the car#et $%& seconds' !Ask the students about some o. the #o#ular logos that they see e2eryday when they are out) on <V) at school) etc. $ minute' !+ho are some .amous icons that you see on <V) books) media e2eryday, $ minute' !9ntroduce #hotos o. Andy +arhol #o# art and ask the students what they notice about these images $% minutes' !15#lain to the students that Andy +arhol and other #o# artists used #o#ular culture to create their art. 3uch o. the #o# artists used bright colors in their works. $% minutes' !"o o2er the as#ects o. #hotosho# with the

!0tudents will sit on the car#et 8uietly) ready to listen !0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e e5am#les o. logos that they see

!0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e e5am#les o. icons who they see e2eryday !0tudents will raise their hands and tell what they notice about the images !0tudents will sit 8uietly and listen

students) and how the students will com#ose their #ortraits $<hey62e learned most o. the as#ects during the last lesson' $5 minutes' !Ask the students i. they ha2e any 8uestions $%& seconds' !Allow students to get their la#to#s by table) and go to their seats to begin working $4& minutes' !;irculate the room) hel#ing any students who need assistance !"i2e students a .i2e minute warning that it is time to cleanu# !0tudents will raise their hands i. they ha2e any 8uestions !0tudents will go to their tables 8uietly and begin working !0tudents will work on their #ortraits) raising their hands i. they need any hel# !0tudents will begin cleaning u#. 0tudents will take their la#to#s to the cart when their tables are called) #ut their #encils in the #encil bo5) and wait .or their tables to be called to lineu# !0tudents will lineu# 8uietly when their tables are called

!Allow students to lineu# when their tables are clean and they are ready

Objective 3: Create a stop motion animation using clay and ipads Standard(s): 9.4.5 A Identify uses of expressive symbols that show philosophical meanings in works in the arts and humanities (e.g., American TV ads versus Asian TV ads). 9.1.5 A Visual Arts: balance, contrast, emphasis/focal point, movement/rhythm, proportion/scale, repetitions, unity/harmony 9.1.5 J Apply traditional and contemporary technologies for producing, performing and exhibiting works in the arts or the works of others. Essential Question: -What are some things that we can do with clay? -How would we use clay to create a movie? -How many photos would it take to create Lesson Sequence:

Teacher Actions
!"ather students on the car#et !Ask the students what are some things that they can do with clay, $ minute' !0how the students the clay sto# motion animation youtube 2ideo $4 minutes' !Ask the students to raise their hands and tell how they think the 2ideo was made $ minute' !15#lain to the students that the 2ideo was made using a techni8ue called sto# motion) and ask what they think this may be $4 minutes' !15#lain to the students that the 2ideo was made by a #erson mo2ing the clay and taking a #icture o. each change in mo2ement that the clay made. $ minute' !Ask the students about how many #ictures do they think it would take to make one o. these 2ideos, $% seconds'

Expected Learner Actions

!0tudents will come into the classroom and gather on the car#et !0tudents will raise their hands and answer the 8uestion !0tudents will turn to .ace the #rojector and watch the sto# motion animation !0tudents will raise their hands and gi2e e5am#les o. how they think the 2ideo was made !0tudents will sit 8uietly and listen) raising their hands i. they ha2e any 8uestions

!0tudents will raise their hands and answer how many #hotos they think it would take

!Demonstrate how to use i3o2ie to create a !0tudents will sit 8uietly and listen) raising sto# motion with clay $ & minutes' their hands i. they ha2e any 8uestions !0how the students how to use the i#ads to take #ictures $4 minutes' !Ask students i. they ha2e any 8uestions $%& seconds' !15#lain to the students that they will use today to de2elo# an idea o. what their sto# motion 2ideo will be about) and to #ractice using i3o2ie. :e5t week they will be able to use the clay to begin their sto# motion 2ideos $ minute' !0tudents will raise their hands i. they ha2e any 8uestions

!Allow students to get their la#to#s by table !0tudents will get their la#to#s and go to when they are sitting 8uietly $ minute' their seats when their table is called !Allow students to begin working) walk around and assist any students who may need hel# $ 4 minutes' !"i2e students a 4 minute warning that it is time to cleanu#) tell them to #ut their la#to#s away when their table is called to lineu# !Allow students to lineu# when their tables are clean and 8uiet $5 minutes' !0tudents will work 8uietly) raising their hands i. they need any hel# !0tudents will begin cleaning u#. <hey will #ut their #encils and erasers in the #encil bo5) #ile their idea sheets in the middle o. the table) and shut down their la#to#s !0tudents will lineu# when their tables are 8uiet) #utting their la#to# away on their way to the line

Assessment: Teacher observation, Student self-evaluation Culminating Project- What are the different ways that we used technology and traditional Art materials to create a work of Art? End lesson


Description of each 4 3 2 1 criteria What student What student What student What student within will will will will the demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate lesson/u to receive a 4 to receive a 3 to receive a 2 to receive a 1 nit
Student Student used a associated color thinking with a emotion process to associate their color with an emotion Student somewhat used a thinking process to associate their emotion with colors Student chose an emotion, but did not use thought process to pick a complementary color Student randomly chose a color and a emotion without thought process

Student is able to verbalize why their color matches their emotion

Student used their description to explain how each color choice represents their emotion Student uses Student uses photobooth as only the filters directed that they were allowed to, and stays on task while using it Student Student understands the followed process of directions and clipping a properly used photo in the clipping photoshop tool in photoshop to cut themselves out of the photo

Students used their description to explain how one color represents their emotion Student uses only the filters that they were allowed to, and somewhat stays on task while using it Student somewhat stays on task uses the clipping tool to cut themselves out of the photo

Student used their description to tell what color and emotion they chose

Student has no explanation of their emotion and color choice

Student uses filters that they were not allowed to, and often drifts off task Student often drifts off task and cuts themselves out of the photo without care

Student was not on task, and often used filters that they were not instructed to use Student does not cut themselves out of the photo

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